You are looking for the best Zero Waste Apps? Then in this article I would like to introduce you to the best apps for plastic-free living, zero waste and sharing economy, with which you can easily produce less waste. Let's go!
The 12 Best Zero Waste Apps
A good zero waste app can also indirectly help to avoid waste and does not have to be directly recognizable as a zero waste app. A good zero waste app can also be from the sharing economy (borrowing things) or deal with the topic of zero waste. Plastic waste in the environment employ. All of these zero waste apps help us avoid waste. Here are my top 12 zero waste apps:

Too Good To Go is one of the zero waste apps you can use to Reduce food waste can. More than one-third of all food produced today is thrown away, even though it still has a shelf life or even though there are enough Tips for longer shelf life of food Gives. With Too Good Too Go, you have a Zero Waste app where participating stores offer their food and meals for free or for a low price before they are thrown away. Just select, pick up and enjoy. It's cheap, tasty and helps reduce food waste. The Too Good To Go app is available in both the AppStore and Google PlayStore.

Have you ever noticed how much waste you produce through magazines? Readly is one of many zero waste apps in that you can read the best magazines and journals from around the world in digital form. Digital is the key word - because it allows you to save paper and Avoid plastic waste. With the Readly app, you can read your favorite magazines online and offline on all your devices. Less waste, all magazines with you everywhere and more space in your pocket. A real advantage of digitalization. By the way, the Zero Waste app Readly is available for iOS and Android smartphones.

I have from Julian the book Vegan in Top Form by Brendon Brazier* received as a gift. He sent me the book via reBuy. The Zero Waste app is there to sell and buy used items quickly and easily. Especially with books, it is unnecessary that everyone buys the book new. So why not just buy the book used and offer it for sale again after reading it. So all parties can Save money and avoid material costs. For me, reBuy is really one of the best zero waste apps for these reasons. You can download the app reBuy in the AppStore and also in the Google PlayStore. By the way: You can not only sell and buy books there, but also many other used and cheap things like laptops, video games and movies.

Every year, a full 30 billion Plastic bottles with water sold. Only a few are recycled and end up in the garbage - which ends up in the sea or in a landfill. The prices for sold water in the trade can be up to 2000 times as high as tap water. For comparison: Would you buy an apple that costs 500 euros? Probably not. Luckily, there's a "Tap Refill Station" app that makes it easy to find out where you can refill your water bottle with tap water in your area. In Bristol, the city where the app was created, there are a whole 200 refill stations. But even in Germany, the app is now quite widespread, so you can find refill stations even in smaller towns. A great zero waste app that helps you save on plastic bottles. You can also tell which stores allow water refills by the stickers that can be placed on the door of the store. Tap Refill Station is one of the best zero waste apps because you can totally save a lot of waste just by replacing plastic bottles.

How many pieces of clothing are in your closet? What's at the bottom? Probably shirts and pants that you haven't worn in a long time. Kleiderkreisel is one of the zero waste apps where you can sell used fashion that you wouldn't wear anymore, easily and for free. With Kleiderkreisel you can save so much money, minimalist living and save raw materials for the production and transport of new fashion. Second-hand fashion is more in demand than ever and saves the environment and your wallet. The Zero Waste App from Kleiderkreisel is available for Android and iOS smartphones.

CodeCheck is a little harder to classify as a zero waste app, but since it helps you avoid microplastics and the waste of valuable raw materials, I'd like to include it. With the CodeCheck app, you simply scan the barcode of any product in the supermarket and get a direct evaluation of the ingredients. Contain for example Cosmetics microplastics or palm oil, this is immediately displayed as harmful to health or the environment. This helps you to keep an overview in the technical term jungle of product ingredients. You also find out whether the product is vegan or gluten-free and whether it contains parabens or too much sugar. CodeCheck also makes suggestions for healthy and environmentally friendly alternatives. In the article CodeCheck App, I conducted an interview with the people responsible for the app and explained CodeCheck's Zero Waste app in more detail.

Zero waste apps like help bring neighbors closer together and share leftover food or household appliances and tools. The app is a rapidly growing neighborhood network in which neighbors help neighbors and which functions like a local marketplace. If Mr. Meyer has a drill, he indicates this in his profile. Others can then borrow the drill from Mr. Meyer instead of buying their own. This saves raw materials, packaging waste and a lot of money, all in the spirit of the Zero Waste Lifestyle. This is because such devices are often only used for one application or for a short time. With the Zero Waste App neighbors are brought together again. You can download the app from the AppStore and Google PlayStore.

The Shpock app works in principle just like the Kleiderkreisel app, except that in addition to sustainable clothingaccessories and make-up and much more. Here you can find everything that you can also find on Sundays at the flea market. Bicycles, books, DVDs - it's all there. It only takes about 30 seconds to upload the product you want to sell. Just as fast you can find products you are looking for. You just enter the name of the product in the search field. The products are then automatically listed by distance from your home. Shpock has really caught on quite well in Germany and you can find many of the things you were looking for. I can really recommend this zero waste app to everyone.

Like Too Good To Go, ResQ Club is one of many good zero waste apps that reduce food waste and are very much in the spirit of the Food Sharingwork. By using the app to quickly order discounted, delicious food that would otherwise be thrown away, you save time and money and do something good for the environment. Restaurants, cafés, bakeries and the like can register in the app and offer surplus food at a low price. You are told the exact pickup time when you place your order and you simply pay in the app. I am a real fan of these zero waste apps against food waste, because you are sometimes things that you would otherwise rather not have ordered. In addition to saving food, you also ensure that less food is wasted from disposable packaging. Plastic waste into the environment comes.

That's right! Of course, eBay Classifieds is also one of the zero waste apps that help you avoid plastic waste and reuse things in the long run. That saves raw materials! The eBay Classifieds app offers you the opportunity to sell things that you no longer need, both locally and throughout Germany. For example, before you sell a broken cell phone to the Electronic scrap you can still sell it on eBay Classifieds and make a hobbyist happy. You can also quickly find things like furniture, cameras, etc. in your area. Since you can set the prices yourself in the app, you often have a lot of negotiating room in the offers, depending on demand. The app is, of course, available in both the Apple AppStore and the Google PlayStore.

Why do I include Pinterest among the zero waste apps? It's simple: With the Pinterest app, just like in many other social media, you can share projects and experiences of your zero waste lifestyle and also get inspired by like-minded people. Everyone learns from each other in the community. On social media, this doesn't just apply to Zero Waste, but to all other areas of life as well. Pinterest is an inspiring idea platform where, for example, you can find waste-avoiding tutorials from a Do It Yourself Blog or the best tips for Avoid garbage on the plane can share. I'm on the app daily to get my daily dose of inspiration.

I'm really excited about the Replace Plastic app because it gives consumers a direct voice and helps contact the manufacturer directly. If you find a product on the supermarket shelf that is unnecessarily packaged in plastic, you can point it out directly to the manufacturer with a scan in the app and give them feedback. This is especially important because manufacturers are often so profit-driven and don't even notice developments like the zero waste lifestyle. The more people do this, the faster the manufacturer will avoid the unnecessary plastic packaging. This Zero Waste App is supported by the North German association Coast against plastic programmed. In the article Replace Plastic - Rebuke ManufacturerYou can learn more about the app in the interview with founder Jennifer Timrott. By the way, you can download it on iOS smartphones as well as Android smartphones.
There are so many other good zero waste apps out there, but these are my top 10 for now. It doesn't matter if the apps are directly or indirectly related to the Zero Waste lifestyle. The important thing is that we produce less waste as a result. Do you have any questions or suggestions? What other zero waste apps can you think of? I'm looking forward to your comments below this post.
Stay clean,

PS.: Here you will find the best books about sustainability!