Strengthening Your Connection to Nature – 10 Practical Tips
How can you strengthen your connection to nature? Seeing yourself as part of nature and having a deep appreciation for its beauty and diversity characterizes nature-conscious people. But...
Welcome to the Psyche Blog from CareElite - your blog for a healthy psyche and constant well-being! Here everything revolves around as little stress as possible and a sustainable, mental and emotional health. Because this is crucial for a long-term successful change process to more sustainability in everyday life. You'll learn to adapt to new things faster and stay mentally fit and healthy for the long term. Have fun!
You're definitely off to a good start with these blog posts:
Psychology is of great importance for a long-term, positive change of our society towards more sustainability. For example, it plays a crucial role in achieving personal goals. Above all, because there are always hurdles to overcome that could divert you from your goals. Unaccustomed stress can quickly lead to losing sight of the goal. When I started to live more sustainably, I was often told that I "wouldn't change anything on my own anyway" - or that "other countries would have to start avoiding waste first.
In addition to achieving goals, a healthy psyche is also important to convince other people of a sustainable lifestyle and, of course, to stay mentally and emotionally fit in the long term. In the Psyche Blog, I would like to teach you what you need to pay attention to.
As a blogger, what drives me most is, Getting people ready for positive change in the long term. Because if you already choose a healthy, environmentally friendly and animal-friendly lifestyle, then you are also on a good path that you should not leave.
I know myself how difficult change is. But once you know exactly how much you yourself, but also how much other people, the animals and our planet will benefit from this change, the motivation to go through with it is infinitely great. Mental health and mental balance is a really extremely important foundation for this.
And now I wish you much fun in the blog for a healthy psyche!
How can you strengthen your connection to nature? Seeing yourself as part of nature and having a deep appreciation for its beauty and diversity characterizes nature-conscious people. But...
Want to bring that vacation feeling home? Then you've come to the right place! It's great to travel - but very few of us can do it all year round...
What is the ostrich tactic? If you want to know more about this psychological phenomenon, you've come to the right place! We humans face problems and challenges on a regular basis. However, some seem so...
You want to improve your karma and actively try to collect new karma points? Then you've come to the right place! We live in a time when we have to deal with dozens of massive...
What are conspiracy theories anyway? Personally, I'm happy when a discussion becomes more emotional, as long as you stick to the facts. But every now and then - and especially nowadays -...
Wondering what adults can learn from children? Then you've come to the right place! We learn a lot from our parents over the course of our lives. But this works...
Do you want to stop hate online? Then you have a great attitude and you've come to the right place! You may have already been a victim of hate speech yourself or...
How exactly do you manage to love your own body as it is? If you're looking for a clear answer to this question, you've come to the right place! Every day...
Want to improve your work-life balance? Then you've come to the right place! Everything in life - from the body to cycling - works best in one state: balance. This...
Want to improve your mood? Then you've come to the right place! We all know days or phases when our mood is in the basement and somehow nothing goes as planned.