What exactly do sustainability officers and sustainability consultants do? If you're looking for a clear answer to this question, you've come to the right place! climate changeplastic waste, rainforest deforestation, World hunger - At a time when protecting the environment and ensuring a fair, sustainable future are becoming increasingly important, specialist expertise and targeted advice on more sustainable measures in companies play a particularly important role.
In this article, I would therefore like to give you everything you need to know about sustainability consultants and related professions. Let's go!
Here you can find a short overview in advance:
Notice: Whether sustainability consultant, environmental consultant, sustainability consultant or CSR and ESG manager - the exact job titles of environmental experts often vary. In this article, I will use the terms "sustainability officer" and "sustainability consultant" for the sake of simplicity.
Background: Why are there sustainability consultants?

Sustainability consulting is so important today for a wide variety of reasons.in demand like never before. Before we move on to the job description of sustainability consultants, I would like to show you a few things first, Why they exist and why they are becoming increasingly important.
Regulations, agreements and (minimum) standards
The increasing regulation and introduction of environmental standards by governments and international organizations is prompting companies to introduce regular Sustainability reports and to create target-oriented Sustainability strategies to develop and implement.
Since 2024, for example, the largest 500 listed companies have initially been required by law to Committed to sustainability reporting. The obligation will then apply to all other large corporations from 2025 and to capital market-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from 2026 or 2028.1
Standards and certifications also serve as a guide, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) or the German Sustainability Code (DNK).
However, sustainability consulting is also characterized above all by the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015 in combination with the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs for short) from 2016. These are the United Nations' political goals for sustainable development.
This developed into the Agenda 2030 seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which companies should use as a guideline for achieving environmental and social protection. Climate protection in your own company drive forward.
Growing demand from consumers
For around 80 percent of Germans Sustainability an important factor in their lives.2 This value is not surprising, as most people feel comfortable in a clean, green, healthy and natural environment.
In addition, consumers are increasingly sensitized to environmental and sustainability issuesso that they prefer products and services from honest and sustainable companies - i.e. without Greenwashing - wish.
The Increasing desire for more sustainability ultimately forces companies to make sustainability goals an important part of their business strategy and to achieve them step by step. Sustainability consultants then accompany the companies on this path to a sustainable future.
Economic advantages
Another reason why sustainability consulting is so important is that more and more companies are recognizing sustainability as an important Factor for long-term economic success is considered.
After all, companies that act sustainably generally benefit from a higher resource efficiency (e.g. through Circular economy)lower costs, minimized economic risks, social responsibility and transparency in the supply chain and in general also from new business opportunities.
Ultimately, it is also the impending high costs of inaction that motivate companies to turn to management consultants when it comes to sustainability. They support companies in achieving these identify and utilize economic advantagesby integrating sustainable practices into their business strategies.
Moral values and personal attitude
Many companies and organizations are aware of their social and ecological responsibility and strive to make a positive contribution to society and environmental protection.
At the latest at the point where they do not know exactly how to put their philosophy, values, vision and mission into practicesustainability consultants step in.
Job description: What is a sustainability officer?

Sustainability officers (often also called sustainability consultants, ESG managers, sustainability consultants or environmental consultants, for example) develop, implement and monitor sustainability concepts in a company.
In other words, they support companies, organizations and governments in their sustainable development and pursue the The aim is to harmonize ecological, social and economic aspects. to bring.
I would like to answer the most frequently asked questions about the job description below. Use the information, for example, to find your way around your company. to campaign for the recruitment of sustainability consultants or to to become a sustainability consultant yourself.
Competencies: What characterizes good sustainability consultants?
As a sustainability officer or sustainability consultant, you will have a Broad spectrum of skills. Here is a brief list of the soft and hard skills that are particularly important (everything can be learned!):
Soft skills
- Passion for environmental protection and social justice
- Communication skills and persuasiveness
- Self-organization
- Ability to work in a team and empathy
- Solution-oriented work
- Leadership competence
- Adaptability
Hard Skills
- Know-How on sustainability strategies, environmental management systems, environmental law, sustainability reporting and corporate governance.
- Knowledge of environmental sciences: Deep understanding of Ecological challengesclimate change, efficient resource management and the circular economy.
- Project management skills for planning, implementing and monitoring sustainability initiatives.
- Technical and analytical abilityto assess environmental impacts and identify sustainability opportunities.
- Financial analysis and an understanding of the financial aspects of sustainable practices, including budgeting and cost-benefit analysis.
Areas of application: In which subject areas and fields are sustainability consultants active?

Whether self-employed or employed: As a rule, you are responsible for the Environmental management and environmental consulting responsible - for example in a consulting or service company.
Your expertise will be used above all in the following different sectors and areas of application required:
Sustainability consultants are becoming increasingly important in every company. But They are particularly in demand in the following sectors:
- Energy sector (e.g. solar and photovoltaics)
- Finance and investment
- Construction and real estate industry
- Automotive industry (e.g. electromobility)
- Chemical and pharmaceutical industry
- IT and technology sector
- Retail (especially food retail)
- Transportation and logistics (e.g. climate-neutral deliveries)
- Public sector and NGOs
Areas of application
With these Topics environmental consultants and sustainability officers, among others:
- Sustainable procurement and supply chain management
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Energy efficiency and renewable energies
- Sustainability reporting and communication
- Water resource management
- Circular economy and waste management
- Sustainable urban development and infrastructure
- CO2 balancing and emissions reduction
- Social responsibility and occupational safety
- Sustainable financial advice and investments
- Promotion of the Environmental awareness
Tasks: What do sustainability consultants do?
The usual sectors and areas of application are now clear. But how can you visualize the Everyday work of sustainability officers practically?
You spend most of your time in the office. But depending on whether you work for a single company or several clients, you will be out of the office more often.
Your areas of responsibility relate to both the economy, ecology and the social dimension.. Accordingly, here are some brief and concise examples of the day-to-day tasks of sustainability officers:
- Analysis and evaluation (especially the initial situation)
- Development of the sustainability strategy (e.g. based on the German Sustainability Code (DNK), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), UN Global Compact (UNGC) or Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs))
- Definition of sustainability goals and implementation of measures (e.g. CO2 targets)
- Training and sensitization (e.g. workshops on Save paper in the office)
- Control and reporting (e.g. status quo for CO2 targets)
Training: How do you become a sustainability consultant or sustainability officer?
There are No classical training and no classical studiesbut there are still countless direct and indirect ways to become a sustainability consultant.
For example, you can use a Complete the course (usually lasts about 6 months) or a Complete part-time distance learning or full-time studies.
Typically, sustainability consultants have an academic background in environmental sciences, business administration and economics, engineering, social sciences or a field related to sustainability. A Bachelor's or Master's degree in a relevant specialist area is generally required.
Future: What are the future prospects for sustainability consultants?
As a sustainability consultant, you look forward to a positive future. Environmental protection and social responsibility are becoming increasingly important. Last but not least, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are also increasing the demand for experts in these fields.
In addition regulatory requirements and the growing interest of investors and consumers The demand for qualified sustainability consultants continues to rise as a result of the growing number of sustainable offerings.
If you also have a passion for sustainability, environmental protection and social justice, your career prospects could hardly be better in my opinion.
Advantages and opportunities: Why should companies rely on sustainability consultants?

Too expensive, too cumbersome, too insignificant - there are countless Misconceptions and myths about sustainability consulting. I would therefore like to take this opportunity go into some detail and show why every company should make an effort to recruit sustainability experts.
Basically, of course, to create a generate ecological added value and protect the environment. Finally, the Earth Overload Day closer and closer to the beginning of the year.
But how exactly can companies themselves benefit from working with sustainability consultants in the short or medium term? Here is an overview of some of the opportunities and benefits:
- Expertise and specialist knowledge make companies more sustainable (e.g. on environmental management, social responsibility and sustainable development)
- Sustainability saves costs: Sustainable companies work more resource-efficiently and can therefore reduce any operating costs. In addition, sustainability consultants increase the competitiveness of the company, so that at the same time the Attractiveness as an employer:in and, as a result, lower personnel costs and costs for new hires.
- Reduce entrepreneurial risk: With the help of a clear sustainability strategy, environmental risks in particular can be minimized, regulatory requirements can be met in a targeted manner and considerable damage to the company's image can be avoided.
- Access to new markets and target groups: Many business partners and consumers attach great importance to companies that assume social and ecological responsibility. Sustainable corporate governance and transparent communication by sustainability officers can therefore strengthen the trust of customers and partners and open up new opportunities.
- Promoting a culture of innovation: Sustainability consultants can identify innovative opportunities in the company and implement solutions that Making companies more environmentally friendly. This also increases competitiveness - and enables long-term growth.
Support: Where and how can you find sustainability consultants?

You can find good sustainability consultants primarily via Professional networks such as LinkedIn and XING - or specialized Online platformsthat focus on sustainability consulting. Also Associations and organizations in the field of sustainable development can provide contacts or have directories of experts.
This way, you can ultimately look for professionals who have experience and fulfill the individual requirement profile.
Tip: I also offer sustainability advice and can help you with your project. Just take a look at my Services or contact us directly via the contact form.
Sustainability consulting offers opportunities for everyone!
Sustainability consultants are a Important building block for sustainable development of companies and of our society in general.
Their expertise, their awareness of their ecological and social responsibility and their passion for environmental protection is more in demand than ever - and holds not only great opportunities for the environment, but also for the economy and each and every one of us.
"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."
Albert Einstein (more under Environmental protection quotes)
Do you have any questions, ideas or would you like to share your experiences with sustainability consulting? Then I look forward to your comment.
Stay environmentally conscious and sustainable,

PS: Look you with pleasure still something in the Knowledge blog from CareElite. There you will find, for example, exciting articles about Biodiversity, planetary boundaries, Environmental Education, the Water footprint or the Externalization of environmental costs.
- Lexware: New guideline on corporate sustainability reporting - What SMEs should do now, available at https://www.lexware.de/wissen/unternehmensfuehrung/csrd-neue-richtlinie-zur-nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung-von-unternehmen-das-sollten-kmu-jetzt-tun. [19.03.2024]. ↩︎
- H. Nier; Statista GmbH: Germans want to live sustainably (as at 22.06.2018), available at https://de.statista.com/infografik/14379/yougov-statista-umfrage-zum-thema-nachhaltigkeit. [19.03.2024]. ↩︎