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Welcome to the Personality Development Blog from CareElite for your continuous development! Here you will learn everything about becoming an even more attentive, smarter and better person.

You're definitely off to a good start with these blog posts:

Why a sustainable blog for personal development?

I want to help you get the maximum out of yourself. And that you develop into a real personality. Every day I learn new things - especially when working on CareElite. And these are the things I want to share with you here on the blog about personal development and character building along the way.

Why am I a personal development blogger?

I am a person who wants to learn every day and not stagnate. And I consider education to be an important key in the fight for a more sustainable way of living in our society. As a blogger, what drives me above all is, Getting people ready for positive change in the long term. After all, if you're already choosing a healthy, eco-friendly and animal-friendly lifestyle, you're also on a good path that you shouldn't leave.

Also for your own personality development. In this blog for mental health I want to create exactly this foundation and make you an even better person. And now I wish you a lot of fun in the personality development blog!

Questions to get to know each other – Ask that for better conversations

Get to Know You Questions – 150 Questions to Ask to Get to Know Someone And To Keep Conversations Going

Are you looking for casual questions to get to know each other and to keep a conversation going? Then you are absolutely right here! Everyone knows that moment in conversation when you run out of things to... 

Sustainability without sacrifice – Is that even possible?

Sustainability Without Sacrifice –10 Examples, That It's Possible Without Restrictions

Does sustainability work without sacrifice or do we all have to cut back? Many people are firmly convinced that you can't live in an environmentally friendly way without sacrificing quality of life and many nice things in...