What are the most important benefits of solar parks for the environment and for us humans? If you're looking for answers to this question, you've come to the right place! Climate change leaves us with no choice but to switch to sustainable energy sources. One of these so-called renewable energies is Solar energy represents. It can be captured, stored and utilized using modern technology.
You've probably seen one of the large ground-mounted photovoltaic systems with countless solar modules near the highway or train tracks. They may not be aesthetic marvels - but they are of great importance for us humans, a sustainable way of life and the nature that surrounds us.
In this article, I present the most important advantages of solar parks and the key reasons for their expansion. Let's go!
Definition: What is a solar park?
A solar park (often also referred to as a ground-mounted photovoltaic system, solar field or solar farm) is a Large-scale installation of solar cells or modules on the ground, which is used to convert large amounts of sunlight into electrical energy. Depending on their size and the hours of sunshine, such systems can produce around 400,000 to 500,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per day.
As a rule, they are erected on open fields, as well as on unused or otherwise unusable areas and are capable of cover the electricity needs of many households or entire companies and even cities.
10 advantages: Why build and promote solar parks?

Of course, solar parks have also disadvantages. For example, their yield depends on the location, the weather and the season. They also need a lot of space and natural resources. For example, silicon, aluminum and silver are required for the production of solar cells.
However, according to the Federal Environment Agency, photovoltaic modules do not contain any raw materials that are in short supply worldwide or are problematic to procure.1 And the other risks, disadvantages and counter-arguments of ground-mounted photovoltaic systems can also be easily refuted. Not least due to the countless benefits for the environment and for us humanswhich I would now like to introduce to you in more detail.
Solar parks...
1. ... counteract climate change
In the face of the Climate change and growing energy consumption, it is essential to use sustainable, climate-friendly energy sources in the future. As solar parks Generate large quantities of green electricity in the long termthey are quite rightly the focus of public attention, especially in the context of the energy transition.
Once installed, a solar power plant generates no greenhouse gasesbut simply clean energy from an infinite source. As a result, the CO2 emissions of a region are reduced enormously - and also the air pollution decreases. This is a decisive advantage of solar parks.
2. ... enhance the ecological value of sealed surfaces
Another point of criticism against solar parks is that valuable, untouched natural areas have to make way for them and even Forests cut down would have to be sealed. However, so-called ground-mounted photovoltaic systems can of course also be installed on areas that have been unsealed, so that in the end, there is no need to install any solar panels at all. No natural space gives way but can even create a new one. This is often the case with old brownfield sites, for example.
Incidentally, it is just as easy to use other Unproductive land or land that cannot be used for other purposes for the construction of a solar park.
3. ... create new habitats for animals and plants
Speaking of ecological enhancement! The construction of a solar park can also breathe new life into areas that are actually less rich in species. Between the solar modules - Free from pesticides and human disturbance - ecological niches in which ideal living conditions prevail for many animal and plant species. A wonderful means of Promote biodiversity.
Species that prefer open and semi-shaded environments benefit in particular. For example Ground-nesting bird species and many Reptiles Protection on the premises.
4. ... create valuable jobs

Whether electrician for photovoltaic service, solar researcher, mechanical engineer or solar park owner - whether Development, planning, installation, maintenance or management - Solar parks create new jobs. And secure jobs that are future-proof and contribute to the sustainable development of a country or region.
5. ... are significantly more efficient than biogas plants
Many plants are deliberately cultivated in order to use them for energy production. Maize, rapeseed, fodder beet, hemp, sugar cane, beet and cereals are such so-called Energy cropsfrom which bioenergy is produced in a thermal process.
But of course they also have to be grown, fertilized, treated with pesticides, irrigated, harvested and processed in a resource-intensive manner - and take up a lot of space. In addition, biogas plants also produce Noise and odors - and emit pollutants.
In comparison, solar parks are much more efficient and environmentally friendly. They generate about 40 times the energy yield per unit area2 and thus also conserve natural resources.
6. ... offer great investment opportunities
Investments in solar parks are not only sensible from an ecological point of view. Whether you are a private individual or an entrepreneur, solar parks generally also represent a Safe and profitable investment opportunity dar.
In addition to the long-term cost savings in energy generation, the projects are generally Well scalable and adaptable to your location. In addition, with good planning they only bring Low maintenance and operating costs with it.
Who wants a Buy solar park or at least wants to participate in it and feed electricity into the public grid, can ultimately be compensated in the form of a distributed Market premium and the possible Profit on the electricity exchange benefit. Another important advantage of solar parks, with which you can Save money through sustainable action or can multiply.
7. ... require less and less space
One disadvantage of solar parks is certainly that they take up a large area. The solar modules must not stand too close together, for exampleso that they can always store as much energy as possible from the sun's rays and do not shade each other.
And fortunately, this is precisely where the constant Progress in solar technology comes into play - because it constantly reduces the amount of space required!
In 2006, for example, 4.1 hectares were still required per megawatt. In 2019, it was only 1.2 hectares and we have now even reached around one hectare.3 The Increased efficiency makes it possible to generate more energy in a smaller space.
It should also be mentioned that the WWF in its report "FUTURE POWER SYSTEM II Regionalization of renewable power generation" has made it clear that with us sufficient space for environmentally friendly solar parks in Germany and that the combined expansion of photovoltaics and wind energy only takes up around 2.5 percent of the land area. Another plus point for solar parks.
8. ... reduce energy dependence on other countries
With the exception of climate-damaging lignite, Germany is the world leader in many fossil fuels (e.g. natural gas, crude oil and hard coal). dependent on deliveries from abroad.4
Solar parks generate sustainable electricity locally. In this way, they promote the Independence from energy imports from countries such as Russia. They also reduce German imports of electricity from Denmark, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and many other EU countries. Good reasons for building more solar parks, don't you think?
9. ... enjoy a high level of acceptance among the population

A survey by the Agency for Renewable Energies revealed that Around 62 percent of the German population agree with solar parks are.5 This makes them the most widely accepted energy producer in comparison.
The large-scale PV systems on the ground are particularly popular. due to the climate-friendly, environmentally friendly and resource-saving way of generating energy great popularity.
It certainly also plays an important role that many people are already Experience with solar technology have. Be it with a photovoltaic system on your own roof, with a camping solar system for your caravan or with a Solar canning jar.
10. ... promote local energy supply and regional value creation
Solar farms generate green electricity in the immediate vicinity of the place of consumption. In this way, they logically strengthen the local energy supply and the local community.
For example, a Excessive grid expansion with power lines prevented and landowners are given a long-term, Secure source of income. Local companies are also involved in the Installation and maintenance of the solar park integrated.
Ultimately, the construction of a solar park can not only generate sustainable energy, but also a WE-feeling in the region are generated. Ultimately, the solar fields are a positive example of what positive, sustainable local development can look like.
Tip: Solar parks, for example, can be made even more environmentally friendly with simple means. You can find out exactly how this works in the NABU paper "Criteria for environmentally compatible ground-mounted photovoltaic systems".
Solar park benefits for a sunny future

Solar parks are far More than just a source of clean energy. They offer numerous environmental benefits, from the reduction of greenhouse gases to the creation of new habitats for animals and plants. This is another reason why they are an important building block for a sustainable and sustainable lifestyle.
"What we do today will determine what the world looks like tomorrow."
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (more at Sustainability Quotes)
We must learn to use natural Conserving resources in everyday life and sustainable energy sources in order to reduce the planet for ourselves, our fellow creatures and also for our children and grandchildren. The promotion of solar farms makes a decisive contribution to this.
Do you have any questions, suggestions or would you like to share your own experiences and ideas on the use of solar parks? Then I look forward to your comment.
Stay environmentally conscious and sustainable,

PS: Using green electricity from renewable energy sources at home is one of many options for More sustainability in the household. You can find out what else you can do in the linked blog article.
- Norddeutscher Rundfunk; tagesschau.de: How harmful are solar cells to the environment? (as of 26.09.2021), available at https://www.tagesschau.de/wissen/technologie/photovoltaik-recycling-101.htm. [05.12.2023]. ↩︎
- Greenovative GmbH: Green energy through solar parks, available at https://www.greenovative.de/solarparks. [05.12.2023]. ↩︎
- F. Schultz: Why solar parks are good for our environment (as at: 21.12.2022), available at https://bankundumwelt.de/warum-solarparks-unserer-umwelt-guttuns. [05.12.2023]. ↩︎
- Agency for Renewable Energies: Germany's energy import dependency in 2021, available at https://www.unendlich-viel-energie.de/mediathek/grafiken/energieimportabhaengigkeit-deutschlands-im-jahr-2021. [05.12.2023]. ↩︎
- Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection : Im Trend - Photovoltaikanlagen in privater Hand, available at https://www.bmwk-energiewende.de/EWD/Redaktion/Newsletter/2021/11/Meldung/direkt-erfasst_infografik.html. [05.12.2023]. ↩︎