You want to switch from vegetarian to vegan? I think that's great! Some time ago I have the conversion behind me. And honestly, it wasn't that complicated! It simply depends on how you approach the challenge of breaking old habits in order to create new ones. Personally, I consider the decision to eat a purely plant-based diet one of the best decisions of my life - and I'm sure you'll feel the same way in a few weeks.
In this article I would like to give you now my most important 10 tips for the transition from vegetarian to vegan!
Why go from vegetarian to vegan in the first place?
Since I eat a vegan diet resp. live veganI feel fundamentally healthier and more energetic. I could probably write a whole book about the benefits of a balanced plant-based diet. And I'm sure you already know why you think going vegan is the right move. So here's the compact short version:
- Ethics: For your lifestyle you do not take more active cruelty to animals and the death of animals. Through the Veganism you also promote not only animal but also human rights.
- Health: Contaminants in food are mainly found in animal products such as meat, eggs and dairy products. The risk of serious diseases decreases, you eat (almost automatically) much healthier and can also stay fit and athletic through the purely plant-based diet.
- Environment: As a vegan, you give a wide berth to resource-intensive factory farming, which is essential to many of the biggest Environmental problems of our time from climate change to deforestation. At the same time, you're protecting the planet for future generations like your children and grandchildren.
Let's not misunderstand each other: Being vegetarian is already a great step towards more respect for animals, health and sustainability. But since I know that the Dairy industry even more brutal than the meat industry, I have decided for myself that vegetarian is not enough.
Tip: If you want to know all the reasons why, why i live veganyou can also have a look at the linked article.
10 tips with which the change from vegetarian to vegan is sure to succeed
Actually, you probably already live about 80 percent vegan. Das macht den Umstieg deutlich einfacher! Die letzten Prozentpunkte kitzelst du jetzt auch noch spielend leicht heraus! Es sind auch nur noch wenige Lebensmittel, die wegfallen bzw. ersetzt werden. Zum Beispiel Eier, Butter, Milchprodukte und Honig. Das wars dann auch fast schon! 😉
Now I'll show you how to make the transition from vegetarian to vegan as easy as possible! Let's go!
1. internalize the advantages of the changeover

You need a basis for willpower and stamina. If you are aware at all times of your motives for making the change, you will be able to overcome all the hurdles of what experience has shown to be a relatively short period of adjustment. If you don't, the risk of succumbing to old habits increases. So what are the advantages? Ethics, health and environmental protection - we have already discussed these.
But you know what the best part of the transition is? You are no longer hypocritical on the road. Because you love animals but eat them or pay for the fact that they are tortured and exploited? That's a really strange contradiction in terms, isn't it? As a vegan, you can not do this annoying cognitive dissonance put it to bed!
2. put aside your prejudices
Educate yourself! The more you know about veganism, the better! Extremely important for the switch from vegetarian to vegan is to know even the very last Prejudices against veganism off. This only works if you actively engage with them.
Here are some examples of common mistakes, of which there are really dozens:
- Vegan diet is too extreme and too restrictive!
- Cows must be milked, otherwise their udders burst!
- After all, no animals die for eggs!
- Soy destroys the rainforest - Only vegans eat it anyway!
- Being vegan is unmanly!
- …
Click on the respective link to find out why these are just excuses for leaving everything as it is. Just eliminate such prejudices to strengthen your conviction.
Free e-book: For more excuses and counterarguments, feel free to download my free e-book "All arguments against veganism - and how you simply refute them" down.
3. learn from the mistakes of other "switchers
There are many reasons why people fail to go vegan. One major reason, for example, is that they do not understand the Difference between plant-based diet and veganism have not internalized. For understanding: Plantbased is a plant-based diet, while veganism is an ethical-healthy-ecological-motivated way of life. The deeper your motives for switching to a vegan lifestyle, the easier it will be to change your habits accordingly. In the end, it was just a little harder for me to give up cheese. Until I realized that there are many vegan cheeses and that I don't have to give it up at all!
Realize that it takes about 21 days to turn a life change into a real habit. To be on the safe side, give yourself 22 days. That's why the most-recommended one is called Conversion program from meat eater or vegetarian to vegan also "Challenge22„.
4. find alternatives for your favorite non-vegan foods
In the meantime, there is a plant-based alternative for every animal product! I continue to eat pizza with cheese and burgers with juicy patties - just without animal ingredients. The change simplifies the so-called vegan substitute products immensely! Above, for example, I've listed three cheese alternatives for you.
Many non-vegans wonder, Why vegans eat so many substitute products in the first place, which look and taste like meat, milk and cheese. But in fact, I now almost do not eat these products. At some point, the substitute products from the supermarket will automatically become less, because you are already "full-blooded vegan" and cook much more yourself.
Here are a few more alternatives for switching from vegetarian to vegan:
- Milk: Just switch to oat, soy, almond or rice milk.
- Cheese: Prefer coconut oil or almond-based cheese. It is available in all known cheese varieties.
- Butter: In the future, simply use vegetable margarine. But there are also vegan butter!
- Cream: For example, prefer vegetable spray and whipped cream based on water and hydrogenated palm kernel oil.
- Eggs: Set to the best alternatives for eggs as a binder and thickener, which include, for example, oat flakes, tomato paste, chickpea flour and locust bean gum.
- Honey: There are even vegan honey from raw cane sugar, water and marigold extract! But you can also just go for agave syrup, for example!
5. use vegan cookbooks and blogs as a source of inspiration
When you switch from vegetarian to vegan, you face the following question at least three times a day: what do i eat now? So be sure to get inspired by cookbooks and blogs with vegan recipes! For example, if you think you'll never be able to enjoy the taste of scrambled eggs again: just use this Recipe for vegan scrambled eggs! And so on...
I can you for your dietary change also particularly the Online course Become vegan made easy* with Sofia Konstantinidou recommend!
Tip: But you can also get a good start on a plant-based diet with our book "Cooking for the climate". You can watch it save here*.
6. watch activist videos and documentaries
Sufficient motivation is crucial for the success of your dietary change. It has helped me extremely to watch videos of vegan youtuber like Earthling Ed, James Aspey or Niko Rittenau to look at. Be it about the Activism on the street or the scientific clarification of misconceptions about the vegan diet.
Absolutely to the vegan has me personally the Dominion film made, which explains the background of the Factory farming shows. But also the films What The Health and Cowspiracy, as well as some more vegan documentaries help immensely to Motivation for the changeover from vegetarian to vegan to rise immeasurably.
7. make a meal and shopping plan for the whole week
If you have to think about what to cook every day, it can be stressful. The likelihood of giving up your transition from vegetarian to vegan then increases. That's why - even today, by the way - we make a plan about our meals once a week. This will also make the change of your diet much easier for you!
Tip: According to the "meal plan" we then of course also arrange our purchases. In this way, we also do not buy superfluous food and can Avoid food waste.
8. take a relaxed approach
No one is forcing you to make the switch from vegetarian to vegan. And nothing has to be perfect. After all, you learn from your mistakes! Just go at it at your own pace. Maybe you start first With a vegan week or month. Just plan the change as it suits you in terms of time to give yourself peace and time to make the change from a vegetarian to a vegan diet.
Tip: The Veganuary is one such trial month, for example, when many people dare to make the switch. Of course, you don't have to wait for January! You can start at any time. The important thing is to have a clearly defined period of time in which you are really serious about your plan.
9. look for people who also change over

Experience shows that the change from vegetarian to vegan is extremely easy if you tackle it together with others. This promotes motivation to stay on the ball. Make the switch with your partner or your best friend, for example. But also in Facebook groups, cooking classes, forums and on blogs. findest du Gleichgesinnte, mit denen du dich austauschen kannst. Von anderen zu lernen und sich gegenseitig zu pushen, ist wirklich das A und O. (und deshalb schreibe ich dir ja auch gerade diesen Artikel 😉 )
10. be consistent in your intention!
Don't be put off by others. They have probably never dealt with the vegan diet or only to a limited extent. You have better reasons to switch from vegetarian to vegan - and that's why you're going through with it. Just be prepared for possible hurdles in the transition, but never lose sight of your goal. Then you will also successfully master the change!
Change from vegetarian to vegan - now it works!
Change can be hard. Especially if you've been eating eggs and non-vegan cheese and drinking cow's milk for most of your life and now all of a sudden you want to stop! But I tell you from my own experience: in 2-3 weeks you only ask yourself why you have not tackled the change to a purely plant-based diet earlier.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
Mahadma Gandhi (see Animal welfare quotes)
See the goal, see the benefits. Your actions are back in line with your values, you live even healthier and even more sustainable. What more do you want?
Do you have questions or suggestions about switching from vegetarian to vegan? Or would you like to share your own experiences? Then feel free to write me a comment.
Be always kind to animals,

PS.: You need even more motivation? Then check out now the best vegan commercials that will make every meat eater and vegetarian think.
Dear Christoph,
thank you for your tips!
Ohne es wirklich zu merken, gibt es bei mir immer mal wieder Tage an denen ich komplett vegan esse. Ich liebe Gemüse! Und das erleichtert schon vieles 😉
But I also love yogurt, cottage cheese (grainy cream cheese)....
So yogurt alternatives I have already seen many, tried and also found some good. But curd and cottage cheese... That seems to be more difficult.
Nevertheless, I'll take your tip #8 to heart and declare the rest of June vegan for now.
Love greetings
Hi Alena! Ich würde auch sagen, dass ich den Geschmack von Joghurt, Quark und Hüttenkäse geliebt habe. Doch ich liebe Tiere noch mehr. Dementsprechend viel mir die Umstellung nicht schwer. Zumal es mittlerweile auch unterschiedliche, vegane Hüttenkäse und Quarkalternativen im Supermarkt gibt. Finde es super, dass du einen veganen Monat einlegst. Vielleicht findest du in dieser Zeit auch die entsprechenden Alternativen 🙂
Good luck and best regards,
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