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My recommendations for you

More and more often I receive questions about my personal recommendations for a sustainable lifestyle - for example for books, movies or sustainable sports equipment. For this reason, I would like to give you a clear overview of the most important recommendations that I have made, such as have significantly helped in my personal development and also on the way to a more sustainable lifestyle.

Full transparency: Clicking on the button will take you directly to the place where you can get the recommendations. The links with an asterisk* are so-called affiliate links, where I receive a small commission from the respective provider if you buy something. For you, of course, the price does not change - nevertheless with your purchase you automatically support me and my work. So thank you very much! And if you don't want to do that, you can simply get the respective products that I can warmly recommend to you without clicking on the link 🙂


Book Sustainable Living for Beginners by Christoph Schulz

Sustainable living for beginners

Environmental problems and how you stop them.

Sustainable cooking book climate

Cooking for the climate

Consequences explained, solutions on the plate.

The Minimalism Project Book by Christof Herrmann

The minimalism project

For less having and more being.

Factfulness - Book by Hans Rosling


Why the world is steadily getting better.

What white people don't want to hear about racism Book

What white people...

Understanding what racism feels like.

Eating animals - book by Jonathan Safran Foer

Eat animals

Critically examine the consumption of animals.

Zero Waste

Fruit and vegetable net without plastic cotton vegetable bag

Fruit and vegetable nets

No more plastic bags.

Stainless steel drinking bottle

Drinking bottle

No more plastic bottles.

Buy GotBag backpack from marine waste


Backpack made from marine garbage.


Push up grips wood

Push-up grips

For PushUps that are easy on the joints.

Wooden wall bars

Wall bars

Versatile fitness equipment for home.

Jump rope made of wood from Edelkraft

Skipping rope

Skipping rope with wooden handles.


Flexispot height adjustable desk


Height adjustable workstation.

Vegan notebook


Never lose the overview.

The 4 hour week book

4 hours week

Use time more effectively.


What The Health on DVD

What The Health

On diet-related diseases.

Cowspiracy on DVD


About nutrition & sustainability.

The Game Changers on DVD

The Game Changers

About plant-based nutrition in sports.




Books summarized to the point.

Babbel Logo


Learn languages with ease.

Happy Cow App


Quickly find vegan restaurants.