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Solar Thermal Energy – All You Need To Know

Solar Thermal Energy – All You Need To Know

Want to find out more about solar thermal energy? Then you've come to the right place! The ongoing climate crisis, high energy prices and legal adjustments such as the gas heating ban make it inevitable to switch to sustainable alternatives for energy generation.

Solar thermal energy offers exactly that: it converts the sun's rays into hot water, is environmentally friendly, saves costs and helps to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels. It is therefore particularly important in the context of the energy transition in order to reduce dependency on gas and oil and to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels. Minimize CO2 emissions in everyday life.

In this article, I'll explain everything you need to know about solar thermal energy - from the technology, benefits and costs to how to use it in your everyday life. Let's go!

In advance, here is a brief overview for you:

  1. Definition
  2. Function
  3. Advantages
  4. Practice
  5. Closing words

Definition: What is solar thermal energy?

Solar thermal energy is a technology that Thermal use of solar energy is used to generate heat. The technology is particularly efficient at generating heat, as it converts energy from the sun's rays into usable heat.

While photovoltaics (PV) convert solar energy directly into electricity (and only indirectly into heat via a heat pump), solar thermal energy uses solar energy to Heat water or other liquids directly. The heat can then be used directly for heating, water heating or industrial processes.

Germany-wide are nowadays around 2.6 million solar thermal systems in use.

Tip: How you basically manage your household really save a lot of electricity I will explain how you can do this in another article on the blog.

Technology: How does solar thermal energy work?

Solar thermal energy converts the sun's rays Absorbing solar collectors into thermal energy. The flat or tubular collectors, which are usually installed on the roof, consist of a dark absorber layer that absorbs the sunlight. The heat obtained is transferred to a Special solar fluid and then circulates between the collector and the buffer tank.

The entire system is controlled and monitored by a Solar pumpwhich circulates the liquid in the system and regulates the heat flow.

Once in the heat storage tank, the heat can then be either direct used for hot water or if required can be stored to support the heating system.

Advantages: Why should you use solar thermal energy?

What are the advantages of solar thermal energy and why are more and more households switching to this technology? Here are Some reasonswhich make them an attractive option for a sustainable energy supply:

  • Environmentally friendly and emission-free: Solar thermal energy works with the help of solar energy, a renewable energy source. It is also suitable for sustainable heatingbecause no CO2 emissions are caused during heat generation. Compared to gas heating, you save around 250 grams of CO2 per kilowatt hour of useful heat with solar thermal energy.1
  • Independence from fossil fuels: As a consumer, solar thermal energy naturally also makes you less dependent on fossil fuels such as gas or oil. So if gas and oil prices rise sharply again, you can stay relaxed.
  • Cost savings: Once installed, the operating costs of solar thermal systems are generally very low. Especially with rising energy prices, you benefit in the form of significantly lower costs - and can Save money sustainably.
  • High efficiency in heat generation: In contrast to photovoltaics, solar thermal energy converts solar energy directly into thermal energy without any conversion losses. The efficiency is around 50 percent. The system is therefore very efficient.
  • Funding opportunities: The state is promoting the use of solar thermal energy as part of the energy transition with subsidies and low-interest loans. This reduces the initial investment and makes the technology even more economically attractive. Take a look here at KfW.
  • Easy maintenance and long service life: Solar thermal systems are robust and low-maintenance. Once installed, they can reliably supply heat for half a century.

Does solar thermal also have disadvantages?

Unfortunately, the high efficiency is also reflected in the initially somewhat higher investment costs again. For the purchase and installation of solar thermal energy, you can expect costs of between 7,000 and 17,000 euros calculate.1 However, state subsidies can minimize this.

Another potential disadvantage is the Dependence on existing roof surfaces and the weather be considered. With gas or oil heating systems, however, you are also dependent on the current gas and oil prices on the market.

Practice: Who can use solar thermal energy - and how?

The Consumer Center describes above all unshaded south-facing roofs with 30 to 70 degrees inclination particularly suitable for solar thermal energy. The south-east and south-west orientation also promises a high yield.

Basically, you can use them for Hot water preparation or also combined with an efficient heating systemsuch as a heat pump. You can also use them to support older systems such as gas, oil or pellet heating systems.

Large systems are also worthwhile, for example, for use in apartment buildings or commercial buildings.

So just inform yourself at specialist companies in your region.

Important! However, it is important to note that you must first apply for state subsidies before awarding the contract to a construction company or a tradesman.

Solar thermal energy for a sustainable heat supply!

Solar thermal energy is a Reliable, environmentally friendly technologywhich makes it possible to use solar energy effectively for heat supply.

Whether for water heating, to support the heating system or as a supplement to other systems: Especially in times of the energy transition and rising energy costs, solar thermal energy offers a great opportunity to make your own energy consumption more environmentally friendly and reduce costs at the same time.

Switching to solar thermal energy is therefore a step that pays off. not only ecologically, but also economically worthwhile.

"What we do today will determine what the world looks like tomorrow."

Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (more at Environmental protection quotes)

Do you have any questions, suggestions or your own experiences with solar thermal energy that you would like to share? Then I look forward to your comment!

Stay sustainable,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: More really simple Tips for making your home as environmentally friendly as possible in the linked blog article. Good luck with the implementation!


  1. M. Weber, J. Hakenes: Solar thermal energy funding 2024: KfW & BAFA, available at [05.11.2024]. ↩︎
  2. A. Gieße: Costs, benefits and funding (as of 23.07.2024), available at [05.11.2024]. ↩︎
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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

Ich bin Christoph, Umweltwissenschaftler, Aktivist und Autor und setze mich hier bei CareElite gegen die Umweltprobleme unserer Zeit und für eine möglichst bewusste und nachhaltige Lebensweise in unserer Gesellschaft ein.