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Sustainable Summer โ€“ 12 Tips For An Eco-Friendly And Mindful Hot Season

Sustainable summer - The best tips

What could a sustainable summer look like? What can we do or at least do better than in previous years? Live sustainablyThis works in any season, of course. However, summer is particularly suitable!

After all, you don't have to heat your home, fruit and vegetables grow in a variety of forms in your own garden and you can also enjoy countless sports under the summer sun.

In this article, I would therefore like to introduce you to some valuable tips that you can use to make your summer sustainable. Use them to make a real difference for the environment during the hot season - let's go!

1. cricket vegetable, plastic-free and rainforest-free

Barbecuing means putting steaks and sausages on open embers and roasting them until an irresistible aroma wafts through the garden. Right? Unfortunately, the consumption of animal meat is extremely resource-intensive and contributes significantly to the climate change, the Deforestation of the rainforests and last but not least the cruelty to animals at. Fortunately, nobody tells you how and what to grill.

You can also use a completely uncomplicated vegan barbecue. Your garden already has a lot to offer, for example peppers or zucchinis. You can supplement your plastic-free and plant-based barbecue food at the market or organic store, for example with corn on the cob and sweet potatoes. Also Vegan sausages, steaks and burger patties can be found on the supermarket shelves or even here at velivery* in the online store.

Tip: When barbecuing, make sure that there is no tropical wood in your charcoal!

2. go in for environmentally friendly sports

Roller skater in summer

Water skiing or skydiving? You can do this during the warmer months, but it's not really climate or environmentally friendly. It's better to get on your bikego swimming, lace up your hiking boots or venture out on your roller skates or inline skates again.

One big advantage of this is that you can usually Get started right on your doorstep. This saves time and protects the environment. For example, simply put on your sunglasses and then head out into the summer sun!

Insider tip: Perhaps also Plogging etwas fรผr dich! Es ist eine Kombination aus Joggen und Mรผll-Sammeln. ๐Ÿ™‚

3. go on vacation near you

I'm sure you're currently feeling the wanderlust too, aren't you? But it doesn't necessarily have to be the Maldives or Tierra del Fuego. There are certainly places near you that you would like to visit. Maybe you can find by train (Click here to go to the Deutsche Bahn booking portal*) even an alternative means of transportation?

Also, don't forget at home switch off all power consumers. You gain nothing from having the TV on standby at home - and certainly not on vacation.

Tip: Further advice for sustainable travel can be found in the linked article.

4. manage the temperature in the house efficiently

Ventilation is a thing in itself. Of course, efficient ventilation is different in the cold winter than in the hot season. To let really fresh, cool air into the house, it is best to open the windows briefly in the morning and evening.

If you lower the shutters during the day on the hottest days of the year, you'll be left with the Pleasant coolness even without energy-intensive air conditioning receive. A valuable tip to make it a truly sustainable summer!

5. breathe life into your garden

Revitalize your garden for a sustainable summer

Water your plants in the morning or evening! In this way, you provide the plants with sufficient water without it evaporating immediately.

A Cistern or a rain barrel also helps you to make better use of rainwater, which is often unevenly distributed in summer. If you store a lot of water, your garden can become a lush, green oasis without you having to feel guilty about your water consumption.

Tip: Basically, you can make sure that your Garden into a sustainable mecca for biodiversity becomes. I'll show you how this works in the linked article!

6. drink tap water from your water bottle

Water is the best way to quench your thirst on hot summer days, whether you're at home or out and about. And the best and cheapest water you get from the line.1 So just take your own filled drinking bottle (e.g. I use this one*) with you when you're out and about.

Do you think tap water tastes too boring? Then you can find out more at Add flavor to tap waterwhat you can do to relieve boredom.

7. set on a pet-friendly insect screen

Mosquitoes, flies and wasps in the home are a bit of a nuisance. However, you don't need to use insect repellent to get rid of these little creatures. Instead, simply Mosquito nets or fly screens into the windows.

And outside, a Citronella candle ensure that you have peace from insects even late in the evening. Essential oils such as Tea tree oil (gives here*) help very well with this, Drive wasps away from the garden table.

8. make your own sunscreen

You can't do without sunscreen, otherwise you risk a nasty sunburn. To avoid plastic waste and also save money in the long termyou can use them with coconut oil and a few other ingredients can also be made quite easily yourself. (In the article "Make your own sun cream" you can find out more!)

Please give preference to a ecological sun protection - also around Protecting coral reefsthat perish under the chemical ingredients.

9. dry your laundry outside

Drying laundry outside is more sustainable

In some apartments, the use of a tumble dryer may be unavoidable. But only in winter. Because in summer you can simply harness the power of the sun for you in a cheaper and more energy-efficient way.

In the garden or on the balconyIf necessary, a clothes horse can always find a good place in an open window.

Good to know: At Washing laundry sustainably there are more valuable tips!

10. dress sustainably

It is no longer difficult these daysto be both fashionable and sustainably dressed. And it's also fun to choose your own clothes according to additional criteria!

When choosing your clothes, give preference to environmentally conscious brands that rely on durable quality goods. Robust fashion that lasts is always cheaper for you.

In addition, the Sustainable handling of your clothing the environment - and fair fashion ensures that human rights are respected during production.

11. shower as cool as possible

On really hot days, you probably don't feel like taking a warm shower. So you can set the shower in the bathroom a little cooler now at the latest and enjoy a perfect freshness kick fetch

Cold showersby the way, is not only sustainable in summer, but at any time of year. Finally the water does not need to be heated. Showering with cool water is also very helpful to get the circulation going.

12. enjoy your ice cream in the waffle

Enjoy your ice cream in the waffle

Delicious ice cream makes summer really cool! You'll find plenty of opportunities to treat yourself to some ice cream in summer and discover new flavors.

The best way is classic in the croissantthat helps with this, Avoid plastic waste. Because you can easily do without ice cream spoons and cups.

Tip: Incidentally, it is even more sustainable if you prefer water-based vegan ice cream instead of the cow's milk variety. Nowadays, every ice cream parlor has animal-friendly ice cream varieties available. You can find more information in the detailed article with the best tips for Sustainable ice cream consumption.

So, will it be a sustainable summer?

Summer is what you make of it. And as you've discovered, there are an incredible number of ways to enjoy it as sustainably and consciously as possible!

From tap water from the drinking bottle you brought with you, to vegan ice cream and summer vacations in Germany. It really is extremely lightto make a real difference for the protection of our planet and animals, don't you think?

"It's a perfect summer day when the sun is shining, the wind is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawnmower is broken."

James Dent (more at Summer Quotes)

Do you have any questions, tips or suggestions about sustainable summer? Then I look forward to your comment and wish you a great, sunny, hot season!

Stay sustainable,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: Summer is also the time for festivals! In keeping with this, you can now also read the articles Zero Waste Festival and Vegan at the festival read through. Have fun!

Source reference:

  1. Norddeutscher Rundfunk: Watering the garden properly in summer (as of 25.08.2021), available at,giessen103.html. [25.06.2024]. โ†ฉ๏ธŽ
Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.

2 thoughts on “Nachhaltiger Sommer โ€“ 12 Tipps fรผr eine umweltbewusste, heiรŸe Jahreszeit”

  1. Really nice article, but is ice cream in a waffle/croissant really better? Some may find it petty, but don't most waffles contain eggs, milk or butter? (Origin mostly uncertain, therefore probably from mass animal exploitation) For me, it's always a bit of a personal dilemma... vegan ice cream from an unvegan waffle or would I prefer the (paper) cup? Eating ice cream on site from real dishes is the better alternative or you bring your own cup and spoon... ? but does anyone really do that... ?

    1. Christoph Schulz

      Hey Julia! Kenne das Dilemma, aber das mรผsste man jetzt mal genauer prรผfen. Meine aktuelle Lรถsung: Wenn die Waffel vegan ist, nehme ich die Waffel. Ansonsten nehme ich den Becher und einen (wenn nicht vergessenen) mitgebrachten „Gรถffel“. Kann dir ja im Grunde egal sein, was andere machen. So umgehst du zumindest dein inneres Dilemma und bleibst deinen Werten treu. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Many greetings

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