What are actually the Most common allergies in Germany? The development of the last years shows that more and more people are affected by an allergy. In Germany alone, there are about 25 million allergy sufferers who have to deal with complaints on a daily basis. The most common allergies are hay fever, dust mite allergy and allergy to animal hair. Pollen allergy leads the list of hypersensitivities with 62.6 %.
However, not only allergens play a role in connection with allergic reactions. An unhealthy lifestyle can also contribute to the development of various allergies. You can read more about the most common allergies here.
Hay fever allergy

Hay fever is one of the most common allergies in Germany. This allergy is an allergic reaction that is due to pollen. Therefore, it is commonly referred to as pollen allergy. This is not only a seasonal allergic rhinitis. While many people are allergic only in the spring or summer, more and more affected people suffer from the typical symptoms of a pollen allergy almost all year round.
Trigger for allergic rhinitis are different pollens, which can occur at different times of the year. At the pollen seasons, the body then shows a defense reaction against pollen from trees and flowers.
Plant pollen consists of certain proteins that are considered allergens in the context of allergy. When the human organism comes into contact with them, it forms IgE antibodies. These antibodies serve to release histamine, which acts as an inflammatory messenger. It is the histamines that ultimately cause the watery eyes and a runny nose.
An unhealthy diet can also trigger allergies. Those who eat a high-calorie diet with a large number of saturated fatty acids promote the development of hypersensitivities. This is because poor nutrition leads to a reduction in the bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract on which the body depends.
Symptoms of hay fever allergy
The following Symptoms are characteristic of the disease:
- Watery eyes associated with an itching sensation
- Conjunctivitis
- frequent sneezing
- Common cold
- Cough
- scratchy throat
- Redness of the skin
- Skin swelling
- Rash
- Fatigue
- Feeling of weakness
A successful Treatment pollen allergy is preceded by a visit to an allergist, who performs an allergy test on the allergy sufferer. If it is determined to which pathogens the affected person is allergic, different treatment methods are available. Hyposensitization, also known as immunotherapy, often helps. The patient is then injected with allergens for at least three years. Medications or grass tablets can also help against hay fever. However, the latter are only suitable for adults.
House dust mite allergy

Besides the hay fever also belongs to the House dust allergy among the most common allergies in Germany. The term house dust allergy is a shortened form of dust mite allergy. The hypersensitivity of the body here is due to the excretions of Mites due to the allergy. The mites' excrement balls settle predominantly in house dust, which the allergy sufferer inhales daily. Mites are found almost everywhere in the living area: in carpets, mattresses, pillows, textiles or on the surface on solid objects. The maximum amount of mites is found in the months of May to October. During this period, humans react most strongly against mites.
Symptoms of dust mite allergy
The Symptoms of a dust mite allergy are similar to those of a pollen allergy. However, symptom-free intervals may exist. Daily complaints, which usually occur more intensely in the morning, are expressed as follows:
- watery, itchy eyes
- Cough
- Sneeze
- Sore throat
- Common cold
- Skin eczema
- and shortness of breath
I severe cases it can lead to asthma. There are ways to reduce mites in the home and thus reduce house dust allergy. Five tips show how it's done.
- 1st tip: Warm and damp mattresses and comforters are the ideal climate for mites. Therefore, the bed should be allowed to cool down and dry after getting up. The bed covers should be folded back for this purpose.
- 2nd tip: The temperature in the rooms should not exceed 18 °C. The mite population in this way counteract allergy sufferers.
- 3. tip: bed covers, pillows or blankets can be washed at 60 °C. This also applies to cuddly toys. An alternative is to cool the textiles in the refrigerator or freezer for 24 hours.
- 4. tip: allergy sufferers have the option of Encasings to use. These allergy-proof covers prevent mite emergence.
- Tip 5: Cleanliness should not be abandoned. The living rooms are to be kept clean as well as on the floors. HEPA filters are suitable for your own vacuum cleaner, which can be used when vacuuming. When buying a new vacuum cleaner, look for the TÜV seal of approval for allergy sufferers.
Animal hair allergy

In addition to pollen and dust mite allergy is the Animal hair allergy one of the most common allergies in Germany. A short contact with the allergens is already enough to provoke a defense reaction of the body.
Common here is the erroneous assumption that the allergy is to the animal hair itself. This is not the case. Rather, the protein-containing Saliva, the Sweat, the Tallow or the Urine of certain animals is the cause of an allergic reaction. The allergens originating from the different animals are inhaled by the allergy sufferer via the air he or she breathes, which can irritate the eyes, nose and bronchial tubes. Direct skin contact with certain animals can also trigger an allergic reaction.
The respective allergen load looks different from person to person. With the help of an allergy test it can be determined to which animal a hypersensitivity exists.
Symptoms of animal hair allergy
Symptoms express themselves as follows:
- Rhinitis with contact or close proximity
- Sneezing fits
- Rash
- reddened eyes
- runny nose
- In severe cases shortness of breath
Go to Treatment of an animal hair allergy there are different methods. Consideration can be either medication or drops as a temporary help or a Hyposensitization. If the affected person is not the pet owner or keeper, contact with the allergens should be avoided as best as possible.
The allergy can be problematic for people who react to their own animals. Here, nevertheless, a cohabitation offers itself, if the following points are considered:
- The affected person should not have a severe allergic reaction.
- Keep the animal clean.
- After petting, the allergy sufferer should wash their hands with soap and water.
- The bedroom should be a pet-free zone.
- Remove carpets
Food allergy

Allergies to food are not uncommon. Often people have an intolerance to gluten or lactose. The intolerance to gluten is also known under the name of Celiac disease known.
Gluten intolerance
At the Gluten intolerance the body reacts to certain proteins found in various types of cereals. The protein gliadin plays a central role here. Supplied with food, it enters the small intestine after the cleavage processes of the various proteins, whose mucous membrane no longer prevents the proteins from passing through. The so-called Glue protein then leads to a defensive reaction of the body.
Symptoms of gluten intolerance
Typical Symptoms of a gluten intolerance are for example:
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Weight loss
- Abdominal pain
- Flatulence
- Loss of appetite
A dietary nutrition represents a suitable Treatment diet. It is also called a gluten-free diet. It consists in the omission of foods that contain gluten.
Cereals containing gluten can be replaced with gluten-free fruits and vegetables. Those who do not want to give up bread can resort to flour that does not contain gluten. Here, various manufacturers have responded to gluten intolerance in the processing of the various cereals.
In addition, dietary supplements can also be used, which contain minerals and vitamins.
Lactose intolerance
At Lactose intolerance is a lactose intolerance. It is based on a malfunction of the enzyme lactase, which breaks down the milk sugar (lactose) into the components lactose and galactose. If the function of the enzyme is disturbed, bacteria take over the breakdown of these sugar molecules. This leads to digestive complaints that are typical of lactose intolerance.
Symptoms of lactose intolerance
The following Symptoms are considered typical for lactose intolerance:
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Urge to defecate
- Dizziness
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Muscle pain
As a rule, the described complaints set in after a short time. Lactose-reduced or lactose-free milk products are suitable for treatment.
Cosmetics allergy

Among the most common allergies in Germany is yet another form. More and more frequently, people complain about a Allergy to various cosmetics. Especially women are affected by it. The allergic reaction shows clearly on the skin because it is a contact allergy. Shower gels, skin and hair care products, hair dyes, bath additives, lotions or make-up contain chemical substances that cause an allergic reaction. These include kerosenes and silicones, which are waste products from crude oil production.
When the T-lymphocytes present in the body begin to fight the allergens, the outwardly visible defense reaction occurs. Triggers are often chemical substances, fragrances, preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers or UV filters. However, the allergic reaction to cosmetics can also be provoked by an unhealthy diet.
Symptoms of cosmetics allergy
It comes to the following typical complaints:
- Redness of the skin
- Itching
- Blistering on the skin
- Pustules
- Pimples
- Hives
- Hives
Treatment of cosmetics allergy
Go to Treatment either antihistamines or ointments and creams containing cortisone can be considered. Various tea preparations can also be used for local application.
As an alternative, homemade creams, detergents or toothpaste are available. This form of natural cosmetics is suitable for anyone who wants to be on the safe side. Work is often done with certain care oils, vegan substances or classic curd soap. Who does not want to use fluoride toothpaste, can also use this with organic coconut oil, Baking soda and/or Xylitol yourself. You get a tutorial in the article Make toothpaste yourself.
What to do about the most common allergies?

Now you have learned everything about the most common allergies in Germany.
Allergies are a complex issue. People often suffer from several allergies at the same time. It is therefore all the more important to have a medical examination and an allergy test. With a clear diagnosis, it is possible to take effective ways to cope with the allergy.
Medications are not always necessary for this. Certain allergic reactions can also be reduced with common home remedies and with homemade natural products. I can recommend the DIY Cosmetics Blog from CareElite. There you can learn, for example, how to make your own natural cosmetics. Make peeling yourself simply by following your heart.
Stay healthy,

PS.: You can get more tips in the Natural Health Blog here at CareElite.
I have a strong allergy to dust mites and suffer from severe symptoms. I am therefore grateful for any tip to treat my symptoms and perhaps my allergy. For example, I also use the special covers and since then I can also sleep more peacefully again.
Thank you for the article on the most common allergies. My uncle has had several allergy treatments, as it feels like every five years there is a new allergy. It is good to know that hay fever is one of the most common allergies and that pollen triggers it.
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