Climate change - All about global warming
Climate change and global warming top the list of the biggest environmental problems of our time. Even though slight fluctuations in the average temperature on Earth are not unusual, scientists recorded a...
In the CareElite Environmental protection blog is especially about supporting projects from nature & environment. I will introduce you to environmental projects that are doing unique work and deserve to be seen. In the environmental category of the blog you can also expect tips and tricks on environmentally conscious consumption and other sustainable things in everyday life.
With the Environmental Protection Blog I would like to present you the environmental problems of our time and discuss and implement solutions. Each of us has to do his part to preserve our wonderful planet. The Environmental Protection Blog connects the Plastic waste in the environment, climate change, overfishing, the destruction of the rainforest and other environmental problems of this century. We need to talk more about environmental protection before we destroy our earth for good. Only a change of thinking of all people, a collective change of consciousness can save our environment for the next generations. There will be a change of consciousness one way or another, but we have to decide for ourselves if we will initiate this change ourselves or if it will happen the hard way (wars, end of resources, clean up of all resources on earth). The Environmental Protection Blog is intended to help us make the change in consciousness on our own. Think environmentally conscious and live better!
In this blog, I will of course devote special attention to my main topic, plastic waste in the environment. You will get to know this environmental problem from all sides. For example, I'll explain to you the garbage whirlpools in the ocean or how microplastics in cosmetics litter our seas. I bet that 95% of the people on our planet don't know that companies integrate microplastics in shower gels, creams or toothpaste. That's why I want and need to do something to educate our society with this blog.
You will also learn what the so popular and demanded palm oil in the daily products from the supermarkets so causes in the rainforest. I will also publish many interviews with environmental experts on the Environmental Protection Blog. These are tips from people who come into direct contact with the environmental problems on our planet every day.
I am an environmental blogger because I want to change the consciousness of our society in a positive way. Because this is urgently needed if we want to leave the earth to future generations as we found it. As for many other bloggers, nature is my passion. I want it to stay that way and to stop more plastic waste from entering the environment, to stop the ozone layer from shrinking any further, to keep the food chain in balance and to stop the rainforest from being cut down any further. That's why I'm an environmental blogger. Period.
Climate change and global warming top the list of the biggest environmental problems of our time. Even though slight fluctuations in the average temperature on Earth are not unusual, scientists recorded a...
Do you already know the environmental problem of water scarcity? It belongs without ifs and buts to the biggest environmental problems of our time. Since the earth is covered by about 71% of water₁,...
What is actually meant by overfishing of the oceans? Without our oceans there would be no life on this earth. They cover 71% of the earth's surface, collect 97% of the water and...
Is there a sustainable search engine as a real alternative to Google? As useful as the search engine is, the company also has to deal with justified criticisms time and again - e.g. power consumption,...
What do we actually understand by the term species extinction? Our everyday behavior and political or economic decisions have a massive impact on animal and plant species that, just like us, depend on...
The deforestation of our planet's forests has become one of the greatest environmental problems of our time. Yet trees play a crucial role for life on earth. They regulate...
Do Nestlé and sustainability go together - and why are there constant criticisms and scandals surrounding the world's largest food corporation? I have long since found my answer to this question...
At first glance, one might certainly assume that leather is sustainable and that its production is a natural process. Especially since leather is a natural material and...
Terms like sustainable nutrition or regional, vegan and seasonal nutrition are buzzing around more and more in the media and in our heads these days. But how can I actually change my diet?
Was sind die größten Umweltprobleme unserer Zeit – und wie lösen wir sie? Zugegeben, es ist eine Frage, auf die es nicht DIE EINE, sondern tausende Antworten gibt, die sich…