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Sustainable study programs for environmental protection and sustainability at a glance

Sustainable study courses in Germany

Are you looking for sustainable courses, which deals with Environment, Nature or other topics of the Sustainability busy? Then you've come to the right place! I myself searched for ages until I found the perfect course of study for me, with which I can make the world a little better. You can save yourself a lot of time searching, because your future course of study in sustainability is already on this page.

To make filtering easier for you, you can use the map at the bottom of the post as well as scroll down the alphabetically sorted degree programs. Whether you want to study abroad or in Germany - whether you want to shape our society fairly, help people or animals, manage consciously or protect the environment - in this overview, there is most likely a suitable sustainable study program for everyone. Let's go!

Tip: If a sustainable job with added value for our society and our environment is also an option for you, just take a look at the sustainable job portal by. There you will find suitable job postings at great companies.

All study programs for sustainability and environmental protection

Maybe the map has already helped you a bit. But just to be on the safe side, here is an alphabetical overview of all sustainable degree programs with more detailed descriptions. Some study programs are very similar, even if they have a different name. Therefore, just take your time and look through the entire list.

Waste management and contaminated sites

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: This course of study deals with all the activities and tasks of preventing, reducing, recycling and disposing of waste, as well as dealing with contaminated sites such as abandoned properties and facilities. The study therefore has much in common with the Zero Waste Lifestyle and makes you an expert in the efficient, economical and ecological handling of waste and contaminated sites.


Agricultural Biology

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: In the course of study of agricultural biology you will deal with the complex biological systems of plants, animals and soil in the agricultural sector. With the knowledge you acquire, you will become an expert in developing concrete problems of modern agricultural production with regard to their ecology and economy. This will enable you, for example, to ensure food security and to tackle environmental problems such as the World hunger counteract.


Agricultural Systems Science

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: In this sustainable master's program, you will study agricultural production systems, their biological, technical and economic foundations and their integration into agroecosystems. With this degree, you can directly influence how food is produced in an environmentally friendly way.



Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: The study of agricultural economics is sustainable in that you will play a valuable part in contributing to our society's food security while also helping to solve environmental problems, such as the climate change, can contribute. In the course of study, for example, organic farming or production technology in plant cultivation and animal husbandry are addressed.


Agricultural Sciences

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters / Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: In the bachelor's or master's program in agricultural sciences, you will learn how healthy food and renewable energy can be produced in a sustainable way. For example, aspects of crop and livestock science, as well as the economics and social sciences of agriculture are addressed.


Agricultural and horticultural sciences

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: With this sustainable degree program, you will work directly on solving our global challenges such as food security, climate change, bioenergy, globalized markets, and environmental and resource protection. For example, you'll study topics such as soil science and site potential, crop protection, plant nutrition, and market research, and you'll learn more about the sustainable horticulture learn


Applied systems science

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: In this degree program, you will learn about the complex interrelationships between different ecosystems, such as human-environment systems in the city or the forest ecosystem. By studying applied systems science, you will be able to explain the effect of certain measures and control the targeted further development of ecosystems.


Sustainability applied

Master of Science, 3 semesters

Study program: This in-depth master's degree prepares you to solve sustainability-related problems. The program enables you to work in NGOs or public administrations, for example, in order to advance ecology, economy and social issues.


Applied + Environmental Geoscience AEG 

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: The focus of this master's program is on assessing and solving environmental problems with soils. For example, you will learn how to stop the pollution of drinking water and save groundwater resources. With the knowledge from this sustainable study program, you can, for example, benefit to help the Environmental problem of soil erosion counteract. Learn everything you need to know about physical, chemical and biological process mechanisms in the geosphere and hydrosphere.



Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: In this sustainable degree program, you will learn essential skills in marine fish aquaculture, fisheries and technical plant operation within 2 years. Use the knowledge you learn, for example, to develop targeted solutions against the Overfishing of the seas to develop.


Architecture and urban space

Bachelor of Arts, 6 semesters

Study program: Especially in urban areas, you can do a lot for environmental protection and sustainability. The study of architecture and urban space teaches you, for example, the basics of building materials or resource-optimized planning and construction. In this way, you can contribute to the environmentally friendly construction of buildings and the sustainable structuring of cities in the future.


Civil and environmental engineering

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: This degree program is sustainable because civil and environmental engineers are needed for structural designs that incorporate aspects of environmental protection. From landfills without groundwater hazards to dike construction based on computerized flood forecasts. The degree ideally prepares you to resolve conflicts between environmental protection and economic concerns.


Operational environmental informatics

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: Computer scientists are in demand like never before - but environmental aspects have rarely been considered. Business Environmental Informatics changes that: With this sustainable degree program, you will learn in 4 semesters everything about planning, conceptual design, development and use of modern business environmental information systems to create added value for us humans and our environment.


Tip: Do you feel like starting a business someday that makes the world a little better? Then be sure to check out the article about sustainable foundation over!

Education and sustainability

Master of Arts, 4 semesters

Study program: Education is the key to a better world. The master's program teaches you, among other things, how educational concepts must be designed in order to convey and anchor aspects of sustainability in our society. With the knowledge gained from this study program, you can, for example, ensure that Environmental protection even stronger at school is conveyed.


Bio- and process engineering

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: This course of study is particularly sustainable because it provides you with extensive knowledge about the entire production process chain, enabling you to make processes more sustainable in a targeted manner. Resource-conserving and with minimal impact on our environment. You will primarily encounter manufacturing processes in the material-converting industry - be it chemistry, environmental technology, food production, surface technology or pharmaceuticals.


Bio and environmental technology

Bachelor of Engineering, 7 semesters

Study program: Whether in the summer or winter semester, this sustainable course of study will prepare you for the task of minimizing environmental pollution as far as possible at the point of origin and developing facilities in which waste, wastewater, exhaust gases and soils can be treated in such a way as to eliminate any risk to people and the environment as far as possible. The degree will get you ready for a job that focuses on the use of renewable resources as an alternative to dwindling fossil resources.


Bio- and environmental process engineering

Bachelor of Science, 8 semesters / Master of Engineering, 3 semesters

Study program: The Bioengineering and Environmental Process Engineering program - whether bachelor's or master's - gives you the know-how to develop new, environmentally friendly and sustainable technologies. The focus areas range from biology, mathematics and physics to chemistry and make you an expert in sustainable process engineering, biotechnology and environmental analysis.


Bio, environmental and process engineering

Bachelor of Engineering , 7 Semester

Study program: In the study of process engineering, you will deal with the technical processes by which raw materials are converted into products. It is a sustainable course of study oriented towards the biotechnological and chemical industries and the associated environmental issues. With the knowledge imparted, you can ensure that the production of consumer goods in the future is carried out under the aspect of maximum resource conservation and minimized environmental impact.


Biodiversity, evolution and ecology

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: A really exciting Master's program with sustainability and environmental aspects that teaches you how to professionally collect, evaluate and interpret data on evolution, ecology and biodiversity. The goal of the program is to gain a sound understanding of complex ecological and evolutionary processes in order to make our future greener.



Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters / Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: The study of biogeosciences combines the major subjects of Biology and Geography and complements this with basic knowledge from chemistry, physics and statistics. Whether you are studying for a bachelor's or master's degree, here you will further your knowledge of conservation biology, diversity, landscape ecology and many other areas of environmental protection.


Biological diversity and ecology

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: If you're passionate about animals and plants, interested in their evolutionary origins, and want to answer questions about conservation biology, this sustainable major is for you! With concentrations ranging from plant and animal ecology to vegetation analysis and biodiversity research, you'll be able to follow the Environmental problem of species extinction counteract.


Biotechnology and applied ecology

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: Landscape, biodiversity, and genetic diversity are at the forefront of this sustainable degree program. The degree prepares you for decisive action at the international and national level and for preserving biological diversity for future generations. 


Soil, water, contaminated sites

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: The master's program offers you ideal further education in the environmental fields of soil and water. Whether land sealing, contaminated sites, agricultural intensification, climate change or the implementation of water framework directives - with this sustainable degree program you will contribute to the protection of our soils and waters.


BWL - Rethinking Business

Bachelor of Arts, 6 semesters

Study program: The economy is one of the main reasons for the numerous environmental problems we have to deal with today. Do you also want to do business in a way that benefits people and the environment in the long run? This degree will make you more than ready to work in sustainable businesses in the future or to start your own.


Chemical and environmental engineering

Master of Engineering , 3 Semester

Study program: With the sustainable chemical and environmental engineering degree program, you will apply the in-depth knowledge you gain in industries where substances and materials are changed and treated, for example chemical products, food, gasoline and diesel, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, paper. Wastewater and waste treatment are also included.


Chemical and environmental engineering

Bachelor of Engineering, 7 semesters

Study program: Chemical engineering deals with the production of various substances, the development of new products and processes, the design of apparatus and the analytical control of product quality. For example, to help the Environmental problem of air pollution to counteract. The bachelor's degree program in chemical and environmental engineering prepares you to use your ideas to take on creative responsibility for our future and the world of tomorrow.


Digital management

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: Rooftop photovoltaic systems or electric cars require a high degree of automated coordination. Digitalization enables coordination with technologies such as Big Data, artificial intelligence and blockchain. With this in-depth, sustainable degree program, you will become a digital energy manager who reconciles digitalization and sustainability.


Eco-Social Design

Master of Arts, 4 semesters

Study program: This degree program brings sustainability and design under one roof and is aimed at all (aspiring) designers who want to make their contribution to a more resilient and fairer future. From the design of products, spaces, processes to interactive applications, there are no limits for you when studying Eco-Social Design.



Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: The goal of the Ecology Master's program is to provide professional and research training in ecology. The study program is a targeted training in the planning and statistical evaluation of ecological investigations and provides you with in-depth scientific skills in the form of experiments and observations - in the field and in the laboratory. You can tailor this sustainable degree to focus on areas such as vegetation ecology, behavioral ecology, soil ecology, population ecology, or environmental risk research.


Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: With this sustainable degree program, you'll gain extensive knowledge in the specialized areas of ecology, evolutionary research, and scientific conservation. The goal of the master's program is a scientific mindset and mastery of the most modern methods of environmental protection. After graduation, you will be able to better understand important interrelationships and also mechanisms of action and apply them across disciplines.



Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: This English-language master's program teaches you everything you need to know about the impact of chemicals on the biotic environment. The focus areas range from ecotoxicology to geoecology and environmental physics to socioeconomics and environmental management.


Energy and resource management

Bachelor of Arts, 7 semesters

Study program: Another sustainable study program that should not be missing from this overview. The bachelor's degree program in Energy and Resource Management provides you with economic, legal and technical knowledge from the supply and disposal industry. The interdisciplinary course content promotes the networked thinking needed to solve complex operational tasks in a sustainable manner.


Energy and environmental management

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters / Master of Engineering, 3 semesters

Study program: In this sustainable degree program, you will combine entrepreneurial thinking with scientific knowledge and technical understanding of operational processes. As an energy and environmental manager, you will have ideal prospects for the future, because you will be working in fields where economic and ecological benefits are in demand.


Energy and environmental technology

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters / Bachelor of Engineering, 7 semesters / Graduate engineer, 8 semesters

Study program: Energy has become as important to our daily lives as water. Increasingly, attention is being paid to ensuring that energy is generated and used sustainably. Without longer-term burdens for future generations. Whether Bachelor, Master or Diploma. This degree program makes you ready for complex issues in energy technology and environmental engineering - and helps you to counteract global warming in a targeted manner, even in your professional life.


Energy and process engineering

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: This sustainable degree program combines energy engineering with process engineering and provides you with extensive knowledge in the areas of thermodynamics, process and plant dynamics, and deepens your knowledge of basic operations and computer-aided methods. The master's program will make you an expert in resource-saving energy and process engineering.


Energy, building and environmental management

Master of Science, 3 semesters

Study program: Our energy supply is undergoing massive change - because nothing works without energy these days. We need to move away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energies and energy efficiency strategies. Since the focus of this sustainable degree program is on energy economics, management, automation, law and technology, you will be particularly interesting for energy supply companies, engineering firms or larger craft enterprises with this master's degree.


Energy, building and environmental technology

Bachelor of Engineering, 6 semesters / Master of Engineering, 4 semesters

Study program: Whether you are studying for a bachelor's or master's degree, this sustainable degree program combines your scientific knowledge with technical know-how to minimize pollution in production, search for alternative energy solutions or help shape the latest developments in the energy industry. 


Energy management

Master of Engineering, 3 semesters

Study program: This sustainable master's program provides the knowledge needed to meet the challenges of today's and tomorrow's energy supply. Deepen your knowledge with the Energy Management degree program and become part of the solution to one of the biggest environmental problems of our time: climate change.


Energy Sciences

Bachelor of Engineering, 7 semesters

Study program: This degree program combines technology, environment and economics and provides you, for example, with extensive knowledge to help solve the problem of global warming. In the course of your studies, you can deepen your knowledge in the fields of electrical energy systems engineering, energy and environmental management, or regenerative energy engineering, for example.


Renewable energies

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: This sustainable bachelor's degree program aims to provide you with an overview of the fundamental interrelationships of the renewable energy sector. In this way, you can strengthen the acceptance of renewable energies in our society and develop new concepts and solutions. You can deepen your knowledge, for example, with a master's program in the fields of industrial engineering, energy, engineering or economics.


Renewable Energies Management

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: The sustainable study program Renewable Energy Management provides you with management and communication skills to realize plants with renewable energies and to advance the energy transition. In addition to potential analyses, you will also gain a deeper insight into planning aspects - for example, how renewable energies can be integrated into the environment.


Forest science and ecology

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters / Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: This bachelor's degree program combines natural and engineering sciences, computer science, economics, law, and politics. As a student, you will gain a wide-ranging view of the interrelationships with practical relevance to forests and wood. The study program qualifies you for a professional engagement around forest and nature and of course also for the corresponding, advanced master's degree program.


Hazard Prevention / Hazard Control

Bachelor of Engineering, 7 semesters

Study program: Yes, this course of study now also exists - and it is more necessary than ever. Natural disasters, technical failures, chemical accidents or major fires - hazards threaten people, animals, the environment and property. The sustainable study program provides you, for example, with comprehensive knowledge in preventive fire and hazard protection, in the logistics of large-scale emergency operations at home and abroad, in chemical safety and the assessment of environmental hazards. 


Geoenvironmental Engineering

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: The sustainable study program Geoenvironmental Engineering makes you a professional engineer who is able to work interdisciplinary in the fields of geotechnics, applied geology and environmental engineering. After graduating with a bachelor's degree, you will focus on environmental consulting and investigation, as well as soil, water, waste and contaminated sites.


Geoinformation and municipal technology

Bachelor of Engineering, 6 semesters

Study program: This sustainable degree program teaches you how to collect, manage and analyze spatial data, opening up a wide range of career opportunities. As a geodetic engineer, you will digitally describe our earth and help to make our living space sustainable now and in the future.
The program focuses on surveying, geoinformation, land management, facility management and technical infrastructure.



Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters / Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: In this sustainable degree program with a natural science focus, you will learn to understand processes and their interrelationships in and between the atmosphere, pedosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere and anthroposphere. In the bachelor's program, you will gain insight into the ways of thinking and working in biological ecology and microbiology, atmospheric and climate science, pedology, hydrology and hydrogeology, geochemistry and geotechnics, environmental law and environmental management. The master's degree program in geoecology deepens your knowledge and prepares you to make a positive difference in the world.


Global Change Management

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program:

After completing the sustainable Global Change Management degree program you will be able to achieve goal-oriented and science-based solutions for resource management under the conditions of global change. The focus of the program is on adaptation and mitigation strategies with regard to current challenges such as climate change or the decline of biodiversity.


Hydroinformatics and Water Management

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: This English-language, sustainable degree program targets experts in the modeling and management of water technologies. After completing the master's degree, you can work, for example, in regional and international expert committees and public institutions as well as in private companies.



Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: The study of hydrology provides you with a comprehensive knowledge of the science of water - the resource without which no life would exist on Earth. The rapid growth of the world's population, as well as climate and land use change, are altering the availability, distribution, and quality of water. The degree teaches you all the measures we can take to meet the challenges of our time. The focus of the study is on water research.


Infrastructure Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering, 6 semesters

Study program: Through the sustainable full-time degree program in infrastructure engineering, you will be able to plan, implement and operate projects for road, rail and water transport routes as well as water and energy supply in a technically and economically sustainable manner. 


Infrastructure Management

Bachelor of Engineering, 7 semesters / Master of Engineering, 4 semesters

Study program: This degree program enables you to connect interfaces between projects, e.g. constructional and commercial, to ensure a smooth process. This sustainable degree program includes, for example, the areas of transport infrastructure, energy and environment, business honor, construction management, urban planning and urban water management.


Engineering Ecology

Master of Science , 4 Semester

Study program: Engineering ecology refers specifically to the development of sustainable systems in accordance with ecological principles. This approach has a focus on diversity, resilience and adaptability with the goal of improved sustainability. The master's program will enable you to develop scientifically based concepts, procedures and planning for sustainable and integrated resource management as well as for the renaturation and rehabilitation of ecosystems and for decentralized supply and disposal.


Integrated Natural Resource Management

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: The demand for natural resources in our society is increasing as the world's population grows. This sustainable master's program is designed to systematically combine the teaching of natural and social sciences. For example, content from the fields of ecology, crop production, animal husbandry, production technology, environmental management, resource economics, institutional and policy analysis will be taught.


Integrated Water Resources Management

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: This English-language master's degree program trains you to be an expert in minimizing the increasing pressure of the world's growing population on natural resources with applied and interdisciplinary approaches.


International Forest Ecosystem Management

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: This sustainable study program is held in English and aims to train experts who are able to understand the Earth's forests as ecosystems and to conserve and manage them according to the principles of sustainable forestry using the ecosystem approach. With the knowledge you acquire, you will be able to contribute to the protection and sustainable use of the Earth's natural resources.


International Material Flow Management

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: The focus of this sustainable degree program is on teaching management knowledge, supplemented by political, intercultural and natural science teaching content. In addition to knowledge of regional efficiency and economic potential, you will be taught the perspectives of material flow management as a tool for regional economic development. 


International Nature Conservation

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: This master's degree program runs over the course of 4 semesters and addresses, among other things, international conservation issues in the context of conservation biology. It is mainly about protecting unique natural landscapes and habitats in order to preserve biodiversity. You can do an internship during your studies, for example in a conservation organization.


International Sustainability Management

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: This English-language degree program teaches you about topics such as creating a sustainability culture or reducing the environmental impact of an entire supply chain. You can complete the internship at the end of the program in a non-governmental organization and put what you have learned directly into practice.


Land use and water management

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters / Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: Land use describes the use of the landscape by humans, e.g. in the form of agriculture or mining. Water management includes all anthropogenic interventions in the landscape water balance and is closely coupled with land use. The bachelor's program provides you with a comprehensive understanding of the effects of these interventions and their mutual interaction. With the knowledge you acquire, you will contribute to the sustainable use of our environment in the future.


Landscape Ecology

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters / Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: The focus of the program is to provide basic or in-depth knowledge for the analysis and assessment of ecosystems. From this knowledge, practical applications are derived that deal with the sustainable use and development of the landscape and its functions. You will learn the geoscientific and bioscientific knowledge for the understanding of functioning and processes in ecosystems and landscapes. Emphasis is placed on biology, botany, zoology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and geology.


Landscape ecology and nature conservation

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: The program is a comprehensive course of study that aims to show ways of dealing with nature in a permanently environmentally sound manner, especially at the complexity level of landscapes. After this sustainable course of study, you will be able to grasp the landscape in its complexity, evaluate the inherent potential of the landscape, and take action to preserve its functionality and sustainable usability.


Landscape use and nature conservation

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: This sustainable degree program enables you to practically analyze and evaluate all components and processes in the landscape habitat and to plan and implement ecologically and socially sustainable developments. As an expert in landscape use and nature conservation, you are already needed more and more in the practice of land use management and settlement planning worldwide.


Landscape planning and nature conservation

Bachelor of Engineering, 7 semesters

Study program: Landscape planners work, among others, in planning offices, authorities or associations and ensure the protection, maintenance, development and, if necessary, the restoration of nature and landscape.


Agriculture and environment

Master of Science, 3 semesters

Study program: Agriculture and the environment influence each other - and that's why solving related ecological problems requires a far-sighted approach. In this master's program, you will gain in-depth knowledge in both fields - from agricultural policy to modeling and regenerative energies.


Life Science Engineering

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters / Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: This degree program combines knowledge from engineering sciences with that of modern life sciences. The focus is on the development of modern processes for the manufacture of products for the pharmaceutical industry and the biotech industry. The focus in this subject area is on bioprocess engineering, cell biology, biochemistry, genetic engineering, analytics and environmental engineering.


Management and Technology of Water and Waste Water

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: This sustainable master's program is designed to introduce you to more in-depth business and water management skills, advanced engineering topics, and engineering topics focused on water reclamation, water treatment, and wastewater treatment.


Renewable energy management

Bachelor of Science, 7 semesters

Study program: Of course, renewable energy management should not be missing in the overview of sustainable study programs. This study program has a clear technical-economic orientation and after graduation you will have acquired extensive competencies in the fields of energy management, law and politics. The bachelor's program is designed to be very practical, so that you can apply what you have learned during the program.


Natural resource management

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters / Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: The two sustainable courses of study in natural resource management qualify you on a scientific basis for specific fields of action and occupations in assessment and planning
of interventions in the environment and landscape. The objectives of the study program include, for example, the acquisition of basic knowledge, theories, methods, procedures and issues of the environmental compartments water, soil, plants and geology.


Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries Science

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: Do you have a personal connection to marine ecosystems or would you like to make a difference in the marine environment? Then this English-language Master's program may be ideal for you. The program teaches you all the important practical and theoretical methods of the research fields of biological oceanography and fisheries science.


Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries Sciences

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters / Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: Whether Bachelor or Master - this sustainable study program provides both extensive profession-qualifying theoretical basics as well as methodological knowledge and skills in marine sciences. You will gain a decisive overview of the biodiversity in the most diverse marine areas of the world ocean and can specifically develop effective, holistic solutions for the marine environmental problems of our day.


Marine Environmental Science

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: This sustainable degree program is designed to deepen your knowledge in the knowledge areas and methods of modern marine environmental sciences and their application fields, especially in shallow sea and coastal systems. An ideal course of study if you are particularly keen to advance the aspects of sustainability in marine environments.


Sustainable agriculture and nutrition science

Master of Science, 3 semesters

Study program: Global food security, climate change, environmental protection and animal welfare issues, as well as the sustainable production of food, are the strategic issues that companies and organizations in the agricultural and food industry are increasingly having to address and for which highly qualified specialists are needed to find solutions. With a sound knowledge of the natural, technical and economic contexts of the production of food and renewable raw materials, you will therefore be in great demand after your master's degree.


Sustainable service and food economy

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: This sustainable degree program combines specialist topics in the food and service industry with interdisciplinary skills. You will acquire a broad knowledge base and learn numerous research methods to make the service and food economy of our society more sustainable.


Sustainable Energy Competence

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: This sustainable degree program covers the theory and practical use of renewable energies for the generation of heat and electricity with solar energy, water and wind power, as well as from wood as a renewable energy source. With this master's degree, you can deepen your knowledge of sustainable energy management and drive the energy transition even further in the future.


Sustainable development

Bachelor of Science, 7 semesters

Study program: The Sustainable Development program teaches you to understand the complexity of environmental problems and to develop strategies to solve them. Central study contents are, for example, the structure and functioning of ecosystems, social and economic systems as well as their ethical foundations and possibilities for change. The program combines natural sciences, economics, engineering and social sciences.


Sustainable tourism development

Master of Arts, 3 semesters

Study program: Tourism is a decisive factor in global greenhouse emissions, which accelerate climate change. The corresponding companies therefore bear a special responsibility for sustainable business in the future. With the sustainable tourism development degree program, you can breathe fresh air into the industry.


Sustainable design

Bachelor of Arts, 8 semesters

Study program: As a trained designer, you can also make a decisive contribution to anchoring sustainability aspects even more quickly in our society. This bachelor's program, for example, trains you to become a sustainable designer with a focus on communication design, product design, photography and illustration.


Sustainable management

Bachelor of Arts, 6 semesters / Master of Science, 3 semesters

Study program: It's no secret that the economy in industrialized countries needs to adapt to change - because it is one of the main factors behind the major environmental problems of our time. With the Sustainable Business degree program, you have an ideal foundation to become a driving part of successful economic change. If you want to work in socially and environmentally sustainable companies after graduation, this is definitely the right program for you.


Sustainability in macroeconomic cycles

Master of Engineering, 4 semesters

Study program: This master's program strengthens your sustainable and economic actions in the future. The strengthening and safeguarding of sustainable management and the integrated consideration of ecological, economic and social aspects lead to a change in existing areas of responsibility in the company, to the establishment of new structures and thus also to new challenges for personnel policy. An exciting, sustainable course of study with holistic approaches to solutions.


Sustainability and quality management

Master of Arts, 4 semesters

Study program: This master's degree program trains you to advise and support companies and organizations on environmental and social improvements and to measure, analyze and evaluate their sustainability performance. In companies as well as in private and public institutions, you will then be able to manage cross-sectional tasks and take on leadership roles.


Sustainability Science - Sustainability Science

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: This German-language, sustainable degree program combines sustainability natural sciences and sustainability humanities. The goal is a disciplinarily sound and at the same time interdisciplinarily balanced consideration of social-ecological systems. From the perspective of sustainability natural sciences, the material processes that form the material and energetic basis of environmental and sustainability problems and possible solutions are taken into account.


Renewable raw materials and bioenergy

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: In the field of renewable raw materials and bioenergy, the aim is to implement the raw material change from fossil to biogenic resources. This includes, on the one hand, the agricultural production of renewable raw materials and, on the other hand, the processes of material and energetic use for the generation of electricity, heat and fuels. You will gain extensive knowledge in these areas through this sustainable degree program.


Renewable raw materials and renewable energies

Master of Engineering, 4 semesters

Study program: This master's program combines the fields of technology and sustainability. With the content, you can further deepen your knowledge of renewable energies and make the energy sector more sustainable.


Nature conservation and land use planning

Bachelor of Science, 8 semesters

Study program: This sustainable degree intertwines the focus areas of conservation, land use, and planning. Since both rural and urban areas are considered, you will gain a holistic understanding of land use. Sustainable land use in urban and rural areas is one of the most urgent tasks of the 21st century and will make you highly sought after after graduation.


Nature conservation and landscape planning

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters / aster of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: This environmentally friendly degree program provides you with essential skills to plan and implement targeted strategies and measures in nature conservation. You will gain in-depth knowledge of plant and animal species, ecology and vegetation science. After completing your bachelor's degree, you will have great opportunities for a job in federal and state nature conservation administrations, in large protected areas such as national parks, or in national and international nature conservation organizations.


Organic farming and marketing

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: In addition to the basics of organic crop production and organic animal husbandry, this course of study also provides you with fundamental knowledge in the areas of product quality, marketing and business management. During your studies, you can apply what you have learned directly in a practical semester within a company.


Ecology and environmental planning

Bachelor of Science, 8 semesters

Study program: By completing this bachelor's degree program, you can build extensive knowledge to solve environmental problems such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and soil degradation. The Ecology and Environmental Planning degree program provides knowledge, skills and competencies to address these challenges for the sustainable development of urban and rural areas.


Ecology and environmental protection

Bachelor of Science, 7 semesters

Study program: Here you will gain extensive knowledge, for example, to positively address the energy transition and global warming and to permanently advance biodiversity protection, resource efficiency or other areas of sustainability.


Organic farming

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters / Master of Science, 3 semesters

Study program: Agriculture is on the verge of a change towards more sustainability. This sustainable degree program is therefore an important addition to and further development of traditional approaches in conventional agriculture. After graduation, you will have scientifically based, application-oriented skills for managing and advising agricultural companies and associations.


Ecosystem Management

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: You'll learn the key principles for describing and analyzing ecosystems and concepts for developing their restoration and sustainable use in this sustainable degree program. The deep insight into agricultural, forestry and earth sciences will make you a sought-after expert in ecosystem management.


Planning sustainable buildings

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: The building sector is also facing major challenges due to climate change. Existing buildings must be renovated and new buildings must be planned with maximum conservation of resources. On the one hand, the study content conveys the proven teaching content of civil engineering, but is also specifically expanded to include ecological topics and issues. In this way, you can also make a valuable professional contribution to the social change towards more sustainability.


Process Engineering and Energy Technology

Master of Science, 3 semesters

Study program: This sustainable course of study in process engineering investigates and develops technical processes that convert substances according to their type, properties and composition by chemical, physical or biological means into usable intermediate or end products. This also includes the development, construction, production and maintenance of the necessary apparatus and plants as well as their optimal operation. In this way, you can make a valuable contribution to greater sustainability.


Recycling and disposal management

Bachelor of Engineering, 7 semesters

Study program: Waste volumes continue to increase - and that, of course, creates problems. The Trash vortex in the oceans are now a household word. With new laws, waste management has now fundamentally changed to resource management, with a particular focus on the conservation of natural resources and the protection of people and the environment in the generation and management of waste. You will gain in-depth knowledge in the areas of waste management as well as recycling and waste treatment through this degree program.


Regenerative energies

Bachelor of Science, 7 semesters

Study program: The study content of the regenerative energy program ranges from regenerative energy management to electrical engineering and process engineering. The focus of the sustainable study program teaches you the effective generation, distribution and use of electrical energy based on regenerative energies in combination with the generation and distribution of bioenergy from renewable raw materials.


Renewable Energies - Electrical Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering, 7 semesters

Study program: Intelligent and economical solutions are needed to accelerate the transition from fossil and nuclear energy sources to renewable energies. Extensive tasks in the generation, transport and storage of highly fluctuating amounts of regenerative power will have to be mastered in the coming years. The study program "Renewable Energies - Electrical Engineering" provides you with the necessary skills.


Renewable energies and energy efficiency

Bachelor of Engineering, 7 semesters / Master of Science, 3 semesters

Study program: Photovoltaics, wind power and biomass are of course also part of this sustainable study program. But the study program also particularly deepens your knowledge in the areas of electrical grid technology, grid planning and grid control or energy storage. This energy technology course based on the two disciplines of electrical engineering and mechanical engineering teaches you important fundamentals in natural sciences and engineering.


Regenerative energy systems

Master of Science, 4 semesters / Diploma, 10 semesters

Study program: Renewable energies already make up a large part of our electricity mix and are therefore an integral part of future-oriented energy technology. The knowledge, improvement and further development of regenerative energy technologies is eminently important both with regard to sustainability goals and with regard to the technological leadership to which we aspire. This degree program will make you a sought-after expert in this regard.


Regenerative energy technology

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters / Bachelor of Engineering, 7 semesters / Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: Due to the need to reduce greenhouse gases, finite fossil fuel resources and the problem of nuclear power, a change in society's energy base is on the horizon. After completing this degree program, you will have a comprehensive knowledge of renewable energy production and thus the best opportunities to make our world more sustainable.


Regional development and nature conservation

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: Surely you know why regional shopping and seasonal shopping is so important for our environment. This sustainable study program looks at regions from both a socio-spatial and a natural perspective. In the course of your studies, you have the opportunity to specialize in "Management" or "Environmental Education" and Education for Sustainable Development". Through this course of study, you will acquire comprehensive knowledge that will enable you to promote regions in a sustainable manner.


Renewable Energy Management

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: This English-language degree program with sustainability in mind is designed to bridge the strategic gap between the technical aspects of renewable energies and the vision of sustainable further development. The areas of specialization are, for example, solar energy, geothermal energy, biomass and energy efficiency.


Renewable Energy Systems - Environmental and Process Engineering

Master of Science, 3 semesters

Study program: The international master's degree program in Renewable Energy Systems focuses on the technology and engineering of wind, solar, and bioenergy systems, as well as downstream systems for energy conversion and distribution. The focus of the program is on systems engineering. In a few semesters, you can further deepen your knowledge in this area.


Resources Engineering

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: The English-language Resources Engineering program aims to educate students who want to be involved in sustainable water management worldwide. After graduation, you'll have great opportunities for jobs in areas such as basic water resources research and in application areas such as integrated river basin management, sanitary engineering, and hydropower.


Environmental Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering, 7 semesters

Study program: In the sustainable environmental engineering degree program, you learn to analytically record the effects of human intervention in nature or the development of nature. In this degree program, focal points such as mathematics, building physics, thermodynamics, heat transfer and chemistry round out your knowledge of renewable energies, building technology or ecological construction. Career opportunities are available in the public sector, in companies in the environmental, energy and construction sectors, as well as in engineering offices and in freelance practice.


Resource management water

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: With this sustainable degree program, you will serve to secure sufficient water resources and their sustainable and responsible management in your future professional life. As water supply is facing major challenges due to global population growth, you as a graduate are more in demand than ever.


City Landscape Transformation

Master of Engineering, 3 semesters

Study program: This in-depth master's program qualifies you for work in the fields of landscape architecture, landscape planning or urban planning. After graduation, you will be able to help shape the development of human settlement areas in balance with natural landscape spaces in order to sustainably secure, improve and further develop the quality of life.


Safety and security

Bachelor of Science, 7 semesters

Study program: This degree program will provide you with the necessary procedural and scientific knowledge to effectively combat disasters. During your studies, you will deal with aspects of mathematics, physics, fluid mechanics, process engineering, and pollutant dispersion, among others. You will also build up essential skills in fire protection, disaster prevention and civil defense, environmental protection, immission control and water pollution control, which will make you an expert in safety and hazard prevention.



Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: This sustainable degree program combines safety and legal content. The focus of the program is on occupational safety, radiation protection and environmental technology. Scientific and technical fundamentals of the respective field of study are combined with the basics of law and business administration, so that you become an absolute expert in safety.


Social sustainability and demographic change

Master of Arts, 4 semesters

Study program: With this degree program, you have an ideal foundation for shaping our society sustainably in the future. The master's degree program analytically brings together the social, political, ecological and economic issues that are often dealt with separately and focuses them on questions of necessary framework conditions and the concrete implementation of measures on the ground. The content of the course is primarily the interdependence of social sustainability and demographic change and the resulting social dynamics.


Urban Ecology

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: In the near future, more than 60 percent of people are expected to live in cities.₁ The aim of the sustainable master's program in urban ecology is therefore to train specialized professionals who develop intelligent and sustainable concepts for the city as a living space.


Strategic sustainability management

Master of Arts, 4 semesters

Study program: This sustainable study program deepens your knowledge of the holistic consideration, analysis and anchoring of social, economic and ecological aspects in your everyday professional life. Whether you are self-employed or employed - with the knowledge gained from this study program, you can anchor the important sustainability aspects in any company.


Sustainability Economics and Management

Master of Arts, 4 semesters

Study program: The course of study, which is taught in both German and English, is
Sustainability Economics and Management is designed to provide you with the technical, analytical, interdisciplinary and social skills to enable you to work in a wide range of sustainably minded companies and organizations. Upon completion of the in-depth master's degree, you will be an expert in the field of sustainability.


Sustainability Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Master of Arts, 4 semesters

Study program: You will complete this sustainable master's program in Berlin and Paris. It is dedicated to entrepreneurial skills in the fight against the major environmental problems of our time. You will learn business methods and models and in-depth knowledge of all environmental topics. As the program is mainly in English, your language skills will also be trained automatically.


Sustainability Management MBA

Master of Business Administration, 3 semesters

Study program: With its core topics of corporate social responsibility, sustainability management and social entrepreneurship, this sustainable degree program offers the ideal basis for aligning established organizations, start-ups or new businesses and their economic activities with the goals of sustainable development. You can complete this degree program either part-time or full-time.


Sustainable Change - From Knowledge to Action

Master of Arts, 4 semesters

Study program: The internationally oriented degree program prepares you for solving the growing challenges of our society. Whether climate change, scarcity of resources or demographic changes - every organization is directly affected and must align its strategy with these developments. That's why you'll be in particularly high demand as a sustainability expert after completing your master's degree.


Sustainable Development

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: The international, interdisciplinary and research-oriented degree program Sustainable Development deals with issues of sustainability, environment and development and with the challenges in the transition to a sustainable society. The English-language program can be started in the winter semester.


Sustainable Mobilities

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: Almost every day you read in the newspaper about the transport revolution - which is in full swing. The future of mobility will be sustainable, connected, digital and shared. But to make this vision of the future visible as soon as possible, you can make your own contribution to climate- and environmentally-friendly transport with the English-language Sustainable Mobilities degree program.


Tip: Do you like driving a car? Of course, it's not the most sustainable way of getting around, but you can still use sustainable driving. Just click through to the article to find out how.

Technical environmental protection

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters / Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: With this degree program, you will acquire engineering and scientific expertise that will also enable you to advance aspects of sustainability in your everyday professional life. The bachelor's degree in Technical Environmental Protection is also the basis for the corresponding master's degree of the same name.


Technical management in energy, building and environmental technology

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: The changing energy market, the further increasing importance of environmental technologies and the high energy consumption of buildings - these are some of the challenges for experts in energy, building and environmental technology. After completing your master's degree, you'll also have the business and legal skills needed to meet the increasing demands on our planet.


Transformation Design

Master of Arts, 4 semesters

Study program: The transformation to more sustainability, global justice and a "future-oriented life" is the central social issue of our time - and this is also the task of the design industry. With this sustainable degree program, you will learn to create innovative products, services and systems and to demonstrate attractive alternatives to the supposedly alternative-less development. An exciting course of study for all those who would like to combine design and sustainability.


Future trends and sustainable management

Master of Business Administration, 4 semesters

Study program: In this degree program, you will learn to better understand social change processes and consumer and industry trends. The focus of the program is on social change and socioeconomic trends, the future of work, and the design of sustainable lifestyles and economies.


Tip: Also Fast Fashion is certainly a "trend" of our society, which causes environmental problems and therefore urgently needs sensible solutions.

Environmental and business management

Bachelor of Arts, 6 semesters / Master of Arts, 4 semesters

Study program: During your studies, you will be taught scientific and methodological basics in the various areas of accounting, marketing, sustainable management and economics. Current developments in companies, institutions, markets and occupational profiles are taken into account so that you can implement the aspects of sustainability in practice during your studies.


Environmental and energy process technology

Bachelor of Science, 7 semesters

Study program: From recycling, wastewater treatment, air pollution control, regenerative energy sources to efficient energy use, you will learn everything you need to know to sustainably improve the coexistence of all living beings on earth. Through the teaching of general, mathematical, scientific and engineering fundamentals of process engineering, you will be in particular demand at companies in the processing industry - e.g. in the areas of raw materials, chemicals or automobiles. With the basic idea of sustainability, you will thus become part of the solution to the environmental problems of our time.


Environmental and process engineering

Bachelor of Engineering, 7 semesters / Master of Engineering, 3 semesters

Study program: Whether Bachelor or Master - the study of environmental and process engineering describes technology and processes of material conversion in combination with the aspects of sustainability. After graduation, you have great opportunities to make our world a little better, bit by bit, in the fields of chemistry, pharmaceuticals, health care, food or energy and environmental technology or traditional environmental agencies.


Environmental, hygienic and safety engineering

Bachelor of Science, 7 semesters

Study program: This sustainable degree program aims to protect people and the environment. Whether occupational safety or quality and environmental management - the tasks and teaching areas are wide-ranging. The ultimate goal is to minimize negative influences on the environment.


Environmental Education

Bachelor of Arts, 7 semesters

Study program: The bachelor's degree program in environmental education includes important content from the subjects of biology, geography, physics, and technology, as well as humanities content from education, psychology, economics, and other disciplines dealing with environmental topics. The study program provides you with the knowledge to anchor sustainability aspects more strongly in the education sector.


Environmental Ethics

Master of Arts, 4 semesters

Study program: With the study program of Environmental Ethics you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between humans, nature and culture. This sustainable study makes you fit, for example, for work at environmental associations, in the communication of consciously sustainable companies or in the field of education.


Environmental Informatics

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: Environmental Informatics is an important course of study for dovetailing digitization and sustainability. This bachelor's program focuses on programming, geographic information systems, modeling, databases, ecology, environmental chemistry, environmental physics and geography, as well as mathematics and business administration.


Environmental Engineering

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters / Master of Science, 4 semesters / Bachelor of Engineering, 7 semesters

Study program: Whether in the bachelor's or master's program, the sustainable environmental engineering degree will prepare you to act in an environmentally friendly manner as needs increase due to the growing world population and the higher consumption of energy and resources. If you want to make a valuable contribution to environmental protection, this degree program is just the right choice.


Environmental Engineering

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters / Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: The engineering expertise taught in this degree program, combined with efficient planning strategies, will enhance your skills in areas such as resource conservation and emissions reduction - important challenges for today's society. You can study environmental engineering with either a bachelor's or master's degree.


Environmental management

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: The sustainable course of study relates very specifically to economic, social and legal aspects. Biodiversity and the increasing demand for natural resources are the focus of the course material. As a student, you will learn to develop concepts that take into account environmentally friendly processes and cycles and that are geared towards sustainability.


Environmental Science

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters / Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: The future tasks of our society to preserve our planet require a structural change in industry and economy and holistic solution concepts. The sustainable environmental science degree program prepares you for these challenges and combines the classic natural science disciplines of chemistry, physics, biology and geology with mathematics, economics and law.


Environmentally oriented energy technology

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: This study program should not be missing in the list of sustainable study programs. In addition to fundamental issues of classical energy technology, the course content focuses on the rational generation and use of energy. You will learn to critically examine processes in the field of energy and environmental technology with regard to their contribution to the global protection of the environment. Renewable energies are just as much a focal topic as energy-efficient ventilation and air-conditioning technology.


Environmental planning and law

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: With this sustainable study program, you will be prepared for independent research and challenging development tasks in environmental planning and law. In the future, you will be able to use your acquired knowledge to develop methods for solving challenging problems in environmental planning and law. Modules of this study program are for example environmental planning, environmental precaution in urban land use planning, law or environmental assessment.



Bachelor of Science, 7 semesters / Master of Engineering, 4 semesters / Master of Science, 5 semesters

Study program: Whether in the bachelor's or master's program - the study of environmental protection promotes your knowledge to preserve natural resources and habitats for future generations. The teaching content at all linked universities is constantly adapted to the latest developments. The focus is on environmental aspects such as air, water, biology and ecology, soil, climate and energy.


Environmental Engineering

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters / Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: The Environmental Protection Engineering program deals with the techniques, technologies and processes required to protect the environment and natural resources. You will learn to understand natural science and engineering relationships and processes and create targeted solutions. The focus of the sustainable studies ranges from environmental chemistry, thermodynamics and air pollution control to waste engineering.


Environmental Protection

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters / Bachelor of Engineering, 7 semesters

Study program: Our coexistence on earth is threatened - we have provoked the environmental problems of our time ourselves. But we can also solve them. The sustainable course of study of environmental security helps to understand interventions and their impact on our planet, to reduce them or to avoid them. 


Environmental systems and resource management

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: This sustainable degree program will teach you about the interplay of the various factors influencing the ecological challenges of our time and deepen your knowledge. The focus of the program is on environmental research. Here, natural and social science approaches complement each other.


Environmental Systems Science

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: In my opinion, this is one of the most exciting, sustainable courses of study in this overview. After all, many environmental problems can no longer be solved by looking at individual disciplines. With the study of environmental systems science, you get a comprehensive view of the totality of the challenges of our time - from climate change to environmental pollution.


Environmental Technology

Bachelor of Engineering, 6 semesters / Bachelor of Science, 7 semesters

Study program: The program is so sustainable because it promotes the use of natural resources, regenerative energy use, energy conservation, wastewater and exhaust air purification and, in general, corporate environmental management. In the practical phases of the study program, you have great opportunities to apply your knowledge early on and to advance the aspects of sustainability.


Environmental Technology and Renewable Energies

Bachelor of Engineering, 7 semesters

Study program: This sustainable degree program combines the teaching of fundamental aspects of the natural sciences with an application-oriented education in engineering. Whether photovoltaics, wind energy, geothermal energy, fuel cell technology or biomass utilization - through this degree program you will develop comprehensive core competencies in the fields of renewable energies, resource efficiency and technical environmental protection.


Environmental Technology

Master of Engineering, 3 semesters

Study program: With this sustainable degree program, you will be an important factor in achieving our common climate goals and creating the energy transition both nationally and internationally. You will deepen your knowledge of research and development of environmentally friendly technologies.


Environmental process engineering and recycling

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: The Plastic waste in the environment and the increasing dependence on raw material imports are some of the many challenges that you can master with this sustainable degree program. For example, the degree makes you ready to work in companies in the recycling and waste management industry, the automotive and electronics industry, or the raw materials and basic materials industry.


Environmental Science

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters / Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: The environmental science degree definitely belongs in this overview of sustainable degree programs, as it is designed to have students be part of the scientific exploration and rapid solution to the biggest environmental problems of our time become. Even though each university has its own natural focus, you will be confronted with topics such as waste management or environmental psychology.


Process and environmental engineering

Bachelor of Science, 7 semesters

Study program: The focus of this sustainable degree program includes engineering science, natural science, process engineering, environmental engineering and business administration. With the study of process and environmental engineering, you yourself can contribute to making production processes and energy cycles more sustainable and to conserving the natural resources of our earth.


Process, energy and environmental engineering

Bachelor of Engineering, 7 semesters

Study program: The admission-free, sustainable degree program in process, energy and environmental engineering answers complex questions such as "How can the energy needs of our future be met?" or "How can we further develop energy storage systems?". If you find the transformation of substances and materials in process engineering or regenerative energy technologies exciting, this degree program is just the right start for you to make our world a little better.


Process engineering - energy, environmental and biotechnology

Bachelor of Engineering, 7 semesters

Study program: This sustainable degree program describes an engineering science. It develops, implements and operates manufacturing processes for high-quality products while conserving the earth's material and energy resources. The bachelor's program will make you an expert in this field in a short time.


Forestry and environment

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: The sustainable study program Forestry and Environment is dedicated to the management of (forest) ecosystems and forest landscapes based on scientific principles. The focus of the program is on the interactions between forests and people. For example, you will learn everything essential to help the Environmental problem of deforestation counteract.


Water and environment

Master of Science, 4 semesters / Master of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: The study program Water and Environment offers you a targeted further qualification in the field of hydraulic engineering, water management and waste management and is particularly suitable for engineers and scientists. After graduation, you will be able to harmonize your future professional field with the aspects of sustainability.


Water and soil management

Bachelor of Engineering, 7 semesters

Study program: This sustainable degree program can also be referred to as environmental engineering. It is dedicated to the challenging task of creating and preserving the best possible living conditions for humans, animals and plants. The degree provides you with the knowledge necessary to advance the conservation and restoration of water and soil resources.


Water and infrastructure management

Bachelor of Engineering, 7 semesters

Study program: The bachelor's degree program in water and infrastructure management, for example, prepares you for tasks in the fields of hydraulic engineering and water management, traffic and urban development, or road construction and civil engineering. Due to climate change, you are in greater demand with this education than almost anyone else - because the adaptation of infrastructure to climate change is already underway.


Water management

Bachelor of Engineering , 7 Semester

Study program: The global scarcity of the resource water makes a rethinking of our handling of the earth's blood inevitable. This degree program combines economic and ecological aspects of water management - for a sustainable economy. From hydrology to water pollution control to water treatment, you'll learn the things that are important to ensure high quality drinking water in the long term.


Water and Coastal Management

Master of Science / Arts, 4 semesters

Study program: Here you can complete a double master's degree and become an expert in coastal and water resources management. Learn to sustainably use and protect the water and coastal resources of future societies under the guidance of outstanding experts who are well-versed in the environmental, social, and economic sciences.


Water Resources and Environmental Management

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: This sustainable degree program is particularly research-oriented. You will gain interdisciplinary expertise and key qualifications in the field of sustainable water resource management. Later on, you will be in great demand for positions in science, water authorities or higher environmental organizations.


Water Resources Engineering and Management

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: The water supply industry is facing major challenges - the need for solutions is greater than ever. Accordingly, the demand for well-trained and internationally oriented engineers has increased significantly. The English-language degree program Water Resources Engineering and Management prepares you for securing and promoting the global water supply. Focal points include groundwater management, geohydrology, hydraulic engineering and river basin management.


Water Science

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: Without water, there would be no life on this earth. It is an incredibly precious resource. The study program Water Science provides you with essential knowledge to use the resource water efficiently, economically and above all future-oriented. You learn everything worth knowing about water - from chemistry to ecological cycles.


Wind Energy Systems

Master of Science, 7 semesters

Study program: This English-language, sustainable degree program provides you with in-depth knowledge of the fundamentals of wind energy engineering in seven semesters. In the course of your studies, you can, for example, specialize in systems technology or structural technology and use your knowledge to strengthen the wind energy sector.


Wind Engineering

Master of Science, 4 semesters

Study program: Energy is an integral part of our society - but how do we generate it in the most sustainable way possible? The master's program in Wind Engineering will give you the in-depth knowledge you need to advance the development of wind energy and counteract environmental problems such as climate change.


Tip: Be sure to take a look at the Tips for climate protection in everyday lifeto do your part in solving the environmental problem in the future, not only professionally, but also privately.

Shaping the economy sustainably

Master of Arts, 4 semesters

Study program: People who are agile in their thinking, innovative ways and are able to develop and implement new concepts for a socially responsible economy are in demand! The focus of this degree program is, for example, on economics and social responsibility, community building or theoretical and practical philosophy and economics.


Business and Ethics: Social Business

Bachelor of Arts, 6 semesters

Study program: The Social Business degree program aims to interlink social commitment and entrepreneurial thinking and to solve sustainable problems in the social, ecological and economic fields. Ethical, economic action with a view to sustainability is given special significance in this sustainable degree program.


Economic and environmental law

Bachelor of Laws, 7 semesters

Study program: Business and environmental law is definitely a course of study on the topic of sustainability that should not be missed here. The study program provides you with the knowledge to be able to confidently answer complex economic, environmental and energy law questions. Combine the legal fundamentals of business and the environment.


Industrial Engineer Environment and Sustainability

Bachelor of Engineering , 7 Semester

Study program: This sustainable degree program will dovetail your economic and ecological actions with technical requirements so that you can meet future challenges responsibly and sustainably. In seven semesters, the bachelor's program provides you with all the essential basics to become a sustainably thinking industrial engineer.


Industrial Engineering / Environmental Planning

Bachelor of Science, 6 semesters

Study program: This sustainable study program provides you with important mathematical and scientific, engineering, business administration and legal content. The aim of this degree program is to provide you with the fundamental engineering, economic and social science options for action, particularly from the perspective of sustainability.


Map with an overview of all sustainable study programs

Tip: All bachelor programs are light green and all master programs are dark green. Alternatively, use the search function of your browser ("cmd + F" or "Ctrl + F") to search this page for specific terms for your desired study program.

Finding sustainable study programs? Easy!

Sustainable studies about environment nature sustainability

I hope that you will also find the ideal course of study for you! The study programs from this overview are even sustainable in a double sense: You start or expand your career in a subject area of sustainability and also the profession you will practice later will most likely be a profession that will also exist for a long time. And now good luck with your application for the study place!

Do you have questions, tips or a sustainable study program that is not yet included here? Then feel free to write me a comment and this post.

Good luck and stay sustainable,

Living plastic-free - Less plastic waste in the environment

PS.: I wish you a great study! And if you are looking for sustainable jobs to finance your studies or for the time after, make sure to check out the sustainable job portal over.

₁ Technische Universität Berlin: Stadtökologie (Urban Ecosystem Science), available at [06.11.2019].

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I am Christoph, an environmental scientist, activist and author, and here at CareElite I am committed to tackling the environmental problems of our time and to promoting the most conscious and sustainable way of life possible in our society.

3 thoughts on “Nachhaltige Studiengänge für Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit im Überblick”

  1. Hannes Beard Cutter

    I am currently looking for the right course of study for me. I am particularly interested in landscape planning from an ecological perspective. It's good to know that you can study landscape planning and nature conservation and thus work in a planning office or an authority that protects nature.

  2. I think the presentation of these sustainable degree programs is great! It is especially interesting that civil engineers are now also pushing environmental protection. I think I'll visit an engineering firm and find out more.

    1. Hello Manuel! Thanks for your feedback and great that the overview helps you!
      Have fun and best regards, Christoph

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