Kitchen without plastic - 16 ideas for plastic-free kitchen
Looking for the best tips for a plastic-free kitchen? Then you've come to the right place! I do without as much plastic (waste) in the kitchen as possible - whether...
Here at CareElite's Zero Waste blog, you'll learn how to live plastic-free, produce less plastic waste, and get back in touch with nature. Living plastic-free is more than a trend, it's a movement. Get in touch with other environmentally conscious people in the Zero Waste community and learn about alternative plastic-free products.
This plastic-free blog will educate you about plastic-free living, explain all sides of plastic and teach you to make things yourself to avoid plastic waste. Learn in the plastic free blog how and what plastic is made from or like you e.g. fly without plastic can. I would like to show you in this blog without plastic, how to make as little plastic waste as possible and thus conserve resources and also his own health. Because we must not forget that plastic in its basic form is pure poison. That's why I recommend you to regularly visit the Plastic free store so that I can give you my tips & tricks along the way.
The Plastic Free Blog is all about Zero Waste, how you can plastic free living and how you can basically produce less plastic waste.
Learn everything about the sensitive issue of plastic waste in the environment and what plastic does to nature and animals. Together we make a statement against plastic waste in nature and avoid plastic. I also share my worldwide actions against plastic waste on the plastic-free blog. The plastic-free blog is the future, because the discussion about the Plastic waste in the environment preserves the chance to carry out the change of our consciousness ourselves. Because there will definitely be a change. The question is whether we want it the soft way or the hard way. With the Plastic Free Blog, I would like to promote awareness of the plastic waste problem around the world. Because that's the only way we can reduce the amount of waste produced in the world in the long run.
I run this plastic-free blog (which could also be called a zero waste blog) because it bothers me how we treat our unique planet. We produce massive amounts of plastic waste, polluting the environment, wildlife and ultimately our own health. I am a Plastic Free Blogger because I want to read about the plastic waste problem in the world. Of course, no Zero Waste Blog is enough for that, but with CareElite I have a holistic concept as a Environmental protection project against plastic waste in the launched. The Zero Waste Blog is an important part of the project and will raise awareness of plastic waste in the environment and provide guidance on the Zero Waste Lifestyle give
Looking for the best tips for a plastic-free kitchen? Then you've come to the right place! I do without as much plastic (waste) in the kitchen as possible - whether...
What is upcycling? And what can be upcycled? If these questions are on your mind, you've come to the right place! In our throwaway society, the appreciation for...
What is actually planned obsolescence? Every one of us knows that moment when the TV, the hairdryer, the printer or the smartphone just doesn't work anymore the way you...
What is littering? If you're asking yourself this question right now, you've come to the right place! Anyone who is concerned with plastic waste in the environment inevitably hears about the term...
How to wash and care for cotton textiles so that they last as long as possible? The popular material is basically very easy to care for and resistant. In addition, at least with organic cotton, the environment is less...
Want to learn more about zero waste cleaning and make your home as plastic-free as possible? Then you have a great attitude! There are people who love to clean - I...
How can I unsubscribe from the advertising in the mail? Some people love the free info and offers - but most hate them and throw them in the trash can at lightning speed. The...
Can you celebrate Christmas without plastic? Every year it's that time again and Christmas is just around the corner. Unfortunately, the gift and product packaging at Christmas creates every...
How can you specifically avoid microplastics? If you're asking yourself this question right now, you'll get your answer right here! Some people may not yet know what microplastics actually are...
Are you looking for creative, plastic-free Advent calendar ideas for women, men or children? Christmas time is gift time - and the more creative, personal and sustainable, the better the gift will arrive....