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CareElite is my personal life project. But fortunately I am not alone in my desire, to make the world a little bit better every day and sustainable action in our society. ๐Ÿ™‚

Do you want to drive forward our common goals and be part of the CareElite community? Great! Then I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to a few ways in which you can contribute effectively.

CareElite Environmental Protection Project Plastic Waste

Comment and share blog articles

In principle, you can leave a comment under every blog article at CareElite. So feel free to take the opportunity at any time to leave your Views, experiences and ideas on the respective topic with me and other readers. This way, everyone can learn from each other - and in the best case scenario, I can even add your useful input to the respective post.

Speaking of sharing! This site thrives on interaction. If you like a particular post, then share the corresponding link on Instagram, Facebook and other social networks - or in online forums and media portals. Every linking recommendation helps to inspire more people for a sustainable everyday life.

Submit suggestions for improvement in the ideas portal

This website is certainly not error-free and has great potential. Did you have any help with the Spelling or content error found - or simply fundamental Suggestions for improvement and creative ideas for the blog?

Then share them here in the ideas portal! Your suggestions help me to Continuous development of the blog and to make it even more relevant to our common goals.

Sign and share petitions against abuses

Digital signature collections can change the world for the better. They also show that we are not alone in our desire for a more sustainable and conscious society.

Sign and share so gladly these sustainable petitions. And feel free to leave me a comment if you know of any other important petitions that are still missing from the list.

Please never forget: Every signature counts and can make a difference!

Search for a job with real added value on the job portal

You can make a real difference not only in your private life, but especially in your professional life. Difference for the environment, animals, other people and, above all, for yourself make

So take a look at the sustainable job portal around. There you will find Always new job advertisements for jobs where you also create sustainable added value with your work performance.

Buy sustainable products via the store


I finance CareElite among other things about the Recommendation of sustainable productssuch as wooden toothbrushes or even Environmentally friendly fitness equipment made of wood. You can find them both in blog posts as well as collected in the CareElite Shop.

By then occasionally purchasing a recommended product via the corresponding Link* with asterisk so you support me too.

And it does so completely automatically and without the product price changing for you. With the help of these so-called affiliate links, I simply receive a small commission from the respective provider.

Also the Advertising bannerthat you see here and there on my website are important for the financing of CareElite. If you click on or view them, I will receive a small commission at no cost to you.

If you've never seen such ads in the body text or in the margins of articles, you've probably seen the Marketing cookies rejected. Please accept them afterwards in your personal data protection settings.

An ad blocker may also be active in your browser - and suppress the display of advertisements. Please exhibit itso that you automatically support me financially while surfing CareElite for free. Thank you!

Throw a few coins into the coffee fund

I work on the website every day and put a lot of research work and money into the project.

If you like, you can also join our joint mission with a small donation to the Coffee cash register support. Every cent helps me to Content still free of charge and in the usual quality to be able to offer.

This works very simply with the following buttons via PayPal or Ko-fi. Thank you for your support!

Subscribe to the newsletter

The newsletter is currently pausedas I'm currently refurbishing it. However, you will soon be able to subscribe again free of charge so that you don't miss out on the latest posts, promotions, events and discounts.

Join the CleanUp Facebook group

Beach CleanUp in Bali

My little Heart project and somehow also the beginning of CareElite is our Large CleanUp community on Facebook. New people are constantly joining us there, who are working somewhere in the world with small and large clean-up campaigns. Removing plastic waste from beaches, forests and landscapes.

By join the group, celebrate the commitment of others and on vacation or in everyday life organize a CleanUp yourselfyou also make your contribution against the Plastic waste in the environment.

And simply live more consciously and sustainably ๐Ÿ™‚

Sustainability in everyday life is a marathon, not a sprint. Whether in the bathroom, at the stove, while cleaning, on the way to work or in the garden - Every little step counts.

So let's learn together, to live in an increasingly environmentally friendly, socially fair and conscious way - and thus inspire other people.

Do you have any questions?

Teamwork makes the dream work! If you still have something to say, then write to me please use the comment function below. Alternatively you can reach me via my contact form. Either way, I look forward to your message and will try to answer you as soon as possible.

19 thoughts on “Mach mit!”

  1. Greetings to each other,
    finally a page where there are tips and tricks and how to tackle where.
    I'm really looking forward to helping out somehow and somewhere with all the people.

  2. Hello Christoph,
    bravo, super commitment- hopefully this will be a great movement.

    I appreciate your page/posts/collections- and am doing my best to get to a good level for my carbon footprint/mill generation.

    Warm regards,
    S. Biener

    1. Hi Stephanie! Super thank you for your feedback and your attitude!

      Links I must unfortunately always take out, because unfortunately a lot of nonsense comes in and I can not check everything individually. Thanks for your understanding.

      LG Christoph

  3. We find your commitment super!!!

    For our part, we have started to save forests in Germany from deforestation and thus protect the environment and the climate. Maybe we can start an action together! We would be happy if we could get in contact - check us out at

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