What advantages do natural gardens actually have? If you're looking for a clear answer to this question, you've come to the right place! A Natural garden is a lively and colorful, ecological garden whose design is based on local nature.
It is rich in native wildflowers, perennials, shrubs and trees and works with nature rather than against it. Fortunately, more and more people are opting for this type of garden. But why exactly is this the case?
In this article, I would like to give you the most important reasons to create a wild, natural garden. Feel free to use them as constant motivation to make a real difference for yourself, the wildlife and the planet in your own green space. Let's go!
1. benefit from the low maintenance effort
In a natural garden you must Less cutting, weeding, watering, fertilizing and mowing! After all, you just let nature do its thing, suppress some "weeds" with mulch and self-propagating ground cover plants.
You also rely on resistant native wild plants. They are adapted to the natural local conditions and require less water and nutrients.
You also reduces your time and energy expenditure in near-natural gardensbecause you are waiting for a Natural "pest control" in the form of attracted garden animals. Ladybugs, for example, eat aphids - and make the use of chemical insecticides unnecessary.
Tip: By creating a so-called Beetle cellar buildyou can even do the beetle world a big favor. You can find out how easy it is in the linked article.
2. save money
With a natural garden, you not only save time, but also a lot of "gravel" 😉 Simply because you can No pesticides, less fertilizer and significantly less water costs must.
Over time, you will become more and more familiar with the world of natural gardening, so that you can, for example, learn how to use your Propagate garden plants free of charge and to bring them in themselves.
In addition, a real natural garden also contains many Bee-friendly berry bushes (e.g. blueberries, cranberries or blackberries) that give you Free fruit give.
Tip: Why you need a sustainable attitude also saves a lot of costsI will be happy to explain them to you in more detail in the linked blog article.
3. create habitats for animals

Trees, shrubs, walls, sandy areas, pits, sun, shade - and even the Roof from Garden shed can be greened! A natural garden is extremely rich in structure and offers an incredible number of birds, mammals and insects refuge, food sources and simply the ideal living conditions.
With a natural garden, you are also environmentally friendly because you are providing a small haven for wildlife, bridging island between larger biotopes which is essential for the conservation of local species.
4. stop species extinction
A gravel garden buries life - a natural garden awakens it. By providing a home with shelter and food for native animals in your garden, you are playing a key role in helping to protect the environment. Counteracting species extinction and the Biodiversity to promote.
The special thing about this advantage of the natural garden is that you can positive impact directly. Among other things, through the increased buzzing, chirping and humming. A wonderful feeling!
5. foster your own connection to nature
Do I know any more natural garden benefits? Of course! Anyone who lives or has ever lived in a big city knows that the closeness to nature suffers somewhat there. Quite simply because you rarely Spends time in natural environments. Instead, you often only perceive the unnatural cityscape with your own senses.
Luckily, a natural garden allows you to get back to a deeper connection and a better understanding for the cycles in nature and also generally a better Environmental awareness build up.
6. find relaxation in a beautiful natural paradise
Another reason for having a natural garden is that it gives you a rich living environment, personal retreat where you can relax and enjoy the beauty and tranquillity of nature.
It is above all the Nature observations on your own doorstep, the many Colors and shapes, the Chirping, humming and buzzing, the Noise of the trees in the wind and the Absence of human noisethat your Significantly reduce stress levels.
Tip: Which Other sounds of nature that are good for us humansI show you in detail in the linked blog article.
7. improve soil health
Why a natural garden? Because almost no surface is sealed and the soil remains lush and healthy. And because its Ability to absorb and store water and Soil erosion to preventThe risks from heavy rain events in particular are reduced.
Mulching with organic materials also helps to keep the fertility of the soil high at all times. Suitable mulching materials include Meadow and lawn cuttings particularly well.
Good to know: Leaves are also suitable for mulching. You can also use a heaps of leaves left lying around protection for garden animals (e.g. hedgehogs). Incidentally, this is one of the many reasons why a Leaf blowers have no place in a sustainable garden has.
8. conserving resources and adapting to climate change
I had already indicated that a natural garden is normally also a really low-maintenance garden is. Since much Less water, energy, fertilizer and no pesticides required this garden form, which is adapted to the local conditions, also protects the environment. natural resources.
In addition, your species-rich, naturally cooling garden much more resilient to climatic changes and are optimally adapted to the climate change adapted. As it is true to nature open to infiltration it also protects you better from the consequences of the climate-related increase in heavy rainfall events.
9. learning from nature
Whether forest, meadow or natural garden: nature is a lively classroomwhere you can learn a lot at any age.
Personally, for example, I am fully immersed in natural gardening and have learned a lot about the mutual, ecological and social benefits of gardening. Interactions and Needs of the animal and plant world. Especially if you didn't have such green fingers before (like me 😉 ), the learning curve is extremely steep!
10. be a proud role model

What else speaks in favor of a natural garden? The fact that you are setting a positive example, of course! After all, you are giving your children a natural environment in which they can Observe animals, smell plants and learn a lot about nature can. What's more, your species-rich, colorful garden is sure to delight your adult family members and friends.
But you are also a role model because you you actively for the wild bees and other valuable pollinators from the animal world. Because by doing so you protect future generations of mankind.
A inspiring, altruistic and challenging commitment so that you can be proud of - and which, at least in my experience, makes you a little prouder with every new animal garden inhabitant.
Tip: We Adults can generally learn a lot from children! I'll be happy to show you exactly what in the linked blog post.
Get to know and appreciate the advantages of a natural garden
By creating a near-natural garden, you are investing in the future. You will be rewarded with peace and relaxation time in your own green space, promote biodiversity on our planet and set a good example. Now you know the most important benefits and can see them as motivating reasons, actively work on a real natural garden.
Soon you will be able to then let nature take over - and you'll soon realize that it won't be long before you can relax and enjoy your natural garden from your hammock.
"Why wait from day to day? There blooms in the garden what may bloom."
Klaus Groth (more at Garden Quotes)
Finally, I have a few more further blog articles for you, who can certainly help you with the practical implementation:
- Bee-friendly roses for the garden
- Sustainable gardening - it's that easy!
- Everything for a bird-friendly garden
I really hope I have been able to help you. Do you have any questions or suggestions, or do you know of any other reasons why gardens should be as natural as possible? Then I look forward to your comment.
Stay environmentally friendly,

PS: Have you ever asked yourself, how naturally we humans actually still live these days? I went looking for answers in the linked article. So take a look there next!