Do you already know the principle of Wallbox Sharings - i.e., of sharing a charging station for electric cars that is on the wall at someone's home? Although the topics of electromobility and the sharing economy are very present in the media, I don't yet have the feeling that potentially interested parties are properly educated. For example, one of the most common counter-questions about electromobility is "And where should I charge my electric car on the road?" Ultimately, charging station sharing can ensure that everyone who drives an electric car also has more choices of potential charging stations. Since the goal of the federal and state governments to offer charging stations for electric cars nationwide is currently still a long way off, it is worth taking a closer look.
In this article, I will therefore explain how a wallbox actually works and then introduce you to the concept of wallbox sharing in more detail. In theory, this system can bridge the gap until the nationwide expansion of charging stations. But is private wallbox sharing a mobility concept of the future? The answer is now.
Tip: Not only the type of your car, but also your driving behavior itself can save the environment. You can learn more about this in my article about the sustainable driving.
The Wallbox - Your own charging station in your own home

Many people are willing to switch to a climate-friendly electric vehicle. However, they are concerned about the still Insufficient charging infrastructure in Germany. Independence from these public charging stations can be created by having your own charging station for home. A charging box is needed so that the battery of the electric vehicle can be charged at home at any time. Basically, the device is a special socket, which is installed on the wall of garage, carport or other place, which is easy to reach for the vehicle.
Advantages of a wallbox
Of course, in theory the electric car could also be charged via a conventional household socket. However, this would have several disadvantages. For one thing, the charging process at a standard household outlet can take just under ten hours - and that's not all. With the help of a wallbox, on the other hand, an average vehicle can be fully charged within 90 minutes.
In addition, the wallbox can save cash, because the Recharging is around 31 euros cheaper here per year than when using the household socket. Furthermore, with a high charging power, as offered by the charging box, the energy loss is also much lower.
The most important advantage of a wallbox, however, is safety. Normal sockets with 230 volts are not designed for the amount of current and the permanent load required to charge an electric vehicle. Charging at the wallbox, on the other hand, avoids overheating, which can certainly cause serious fires. Therefore, a normal power socket should only be used for charging the e-car in absolutely exceptional cases.
Notice: The installation of the charging box should be carried out by a qualified electrician. This is because, like an electric stove, the wallbox requires high voltage current. Here, 400 volts of voltage are required. Only an expert is authorized to carry out the necessary wiring. Ideally, the installation should take place directly in the garage - it is often possible to lay a cable directly from the kitchen. From then on, the box forms the interface between the battery of the electric vehicle and the power grid. No more than 90 minutes are needed to charge a mid-range electric vehicle.
Wallbox Sharing: Renting out your own charging station
Sharing your wallbox with other people is an idea that is still fairly fresh. The idea is simple: Currently unused, private wallboxes are made accessible to other drivers of electric cars.
The best way to do this is to use an app that makes it easy to rent out your own charging station for a certain period of time. The price for use and charging can be freely set by the lessor. The principle sounds extremely practical and simple. Various start-ups are currently working on the development of such apps. A great idea for the future, which can definitely reduce the problem of the insufficient public charging infrastructure, but not solve it completely.
Question: What do you think about private sharing of electric car charging stations? Just drop me a comment.
A few words on the role of electromobility in climate protection

Worldwide, the key to a climate-friendly mobility concept lies in electric cars. Especially if regeneratively generated energy is used for operation, the use of electric vehicles generates significantly less CO2 than conventional gasoline and diesel engines.
In addition, electric vehicles will in future be able to compensate for fluctuations in solar and wind power through energy storage. In this way, market integration and the expansion of these energy sources can be supported in the long term. In terms of support, the German government has already drafted a package that includes a purchase premium for e-cars, the expansion of the charging infrastructure and a procurement program for the public.
Wallbox sharing - Is sharing charging stations the future?
Wallboxes are essential for electric cars. However, the nationwide supply leaves much to be desired. For this reason, I think the concept of wallbox sharing is extremely helpful. The prerequisite for the functionality of wallbox sharing, however, is a supply that can at least somewhat cover the demand. This makes it more attractive to think about buying an electric car.
So if you've bought an electric car, it's worth renting out your own wallbox for the sake of sustainability.
Do you have any questions or suggestions regarding this article? Or have you already made your first experiences with the concept of wallbox sharing that you would like to share? Then feel free to write me a comment.
Stay sustainable,

PS.: If you want to know more about a sustainable life want to learn, then just look further in the Sustainability & Environment Blog around! Maybe also my Book Sustainable Living for Beginners something for you. Have fun reading!
Wallbox sharing is still a very interesting concept, but it doesn't really seem to catch on. At least you can find only very few providers and the above mentioned provider "e3 Charge" seems to be no longer on the market. I would be very interested in a v2 of the article.
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