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Stop Coral Bleaching & Dying โ€“ 10 Things You Can Do to Help Protect Coral Reefs

Stop Coral Bleaching & Dying โ€“ What You Can Do to Help Protect Coral Reefs

You want to stop coral dieback and do your part to protect the reefs? Dann bist du hier absolut richtig! Wer schon einmal das Vergnรผgen hatte, im Korallenriff zu tauchen und Clownfische, Schildkrรถten oder Morรคnen in ihren natรผrlichen Habitat zu beobachten, dรผrfte eine besondere Motivation zum Erhalt des artenreichsten Lebensraums der Unterwasserwelt verspรผren.

Korallen sind sogar noch viel mehr als „nur“ Nahrung, Schutz und Zuhause fรผr unzรคhlige Tier- und Pflanzenarten โ€“ sie sind Wellenbrecher vor der Kรผste und wichtigste Einnahmequelle unzรคhliger Menschen aus der Tourismusbranche. Auch die Existenz vieler Fischer:innen hรคngt von ihnen ab.

In this article I would like to give you some very important tips that you can use every day - and almost automatically - to save corals and prevent them from bleaching and dying. Let's go!

  1. Live more climate friendly
  2. Do not buy coral souvenirs
  3. Avoid plastic waste
  4. Travel more environmentally aware
  5. Eat a plant based diet
  6. Protect yourself naturally from UV rays
  7. Dive and snorkel responsibly
  8. Support environmental and animal welfare organizations
  9. Participate in Beach CleanUps
  10. Be a role model for others

1. Live more climate friendly

The climate change and the Rising sea temperature are the main cause of coral bleaching and cnidarian retreat. Accordingly, you can protect the corals by learning, to live more climate friendly.

This sounds more complicated than it actually is. You can find effective levers above all in the following areas Mobility, nutrition, finance, energy and consumption before.

Ride a bike more often, as well as by bus and train, Eat less meat oder im Idealfall rein pflanzlich, erรถffne ein Konto bei einer ethischen Bank, lade dein Smartphone mit ร–kostrom aus regenerativen Quellen (change here now in 5 minutes*) und kaufe nur die Dinge, die du wirklich (also ernsthaft!) brauchst. Es gibt unzรคhlige Mรถglichkeiten!

2. Do not buy coral souvenirs

Do not buy coral souvenirs

In touristischen Regionen trifft man immer wieder Mal auf Menschen, die Souvenirs aus Korallen verkaufen. Wenn du die farbenfrohen Riffe und seine koloniebildenden Nesseltiere schรผtzen willst, solltest du natรผrlich einen groรŸen Bogen darum machen und dich stattdessen to sustainable souvenirs look around.

Es sollte am Ende wirklich etwas Besonderes sein, das auch zur beschenkten Person passt. Nicht immer ist ein Mitbringsel wirklich notwendig โ€“ oft verschwindet es sogar in der berรผchtigten Krimskrams-Schublade, die wohl jeder kennt. Mir wรผrde beispielsweise schon eine persรถnliche Postkarte reichen. ๐Ÿ˜‰

3. Avoid plastic waste

Plastic waste in nature is one of the greatest Environmental problems of our time - especially since the plastic is not biodegradable. Plastic damages corals through friction, infects them with bacteria and deprives them of light.1 Added to this is the Microplastics in the sea, which settles on the coral stalks.

If you want to stop coral death, you should therefore live as plastic- and waste-free as possible and tiny microplastic components from clothing and cosmetics. Because plastic comes not only directly through Litteringbut also indirectly through our runoff into the oceans. Useful helpers are, for example, reusable fruit and vegetable nets, as well as the App CodeCheck.

Here are some suitable further articlesthat should help you:

4. Travel more environmentally aware

The Mass tourismincluding the Cruises, the Fischfรผtterungen und der groรŸen Diving and snorkeling trips, zรคhlt ebenfalls zu den Teilursachen des Korallensterbens.

Journey therefore deliberately more sustainable and more climate-friendly! Discover destinations near you, plan your vacation by train, get involved with foreign cultures, don't leave trash in public places and protect the environment at all times. Remember: you represent your home country in a foreign country - and you are only a guest there. A more conscious travel experience will ultimately protect the corals!

5. eat a plant-based diet

Stop coral dieback through plant-based nutrition

The Factory farming, contributes significantly to climate change, as well as to the pollution of air, soil and water - in addition to the cruelty to animals. Last but not least, "modern" fishing methods, such as the Dynamite or trawl fishing, as well as the Overfishing of the seas in general, contribute to coral mortality.

Eine rein pflanzliche Ernรคhrungsweise saves the resource-intensive "detour animal" und fรถrdert den Erhalt unzรคhliger Tier- und Pflanzenarten bei. Glรผcklicherweise ist der Switch from meat eater to vegan heute so einfach wie nie, da das Internet voll mit leckeren Rezepten und die Supermรคrkte mit mehr als gleichwertigen Ersatzprodukten sind. Letztere sind gerade fรผr die Menschen zu empfehlen, denen the change is difficult.

Here, too, I have some further articles aus dem Blog fรผr dich:

6. Protect yourself naturally from UV rays

In sunscreens and some other cosmetic products, coral-damaging pollutants are lying dormant, such as the chemical compound Oxybenzone, die manchen Sonnencremes als Schutzfilter gegen UVB- und UVA-Strahlen zugefรผgt wird.

Even substances such as Triclosan or Phenoxyethanol โ€“ und eine ganze Reihe weiterer Zutaten โ€“ sind diesbezรผglich bedenklich und wirken fรผr die Korallen wie Gift.2

Therefore prefer natural sunblocks and natural cosmetics (e.g. this one from the Avocadostore*) or make your own sunscreen.

7. Dive and snorkel responsibly

Natรผrlich ist der beste Korallenschutz, just leave the little cnidarians in peace. Doch gรคnzlich auf ihre einzigartige Ausstrahlung und Ruhe zu verzichten, mรผssen wir natรผrlich auch nicht.

But the important thing is: when you dive or snorkel, treat the corals responsibly and with respect for the environment. Do not break anything off, do not touch anything and keep a sufficient distance. Gib diese Regeln auch an andere weiter und melde VerstรถรŸe, um die Korallen zu schรผtzen.

8. Support environmental and animal welfare organizations

Fortunately, there are an incredible number of incredibly great organizations that are work for the preservation of corals. Coral conservation organizations such as the Coral Reef Alliance or the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) on very direct - and environmental - and animal welfare organizations like, Ocean Care, the WWF or the Marine Conservation Foundation in a direct or indirect manner.

Finally For example, shark conservation also promotes the preservation of coral, da sich Haie von kleineren Raubfischen ernรคhren, die ansonsten die Pflanzenfresser im Riff minimieren und so die Gefahr erhรถhen wรผrden, dass junge Korallen mit Algen รผberwuchert werden.3

Indem du solche Organisationen und Einrichtungen tatkrรคftig oder finanziell fรถrderst, erzeugst du also auch einen wertvollen Impact fรผr den Korallenschutz.

9. Take part in Beach CleanUps

As already described Plastic waste in the environment a massive threat to all life on earth - including coral. We may be able to avoid the trash in the future, but the bereits bestehende Kunststoff an den Strรคnden und im Wasser bleibt basically until we collect it.

If you want to stop the coral die-off, participating in worldwide CleanUps also eine groรŸartige MaรŸnahme! Hol Einwegstrohhalme, zerdrรผckte Becher und Plastikflaschen aus der Natur, um die Unterwasserwelt zu schรผtzen.

Here are some further articles, die ich dir passend dazu empfehlen mรถchte:

10. Be a role model for others

Beach CleanUp in the fight against plastic waste

Im eigenen Leben eine Verรคnderung durchzubringen, um die Korallen zu schรผtzen, ist schon eine groรŸartige Leistung. Doch the difference you make is even more substantialif you also want to make other people aware of the Nature conservation in everyday life begeisterst. Wenn du die Korallenbleiche effektiv ausbremsen willst, musst du schlussendlich selbst vorangehen und nicht nur mitschwimmen. ๐Ÿ™‚

Motiviere also auch andere Taucher:innen und Schnorchler:innen, die Korallen nicht zu berรผhren und abzubrechen. Show the people around you why it's worth itYou have to collect garbage from nature, eat a vegan diet, avoid plastic waste and stop buying coral souvenirs. After all, everyone has an interest in a clean, intact environment and accordingly you will also (mostly) meet open ears.

Stop coral dieback - Everyone can do something!

Just because the Great Barrier Reef, the Reed Bank and the coral reef on the Red Sea are far away from us, that doesn't mean they're far away. No reason to stand idly by, wie diese wundervollen Unterwasserlandschaften zu Grunde gehen. Eine achtlose Lebensweise und die Egal-Haltung unterstรผtzen das Korallensterben sogar.

"Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and nature are in fact plans to protect man."

Stewart Udall (more at Sea quotes)

Every person, every day, can be a "coral-friendly" and sustainable lifestyle auch dazu beitragen, die Korallenriffe zu schรผtzen und das Ausbleichen umzukehren. Wie das ganz praktisch im Alltag aussehen kann, habe ich dir heute gezeigt.

I very much hope that this article will help you to live a more coral-friendly life. Do you have any questions, tips or suggestions? Then I look forward to your comment.

Bleibโ€˜ tier- und naturfreundlich,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: Neben den Korallenriffen zรคhlen auch die Tropenwรคlder zu den artenreichsten Lebensrรคumen dieses Planeten. Wie du auch den Protect rainforest in everyday life you can now learn in the linked article. Have fun with the implementation!


  1. Joleah B. Lamb; Bette L. Willis, Evan A. Fiorenza; et al: Plastic waste associated with disease on coral reefs, available at [09.01.2024]. โ†ฉ๏ธŽ
  2. Robert Zรผblin: Sonnencreme-Verbot – Palau verbietet korallenschรคdliche Sonnenschutzmittel (01.01.2020), abrufbar unter [09.01.2024]. โ†ฉ๏ธŽ
  3. Schweizer Agrarmedien AG: Sharks keep coral reefs healthy (as at: 25.07.2017), available at [09.01.2024]. โ†ฉ๏ธŽ
Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.