You want to know more about Sustainability with pets experience? Then you are absolutely right here! More and more people write the mindfulness towards the environment and the conservation of its finite resources big. One's own Lifestyle becomes more sustainableby eating a vegan or vegetarian diet, avoiding waste, and recycling and reusing a wide variety of things. The Achilles heel of all environmental friends is often still the attitude of the own pet.
But even as an owner of dogs, cats or other animals, you can make a decisive contribution to environmental protection. In this article you will find 10 valuable tips for sustainable animal husbandry to keep your pet even more environmentally friendly in the future.
The 10 best tips for sustainable animal husbandry
Most people would say of themselves that they are Animals love. You help animals in everyday life from difficult situations and raise their pets like their own child. If you decide to live an environmentally conscious life yourself, you will inevitably reach the point where you also want to use food, bowls and pet toys in the most environmentally friendly way possible. As promised, you'll now get the best tips for sustainability with pets.
1. mixed breed instead of pedigree

The first and most important point: the temptation to buy a dog that is purebred and beautifully bred may be great for some. Maybe you have been dreaming of this one perfect dog since you were a little boy. But I advise you to think carefully whether it must be a purebred or whether a mixed breed would not be an alternative.
Because: Breeding leads in many cases to sick animals, in which Beauty before health goes. But you should not acquire a dog because it looks good, but because you want to offer a living creature a loving home with a lot of affection and attention.
The health consequences range from small problems to life-threatening deformations. These can be prevented on the one hand by reaching for a mongrel. If a certain pedigree dog is desired and there are no satisfactory alternatives, at least a reputable breeder should be looked for. For this, the extensive collection of information about the breeder and breed specific diseases unavoidable.
Another example is dogs that have been bred to have a sloping back line have. This group includes, for example, shepherd dogs, golden retrievers and Rottweilers. They often have hip dysplasia as a result of breeding.
2. animals from the shelter
In connection with the first tip represents a Animal from shelter the most sustainable and animal-friendly option. There, the four-legged friends are already eagerly waiting for a new owner. Instead of looking for breeders for a long time, you can simply go to the animal shelter and see if there is a suitable animal. Mostly animal shelters offer Test walks with dogs to see if you are a good match.
Listen alternatively for Farms around, where there have been, for example, cat offspring. Unfortunately, some farmers often do not know what to do with the animals and therefore kill them. So in this way you actually save lives. This is certainly one of the most important tips for sustainability with pets.
3. environmentally friendly cleaning
Of course, sustainable animal husbandry also includes cleaning. Whether it's a hamster cage or a cat litter box: When cleaning, make sure to use sustainable, environmentally friendly products! Regarding the litter box, you should use compostable cat litter, which is biodegradable. This usually consists of wood, corn, compost, beet pulp or paper. Through daily removal of the cat's business the litter can be used longer and the amount of waste can be reduced.
4. buy food in large quantities

Buying food in bulk for your favorite four-legged friend(s) has several advantages. On the one hand Less packaging material needed if you buy one big bag instead of several small ones. In addition, it is usually cheaper and you have to visit the pet store less often.
There is now also dry pet food in paper bags to make your own Reduce plastic waste. These are other valuable tips for sustainable animal husbandry.
5. vegan diet for small animals
For small pets such as rabbits, hamsters or guinea pigs is suitable a vegan diet ideal. They are by nature Herbivore and in this way get all the necessary nutrients.
Unfortunately, the situation is somewhat different for dogs and cats. Although there are now already Meatless variants with vegetable proteins. However, you must remember that these animals were originally predators. Nevertheless, you can try vegetable part of the feed steadily. However, watch your pet closely to see how it reacts to the change and ask your Veterinarian for advice.
Tip: You want to know, How vegans feel about keeping pets? You can find out in the linked article.
6. prepare food yourself
To take care of the composition and preparation of the food yourself is the trend. The big advantage: You can adjust the food to the Needs of your pet individually and know exactly what is in it. In addition, the food can be better portioned in this way.
A popular method to provide your dog with an optimal diet is BARF - "Bones And Raw Food." This is the Raw feeding your dog with coordinated amounts of bones, raw meat (except pork!), offal and vegetables. With the help of a specially generated calculator can be the ideal BARF food for your dog Calculate
7. make treats yourself
Apart from the main food, there are equally eco-friendly alternatives for tasty rewards and snacks. On the Internet you can find a variety of recipes for different tastes. One Dog treats bakes already quite simple with a little oatmeal, apples, flour and sunflower oil.
8. attention on forest roads
If you want to keep your pet sustainable, you should also make sure that it doesn't harm other animals when you're out and about. To ensure that your dog does not disturb or even kill any wild animals during a leisurely walk through the forest, for example, you should always on the leash lead. Let them loose, but always with the possibility of stopping your companion from sprinting away to hunt.
9. clean, sustainable walking
Want another tip for sustainable animal husbandry? No problem. When you go for a walk, always lead biodegradable feces bags for your dog's business. This way you keep the streets clean and avoid plastic.
I can definitely give you these plastic-free "poop bags" made of paper* recommend.
10. do it yourself toy
Look around your home first before buying expensive plastic toys from pet stores. Some things that are useless for us humans can be used for misuse as a pet toy. For example, many a cat has a blast with an empty toilet paper roll. Gather items that you no longer need.
In addition, there are several beautiful DIYs to Making toys for your pet. The free e-book from Green Petfood shows you, for example, several ideas to create a lot of fun for you and your pet with little effort. Sustainable pet care can be so easy - just let your creativity run wild!
Sustainability with pets? It's not hard!
Even small changes in everyday life can have big, positive consequences for the environment. When acquiring a new animal friend applies: Animal shelter before breed. With a special focus and your own composition of pet food, you also produce less waste and give your pet exactly what it needs.
Do you have any questions or more tips that you would like to pass on to others? Then just write me a comment.
Stay sustainable,

PS.: In the animal welfare blog you will find many more tips on the topic of animals and sustainability. Take a look at for example these rousing lectures about veganism on. Have fun!