Why should we actually walk more often? What are the benefits of regular walks? On average, we Germans move only 700 meters a day!₁ Isn't that scary? Escalators, cars, elevators and public transportation do most of the work for us. In fact, all we have to do is roll out of bed before the daily grind begins. That makes it pretty straightforward to figure out the benefits to ourselves of mastering a few trips on foot more often again.
In this post, I want to give you my top 10 reasons to walk more. Let's go!
Walking - 10 benefits for health, productivity and nature
We need to consciously integrate walking and time outside in nature more into our daily lives again. Step by step. As promised, I will now present you with the exact reasons why!
1. protect environment

Walking is the most sustainable way of getting around. No emissions, no consumption of resources. Instead, decelerated and nature-conscious. Whenever you have the opportunity to replace a car trip with a walk, you should do it. Because in all other areas of everyday life, our lifestyle is already a heavy enough burden on the environment.
Whether it's food, clothing or household chores, every day we blow greenhouse gases into the atmosphere through our behavior and are part of the problem - instead of part of the solution in the fight against the global warming to become. You can learn more about this in the article about the Environmental sins in everyday life.
Tip: In the article about the sustainable life you will learn exactly how you can do even more good for the environment every day!
2. prevent diseases
It's no secret that regular exercise improves our Strengthens defenses. For example, walking more instead of traveling by car prevents diseases such as Depression or Diabetes before. The regular walks also ensure that your heart and circulation are strengthened - and that in the evenings you can sleep better can. Walking through the forest - yes that is like mediation in motion.
Tip: If you need a little more inspiration on the value of your own health, be sure to check out my Health Quote Collection on!
3. get out & discover new things
We don't have to get things done every minute of the day. And if you have the urge, take your daily walk. It's crucial for your long-term health. I like to walk because it makes it easier for me to discover new things that might otherwise have remained hidden. In my opinion, if you only traipse a few meters to the subway every day, you're missing out.
Why you from a psychological point of view Spend more time outside in nature you can read in the linked article.
Tip: If you don't walk that often, make a conscious decision to take a walk every day for a week! You will feel how your personal well-being improves!
4. fill up with sunlight
Your body is able to vital vitamin D to produce. But that doesn't work if you just sit in a dark office. So whenever the sun shines, you should walk more and soak up its rays. This in turn prevents diseases - and promotes bone formation. So walking in the sun is a good reason to take a walk more often.
5. encourage creativity

You know those moments when you just feel really uncreative and unproductive because you just can't focus? Don't worry, everyone has them. But when you do, it's time for a little exercise. Each walk with all the new stimuli for our senses, stimulates our creativity and promotes thinking performance. Even if it only takes 15 minutes. Walking more improves your memory, for example, and makes it easier for you to make informed decisions.
Tip: If you'd like to be even more efficient at your job, feel free to check out my post with tips for more productive work!
6. even a short walk shows great effect
No one needs to walk two hours every day to stay healthy and focused! Just 15 minutes of walking, for example during your lunch break, has an incredibly big impact on your ability to concentrate and your health in general. Instead of smoking, for example, you can simply go for a walk around the block in the future. This also reduces stress and can be implemented immediately.
Tip: If you're still a smoker, be sure to check out my post on the Stop smoking look in!
7. relaxation & deceleration
Our fast-paced everyday life is full of stimuli. Whether in our environment or on our smartphone or laptop. This can quickly lead to Sensory overload and excessive stress. Walking in the fresh air provides balance, relaxation and deceleration in this regard. Nothing is more relaxing than listening to the birdsong and the silence of nature! Walking should therefore be a consciously regular companion of your everyday life.
Tip: If you also want to enjoy a natural paradise at home, then be sure to check out the post about the Creating a bird friendly garden in!
8. get fitter or stay fit
Do you know people who want to get fitter but don't feel like jogging regularly? After all, running isn't the only way to get something off! Going for a walk or regular walks are sensible alternatives for getting or staying physically fit. So before you reach for the chip bag to relax on the sofa in the evening, you should rather take a healthy evening walk.
Tip: If you want to make an even bigger impact, you can deliberately choose routes that are a little more uphill!
9. live longer
If you walk more often, you look younger longer and feel fresher! An experienced professor at St. George's University Hospitals in London recently said that by regularly walking you can gains about three to seven years of life.₂ If that isn't an important reason to start walking more again, isn't it? Especially because it's so easy to integrate into everyday life.
10. be happy

It's also no secret that walking regularly makes you happier. Logical, after all, it is healthy and relaxes the mind. Walking reduces stress - negative thoughts don't stand a chance. Because like any other form of physical activity, walking releases endorphins that make us happier!
Tip: Fittingly, you may also like to take a look at the post called "When does a job make me happy?" throw!
You should walk more often - the benefits are obvious
While I was writing this text, I sometimes had to rub my eyes about what a logical and normally self-evident thing I am writing about here. The fact that it is nevertheless necessary to talk about it due to the development of our society should give us all food for thought.
We need to understand that fundamentally every step is a step toward a healthier future.
Do you have any questions or your own experience with the health or ecological effects of regular walks that you would like to share? Then feel free to write me a comment!
Stay healthy and sustainable,

PS.: Feel free to look around a bit more in the Natural Health Blog around. Find out, for example, why cold shower is so beneficial to health!
₁ C. Schüren: So (un)sportlich sind die Deutschen (Stand: 11.06.2014), available at https://www.welt.de/sonderthemen/deutschland-bewegt-sich/article128922556/So-un-sportlich-sind-die-Deutschen.html. [04.06.2020].
₂ P. Peachey: A daily walk can add seven years to your life (as of Aug. 30, 2020), available at https://t1p.de/ldhm. [04.06.2020].