You want to know the porn cons and why you should stop watching porn movies? Then you've come to the right place! Masturbation relaxes, reduces stress and protects the heart and immune system in a natural way. So far, so good. However, there are often unimagined dangers lurking, especially in the pornographic content to which people masturbate.
Pornography is ubiquitous in our society and extremely easy to access nowadays. However, most people are not aware of the dangers and disadvantages of regular consumption of "adult videos" and usually just watch them out of boredom or as a bedtime ritual.
In this article, I'm going to give you 30 alarming reasons to never watch porn again. From the effects on your health to environmental and ethical issues. Plus, you'll learn what you can do about a possible porn addiction. Let's go!
30 Disadvantages and dangers: Why should you stop watching porn?

Pornography has always been a social taboo. With the spread of the Internet, there is now even a constant Availability of pornographic videos at any time and any place. However, where there are no barriers to content, it is especially important to realize that the impact of porn on our mental health, relationship life, and other areas of our daily lives must be taken extremely seriously.
Therefore, in the following I will now present you with the promised reasons why it is better not to masturbate to porn anymore. The list is long! So let's not waste time. Just use the knowledge to make an informed decision. #NoFap
1. prevent porn addiction
Pornography can be addictive and trigger the compulsionThe result is a desire to consume ever more and ever more extreme content. This addiction can escalate and have negative consequences for your social life.₁
2. keep a realistic picture of sexual practices
Pornography often portrays an image of sexuality that is very different from reality. This can lead you to get the wrong idea about what is sexually normal and acceptable.
3. do not objectify women
Pornography often shows women as objects of desire and reduces them to their appearance. This can lead both men and other women to see them as less human and less valuable. The ability to feel empathy thus decreases.
4. do not support violent content
Some forms of pornography involve violence and aggressive sexual practices that are often harmful to those involved. Viewing such content can normalize aggressive behaviors and lead to other people being encouraged and taking them on.
5. no longer have feelings of shame and guilt
Many people experience feelings of shame and guilt after consuming pornography, which can affect mental health. This can also affect the Affect self-esteem and have a negative effect on relationships.
6. prevent social isolation
Regularly viewing pornography can cause you to isolate yourself from your friends and family, as you lose your you prefer to spend your free time consuming pornographythat promise you feelings of happiness.
7. protect relationship(s)
Pornography can cause people in relationships to be Have difficulty establishing an intimate and healthy connection. Some partners, for example, feel betrayed when the other person secretly watches porn videos. As a result, porn can also lead to separations and divorces.
8. preserve sexual desire
Another reason against pornography is that libido is negatively affected from regular porn consumption. As a result, many people have Difficulty with feeling sexual arousal in the real world.
9. prevent impotence
Being addicted to porn can cause men to be Have difficulty getting an erection or maintain them. Studies have clearly demonstrated this.₂
10. prevent premature ejaculation
If you often watch porn, you run the risk of experiencing premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse. This is due to the fact that you used to fast rhythm in porn videos.
11. preserve intimacy
Intimacy gives sexuality its meaning and depth. Regular porn use does the opposite. It can cause you to lose the ability to connect intimately with another person. As a result, you have Problems with focusing emotionally and sexually on one person.
12. keep realistic image of attractive bodies
Among other things surgical procedures, make-up, acting or the Video and image editing of pornographic content, conveys an unrealistic image of the human body and sexuality. As a result, many people wrongly feel unattractive and uncomfortable in their bodies.

13. not alienate from real sexuality
It is only logical that frequent porn consumption will take away your enjoyment of real sexuality. You will more often Have difficulty feeling sexual arousal in the real world.
14. sexual interest in partner:in preserve
One of many porn drawbacks is also that people lose interest in their partner and instead prefer to satisfy sexually in the virtual world. After all, there you can choose exactly the things you're into - and you don't have to strain your own head.
As soon as you stop watching porn, your Ingenuity in bed come back. That's a pretty good reason to stop watching porn, don't you think?
15. prevent negative influence on the brain
Why does porn make you sick? First of all, because the consumption of pornography has a negative effect on the brain. Specifically, it compromises your household of dopamine, the neurotransmitter of happiness. This can cause you to have difficulty feeling pleasure and reward in other areas of life.
16. stay motivated
The porn consumption reduces the number of dopamine receptors in the brain and thus also the number of nerve cells. This weakens your willpower in particular - but the problems also reveal themselves in the form of unmotivatedness and difficult decision-making.₃
17. do not support racism
Porn often features racist depictions of people. An analysis of the most popular porn sites on the net, for example, showed that especially films with dark-skinned performers are disproportionately often violence and aggression showed.₄
When you Fight racism so you should stop watching and promoting pornographic content.
Book Tip: At this point I must definitely give you the book "What White People Don't Want to Hear About Racism but Should Know" by Alice Hasters*. to the heart. It helped me immensely to understand how brutal everyday racism - and especially racist insults - must feel.
18. remain self-confident
If you find yourself "jerking off" to porn videos more often, it can have an extremely negative impact on your self-esteem and self-perception. Not least because of the feelings of shame already mentioned. If you no longer look at porn, you will most likely become significantly be more confident.
19. minimize risk for depression and anxiety disorders
Low self-esteem can also develop into an anxiety disorder or a major depression, in which you can then even more from your social environment isolate. Spending your life without porn can therefore at least minimize the risk of depression.₅
20. stay focused and attentive
Porn often leads to concentration problems because it causes excessive stimulation of the brain. The movies activate the reward center in your brain and lead to an increased release of dopamine, which in turn leads to an Distraction from actually more important tasks in everyday life.
21. prevent post-traumatic stress disorder
Many porn movies include violent scenes that cause severe, psychological damage and can be traumatic. It is possible that you, as a viewer, may suffer post-traumatic stress disorder, which will affect you for a long time.
22. maintain realistic expectations
A relationship with other people needs to be nurtured. It is not always perfect and flawless. However, porn gives a different impression. By avoiding them, you will definitely have more realistic expectations about your relationship and love-making.
23. continue to sleep well
Watching porn videos just before bedtime can cause people to have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep through the night. This is not so much because of the masturbation, but more because you are staring at the bright screen.
If you cut out the dirty movies in the evening, you're guaranteed to get sleep better can.

24. prevent loneliness
People who watch porn often feel lonely and isolated more quickly, as their own free time is more often spent alone with the "dirty movies". The Loneliness in turn leads to mental and physical stress. Therefore, a life without porn can help, among other things, Prevent cardiovascular diseases and take more time for important things in life.
25. stay productive
Porn disadvantages also include the fact that you can watch it as often as you want and give yourself no time limits be set. On average, porn addicts basically waste an entire workday watching dirty movies on the Internet.₆
But you are also fundamentally less productive, because you are less motivated and have a much harder time concentrating. These are reasons against porn consumption, which I had already mentioned.
26. avoid high energy consumption
Pornographic content has not only health but also ecological consequences. Indeed, streaming adult videos is extremely energy-intensive, causes a massive CO2 emissions and thus contributes significantly to the climate change at.
Every year 300 million tons of CO2 from streaming online video emitted. Around 27 percent of this is due to porn.₇
Tip: About the answer to the question, Whether streaming is sustainableYou can find out more in the linked blog article.
27. prevent child abuse
A lot of porn content shows the abuse of children, which is especially for the victims brutal is. At the same time, these practices are also automatically socially normalized. One more reason to stop watching porn.
28. do not support trafficking in women
The consumption of pornography can support the grievance that Women and girls exploited and forced into the sex industry ₇ You can stop these serious violations of human rights by stopping your cravings for porn.
29. be a good role model
Porn addicts often neglect important things in their daily lives, such as their own Family life. So by permanently avoiding the desire for porn, you also promote your partnership and the upbringing of your children.
30. do not support the industry financially
With every porn you watch, you increase the demand for what is being portrayed. In turn, you are financially supporting the industry and also promoting the production of more harmful content, such as the depiction of violence or the abuse of children. So porn consumption is free, but not without consequences.
Tips: What to do about porn addiction?

You take the disadvantages and dangers of porn seriously and want to take the challenge to do something about porn addiction?! Then do something you can be proud of now!
Live more honestly, become happier, more confident and motivated, benefit from an intact social life and great relationships, make time for friends, hobbies and goals in life, listen to science and create a social Awareness of the taboo subject of "pornthat should not be one at all.
6 tips and ideas to stop watching porn
1. identify your triggers
What are the Situations or emotions (e.g., boredom or stress) that lead you to consume pornography on your laptop or computer? Pay close attention and develop measures (e.g., push ups or phone calls to a friend) to counteract or avoid them directly.
2. seek support
Having a hard time quitting porn? Seek the support of Friends, family members or therapistswho can help you with your project. Sometimes it also helps to talk to people who have had similar experiences.
3. find healthy alternatives
Search for healthy activities that distract you or fulfill your needs without consuming pornography. This could be sports, a creative hobby, or social interaction with friends.
4. use technical tools
There are several technical aids, such as Apps, browser extensions or parental controlsthat will help you block or restrict pornography. Use these tools to resist temptation in a serious case and increase your chances of success.
5. exchange ideas with other people
Another option is to exchange ideas with other people who have similar concerns. There are many Online communities and support groupswhere you will find not only support, but also inspiration and motivation.
6. change your mindset
To fight porn addiction in the long run, you need to give yourself Become aware of the negative impact pornography has on your life. It's about changing your thoughts and attitudes and building new, healthy habits and relationships.
Know the dangers and disadvantages of porn consumption and take them seriously

Would you have thought that there were so many things against pornography? The motives, dangers and disadvantages mentioned should help you make an informed decision. The benefits, by the way, are largely limited to quick fun and pressure relief. Ultimately, though, it's about feeling comfortable and confident with your decision.
"Your decision to walk creates the path ahead."
Paulo Coelho (more at Change quotes)
Use the above tips against porn addiction to escape it. Your personal porn detox will help you specifically increase your well-being and ensure your long-term physical and mental health.
Do you have questions, suggestions or do you know other reasons against porn? Then just write me a comment.
Stay open to change,

PS: This article appears in the Personal development blog. Let you in it next also for example gladly thereby support, become more creative.
₁ Banca, P., Morris, L. S., Mitchell, S., Harrison, N. A., Potenza, M. N., & Voon, V. (2016). Novelty, conditioning, and attentional bias toward sexual rewards. Journal of psychiatric research, 72, 91-101. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2015.10.017.
₂ O'Sullivan, Lucia, L. Brotto, E. Byers, J. Majerovich, J. Wuest. "Prevalence and Characteristics of Sexual Functioning Among Sexually Experienced Middle to Late Adolescents." The Journal of Sexual Medicine 11, no. 3 (2014): 630-41.
₃ Study: Simone Kühn and Jürgen Gallinat, Brain Structure and Functional Connectivity Associated with Pornography Consumption: The Brain on Porn. JAMA Psychiatry (2014): 827-34.
₄ Fritz, N., Malic, V., Paul, B., & Zhou, Y. (2021). Worse than objects: The depiction of black women and men and their sexual relationship in pornography. Gender Issues, 38(1), 100-120. doi:10.1007/s12147-020-09255-2.
₅ Candis McDow: Pornography and Depression: What's the Connection? (Accessed Sept. 12, 2021), available at [Apr. 05, 2023].
₆ Rio Pasha: 15 Reasons Why You Should Stop Watching Porn (as of 05.12.2017), available at [05.04.2023].
₇ The Shift Project: Climate Crisis (as of 07/11/2019), available at [05.04.2023].