Looking for petitions for environmental protection, sustainability, animal welfare and social justice? Then this overview is just right for you. Petitions are more than just signature collections! They educate people and generate a steadily increasing awareness for social grievances and ecological challenges of our time.
Here I would like to introduce you to the sustainable petitions that I have signed and am happy to share with you and other readers. On the one hand, because I represent them 100 percent with my personal values. And on the other hand, because their target projects protect animals and the environment and make our coexistence fairer and more sustainable.
Tip: In a separate article I will also show you how to create your own start a successful online petition!
Petitions for environmental protection and sustainability
- Stop the sellout of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea! (NABU petition against raw material extraction, shipping, fishing and offshore energy)
- Declare climate emergency also in Germany! (Change.org petition for serious action on climate change)
- Stop bee mortality! (Campact petition for less pesticides and more protected areas in agriculture)
- Do not sacrifice rainforests to free trade! (Rainforest.org petition against the free trade agreement with the Mercosur countries and the accelerated deforestation of the rainforests)
- Cigarette deposit (Change.org petition for deposits on cigarettes and packs!)
- PET bottles, plastic bags & Co - Free Germany and Austria now from unnecessary plastic waste (Change.org petition against PET bottles, plastic bags and unnecessary packaging material)
- Klimakiller pact cancel (Campact petition to prevent coal, oil and gas companies from stopping the energy transition)
Petitions for animal welfare and animal rights
- Abolition and closure of all fur farms in Europe and a ban on the sale of real fur (Change.org petition against real fur clothing)
- Petition to WHO to close all live animal markets - sign now! (PETA petition against the cruel trade in live animals and the resulting health hazard).
- Japan whaling - the world is watching (Change.org petition against commercial whaling in Japan)
- Botswana - ban on elephant hunting must be restored (Rainforest.org petition calling on Botswana government to restore elephant hunting)
- Petition against CO2 stunning of pigs (PETA petition against the gassing of pigs)
- Ban on mink factory farming (Change.org petition against the exploitation of mink for the fur industry)
- Ends the trade with pangolins (Rainforest.org petition against the unnecessary trade of pangolins and the consideration as delicacy)
- Crate stand phase-out for poor pigs: Immediately! (Change.org petition against the undignified keeping of pigs in crates)
- Seaspiracy - Let's protect 30 percent of our oceans from industrial fishing by 2030! (Change.org petition against environmental destruction, abuse and corruption in the fishing industry)
Petitions for Human Rights and Social Justice
- Avert attack on the Amazon rainforest! (Petition for the Protection of Indigenous Peoples and Species-Rich Rainforest Protected Areas against Economic Interests)
- Prohibition of headscarves in the workplace is oppression! (Change.org petition against the permissibility of a headscarf ban in the workplace)
- Boycott of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar (Change.org petition, addressed to the German national team)
- Stop Hate Speech on the Net! (Campact.de petition against misanthropy or incitement of the people on the Internet)
- #StelltUnsEin - I demand the minimum wage for people in sheltered workshops! (Change.org petition for fair pay for people with disabilities)
- CDU scandals: Fight corruption! (Campact.de petition for stricter lobbying rules in politics and business)
Sign and share, please! 🙂
Please sign the petitions and share them with other people to inform our society about existing grievances and to get them out of the world.
I know, I know: there are countless petitions that deserve support. So I'd like to give you a chance to add to that list here. Can you think of other petitions for environmental protection and sustainability that all other readers and I should sign? Then let me know in the comments. If I can represent the goal of the petition with my values as well, I'll be happy to share it here with our community, of course.