Are you looking for annoying phrases that you have to listen to particularly often as a vegan? Then you are exactly right here! There are really countless Prejudices against the vegan lifestyle. But some of the things meat eaters say stick in our minds for a long time - and in certain situations, they even get stuck in our throats.
Simply because it is illogical - and becomes all the stranger and more annoying the more often it is heard among friends and acquaintances, even if it is usually not meant in a bad way.
In this article, I would like to introduce you to some of these strange statements that I, as a vegan, simply can't listen to any more. You'll also get a quick-witted response to each one. Let's go!
Book Tip: In the book „Vegan is nonsense!" (is available here*), all the typical prejudices against a plant-based diet and vegan lifestyle are logically refuted. Be sure to check it out. Here, however, I would like to focus primarily on the casual sayings that meat eaters are particularly quick to utter, but which already seem nonsensical on the face of it.
1. you do not know what you are missing!

It is yes not that I was born a vegan. I have personally enjoyed eating meat, eggs and dairy products for a large part of my life. I don't give up these products because of their bad taste, but because of ethical, ecological and health-related motives.
And since it is countless, delicious, flavorful, plant-based foods and recipes I'm not missing out on anything. On the contrary: plant-based cuisine is incredibly diverse, which is why the saying could also be directed at mixed-food eaters by vegans.
In addition, the books "Vegan & Easy" (is available here*) and "Vegan Foodporn" (is available here*) by Bianca Zapatka to give you a direct introduction.
Don't worry: You won't regret not eating meat either! But this is a similarly strange statement that I often hear as a vegan. With a balanced vegan diet, experience has shown that you only regret not having started earlier.
2. you don't have to follow every trend!
The term Veganism has been around since the Foundation of the "Vegan Society" in 1944. daily increasing numbers of vegans in Germany and around the world underline a positive trend.1 And I agree that you don't have to follow every trend.
But the Veganism is not a trend, but a animal-friendly, environmentally conscious and health-promoting movement, which above all stands for values such as justice, non-violence and freedom that will improve social coexistence.
By definition, "as far as practically feasible" tried, "all forms of exploitation and cruelty to animals capable of suffering" to prevent.
As a vegan, I could also ask meat eaters why they do what the majority of our society does. You have to "Don't always do what everyone else is doing". 😉
Recommendation: The book "Eating Animals" by Jonathan Safran Foer (is available here*) encourages you to think about the consumption of animal-based foods. Alternatively, the article on Carnism a lot of important information.
3. then you eat away my food!
The theory that you can only Lettuce, grass and dusty hay and thus the usual feed of rabbits, cows and other animals from the Factory farming is probably one of the classic phrases that vegans can no longer hear.
But actually eat the Billions of innocent "farm animals" bred for performance the food away from the people. Problems like the World hunger would no longer exist if everyone ate the plants grown directly and avoided the "animal detour".
4. from lettuce shrinks the biceps!
This phrase may have its roots in the song of the same name by rapper Kollegah - but in the meantime it has taken on a life of its ownso that many vegans have to listen to it regularly.
The Pale skinny vegan stereotype still persists. However, vegans don't generally nibble on lettuce leaves like rabbits all the time, but instead eat Consciously high in protein.
Pumpkin seeds, peanuts, oatmeal, chickpeas, lentils, beans and Whole wheat pasta are just a few examples of Vegetable protein sources.
Strongman Patrick Baboumian, Arnold Schwarzenegger or the YouTuber "Hench Herbivore" are also living proof that the Build and maintain muscle with a plant-based diet works.
Tip: All about Proteins in vegan diet you can find out in the linked article! I can also recommend the documentation "The Game Changers" (is available here*), which is about plant-based sports nutrition and its benefits.
5. then what should the massai eat?!

Another very strange saying to justify one's own meat consumption (usually not even demanded) is the Citing the fact that not everyone can eat a vegan diet.
But just because a East African ethnic group with a semi-nomadic way of life It may not be possible to eat exclusively plant-based meals, is this not also the case in our Western world?
On the contrary: We are spoiled for choice in the supermarket. And buy meat from animals packaged in plastic containers and their breast milk in TetraPaks. It's often just a reach further on the shelf to the vegan milk alternative.
That's why the strange initial question is absolutely illogical. Just reach for Oat, almond, rice or soy milk. (you can find everything here at Velivery*)
6. i eat vegan sometimes, so you can eat meat sometimes too!
As praiseworthy as it is that meat eaters are increasingly trying out plant-based dishes, it is also annoying for vegans to hear this sentence.
On the one hand, because a Most of the mixed-food meals (side dishes such as vegetables) are vegan anyway is.
And secondly, because a plant-based diet at the expense of other living beings is based on. Vegans do not abstain from food for reasons of taste, but as a rule from the consumption of animal products for deeply ethical reasons.
7. so you only eat salad now, right?
This sentence would have been quite possible for me in the first 30 years of my life. could pass my lips. I assumed that with a plant-based diet, meat, eggs and dairy products would simply disappear from my plate and only salad leaves would remain.
But fortunately you can continue to eat burgers, pasta and pizza - just with animal-friendly ingredients. Nowadays, this is easier than ever before. (see "Vegan Foodporn" by Bianca Zapatka*)
Just one week after I started, I noticed the Variety of vegan recipes and new cooking ideas that should make it incredibly easy for everyone to not have one, or at least clearly Eat less meat.
And then there is also Plant-based substitute products, that look and taste like familiar animal foods - and therefore make the changeover even easier. (There is a large selection here*)
Tip: The Veganuary for example, is a great chance to try the plant-based diet for a month.
8. and when will you stop again? It's just a phase anyway!
Many mixed-food eaters expect that as a new vegan you will only be motivated for a short time anyway, then realize how complicated it all is - and give up the project. Perhaps also because they would expect it of themselves.
But opting for a vegan lifestyle (if ethically motivated) is not an entertaining decision that can be quickly put aside. It is a decision for lifethat comes from the bottom of our hearts.
A decision to reconcile your own values with your own actions to bring. Because "I love animals, but pay money to have someone kill them for me". is a contradiction in terms - and a great example of cognitive dissonance.
Tip: Me the Dominion" film made vegan because it shows the background of factory farming. At vegan documentaries I will introduce you to these and other helpful documentaries in more detail.
9. plants have feelings too!
In fact, as a vegan, this is a saying that you should especially often has to listen to. But to elevate animals and plants to an identical mental level is, of course, completely absurd.
Animals have a central nervous system and feel pleasure and pain, for example, just like we humans do. Plants, on the other hand, do not have this at the current state of research. They show biochemical reactions, such as turning towards the sun, which make some people believe that they also have an emotional world.
But even if at some point it should be found out that Plants have feelingswe humans should all the more stop eating meat. Finally, for the Feed from cows, pigs and chickens countless quantities of plants are cultivated and "killed".
10. but fish goes, right?

It is always surprising when people see a fish consider such an inferior beingthat they don't even call his body parts on the plate meat. (more under "Is fish meat?")
But fish are also Animals, have feelings and a will to live2 - and therefore naturally do not belong on the plate in a vegan diet.
If you like eating fish but want to avoid animal suffering, I can recommend these plant-based fish alternatives* to the heart. They make the changeover easier.
In addition, you should also Omega-3 fatty acids as a dietary supplement (is available here*) to be on the safe side in terms of health.
What vegans have to listen to...
Yes, these sayings are sometimes really annoying, illogical and also extremely strange. But they are never meant any harmbut are usually only said because your counterpart has not (yet) dealt with veganism.
Ultimately, vegans and vegetarians can benefit from loose and logical weakening contribute to the fact that they will be heard less and less in the future 🙂
"Animals are my friends and I don't eat my friends."
George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright (1856-1950) (more at Animal welfare quotes)
I hope I have been able to introduce you to some frequently heard entertaining statements. Can you think of any other strange phrases that vegans often have to listen to? Then I look forward to your comment!
Stay animal-friendly,

PS: A good introduction to vegan cuisine can also be found in the Online course "Going vegan made easy" from isshappy*. Just give it a try!
- Statista GmbH: Vegetarianism and veganism, available at [10.02.2025]. ↩︎
- Lynne U. Sneddon: Evolution of nociception and pain: evidence from fish models (as at: 23.09.2019), available at [10.02.2025]. ↩︎