The Reuse (English: to reuse) of things is an essential part of the Zero Waste Lifestyle and a basic rule that will help you produce significantly less waste in your everyday life. Today I want to show you what you can reuse and how that helps you, live plastic free.
Why reuse things?
If you are here with me in the Environmental project you're probably sick of all the disposable products, right? Disposable products have the one purpose of generating massive profits for the industry. Because disposables have to be bought over and over again. They are heartless products wrapped in plastic that are sold as Plastic waste in the environment end. This must no longer be supported, and it won't be. We are currently clearly sensing that the demand for sustainable, natural and durable products is changing. And the large corporations and manufacturers will also have noticed this.
What all can be reused?
Things you can reuse leave less or no waste. You should always rethink your purchases, because often there is a more sustainable, better alternative even for organic products. Here I would like to give you some examples of how you can avoid plastic waste by simply reusing them.
Jute bag
The jute old Jute bag made of cotton will last half an eternity and is the perfect replacement for the plastic bag and of course also for the paper bag. Because even if the paper bag seems very environmentally friendly, it also consumes natural resources in the production under high energy expenditure such as Water and wood. The jute bag is a durable, environmentally friendly alternative. You get it here* or, as a rule, also at any supermarket checkout.
Fruit and vegetable bags
I often see people shopping who pack packaged goods once again in the thin plastic bags for fruit and vegetables. Simply because the bags are free anyway. If you just go to the Shopping If you take reusable fruit and vegetable bags with you, you can easily buy potatoes, tomatoes, mushrooms and many other foods without packaging. Even in traditional supermarkets. Here you get durable organic cotton fruit and vegetable bags*.
Bamboo straws
Such bamboo straws are reusable and made of sustainable wood, replacing the dying plastic straws that are everywhere on the world's beaches. In addition to Stainless steel straws and Glass straws but there is another sustainable alternative: simply do without the straw 😉.
Menstrual cup
Admittedly, I do not know my way around the subject of Feminine Hygiene. 😉 Nevertheless, I know that reusable menstrual cups are a lot of fun. Avoid plastic waste in the bathroom. The menstrual cup is made of silicone and is usually also packaged without plastic. Here you get them*.
Cloth handkerchiefs
A welcome and reusable alternative to the paper tissue from the plastic packaging. Such cloth handkerchiefs* You can simply wash them and reuse them thousands of times. Please make sure that you change and wash the handkerchiefs frequently, so that bacteria have no chance.
There are thousands of other alternatives. For example, the cotton rag as a substitute for kitchen roll or reusable fabric pads instead of the plastic cotton pads.
Reuse for less waste
It's so simple, isn't it? You may have to invest a euro or two more for some durable items. But if you're smart, you know: It's easily worth it compared to a disposable product.
Do you have more ideas about reusing in the sense of the Zero Waste lifestyle? Then I look forward to your comment under this post.
Stay clean,

PS.: Here you can see my Download plastic free e-book "Get rid of the trash" for free.
Hello Christoph, I think it's good that we are slowly thinking about a life without plastic. However, I have the following question about the cotton pads: Normally, cotton pads are made of cellulose, i.e. wood or cotton. With microfleece, however, it is rather plastic - or?
Hi Barbara! My friend has some made of pure cotton. They can be washed and reused. Microfleece is usually plastic, yes. Check out these Cotton pads you can't go wrong.
Best regards
Hi Christoph, I find your site and your initiative really great.
However, I have two questions: your product links lead mainly to Amazon. In your opinion, is online trade more ecological than stationary trade?
are you sponsored by them?
Hello Christiane, some articles are still from my early days with CareElite, there are then a few more Amazon articles in it. But now I also work with many other providers, so you will find more links to Avocadostore or Waschbär online shipping, for example.
Many greetings from Berlin,
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