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The best cannabidiol applications - Why CBD is so helpful

How to use Cannabidiol (CBD) for your health

You want to know more about the most important CBD application areas know? Then you've come to the right place. Cannabis is not only trendy in Germany. In Canada, cannabis has been legalized to a large extent and also in the USA there are first states where cannabis has been legalized for medical purposes and a few where the drug has been completely legalized. 

In Germany, the legalization of THC is still the subject of intense debate. The situation is different for the second active ingredient of the cannabis plant, the CBD or cannabidiol. CBD and products with CBD are legal in Germany and many other countries around the world, as long as the amount of THC in the product or flower is below 0.2 percent. While you can't legally buy regular cannabis for a long time yet, you can You order CBD flowers - quite legally.

In this article you will now learn how cannabidiol is used and can be helpful in everyday life.

The main cannabidiol indications

Overall, CBD is so helpful that skeptics are already accusing the CBD industry of promoting CBD against everything. Although CBD is not a miracle or panacea - but still applicable in many areas and incredibly helpful in the truest sense of the word. Not only is cannabis useful medicinally, but also as a nutritional supplement for everyday use.

Attention for children and teenagers! While the effect of CBD on adults is being researched in the first, promising, studies and countless positive testimonials are available, the effect of CBD on children and adolescents is not yet known. Therefore, one should refrain from giving CBD to his children.

CBD helps against pain

The greatest benefit of CBD is the relief of pain and chronic pain. In doing so, you don't have to take CBD as part of a medically prescribed therapy. Because CBD oil helps against Migraine or Headache just as well as against Back pain. CBD plays to its strengths as a herbal remedy. Unlike alternatives such as ibuprofen, CBD is gentle and does not irritate the stomach.

For patients who have chronic pain, CBD is a good idea. This is because chronic, severe pain is often treated with opiates that are just as strong. These opiates not only have the disadvantage of being addictive in the long run, but also cause great lethargy in sufferers and cause fatigue. Therefore, pain patients benefit particularly strongly from CBD medications. The use against physical pain is therefore one of the most important cannabidiol application areas.

CBD has an anti-inflammatory effect

A positive side effect of CBD as a painkiller is that CBD has an anti-inflammatory effect at the same time. In this context, CBD does not suppress inflammation, but rstimulates the body's own messenger substances to fight inflammation. Because CBD acts on the endocannabinoid system of the body and stimulates it. Thus, CBD causes a revitalization of the body and positively affects the entire organism.

In addition, the anti-inflammatory effects of CBD are good to balance our daily rather unhealthy diet. Because CBD can counterbalance the effect of meat and dairy products, which have an acidic and pro-inflammatory effect on the body, and thus strengthen the whole body.

CBD positively enriches our diet

Not only does CBD make up for an unhealthy diet to a certain extent, but CBD also has an effect on the body via the contained Carotenoids and Chlorophyll positively affects the cellular respiration of the body, promotes detoxification and purifies the body cells.

CBD is also rich in vitamins E, B1 and B12 and it scavenges free radicals. Thus, CBD prevents oxidative damage in the organism. In addition, there are initial indications that CBD can slow down the spread of cancer. More research is needed here, however. But the use for a healthier diet is one of the most important cannabidiol application areas.

CBD soothes

CBD has a calming effect on Stomach, Digestion and Organism - but also to the Mind. Anyone who is stressed a lot because they are just rushing from one appointment to another should try out whether CBD can have a positive effect on their own stress level. Because in low doses CBD calms - cannabis consumers have known this effect for a long time. Normal cannabis with a balanced ratio of THC and CBD has both an invigorating and calming effect - but the CBD is responsible for the calming effect.

CBD is not only helpful for people who feel too stressed in everyday life that they can hardly switch off. Just as it Helps people fall asleepwho just need a little help with the Relaxation after a stressful day at work, it helps patients with anxiety or Sleep disorders. Also Depression can probably be treated with CBD.

Is CBD addictive?

For patients with severe physical or mental illness, CBD is just as valuable a remedy as it is for any healthy person. Because with CBD there is no risk of becoming addicted. This is the big difference to other means, which you can also find without a prescription in any pharmacy. Even the sleeping pills that you can buy in a pharmacy are sometimes addictive after a few days. CBD, on the other hand, is completely harmless because it is not addictive. The fact that CBD is not addictive is also the reason why it is legally available in Germany. 

How to consume CBD?

Areas of application for CBD

For those who don't need CBD as a medicine but want to use it recreationally, CBD can be purchased in a variety of forms. Especially popular are CBD flowers - that is, the dried flowers of the cannabis plant that can be smoked. At least as popular is CBD oil. However, this is not oil obtained directly from the plant, but a carrier from another plant, such as pumpkin seed oil, to which CBD is added by means of a chemical process.

Alternatively there are CBD as seed to buy, which you can either consume in muesli or add to a salad. Alternatively, you can also use CBD Flour bake or CBD chocolate eat. Also Cosmetics with CBD are available that are particularly good for the skin.

The CBD application areas are incredibly diverse!

Cannabidiol is thus available in a wide variety of forms and has a calming effect, as well as an anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing effect. It also has a positive influence on our diet. For adults, it is definitely worth trying this active ingredient of the hemp plant against health complaints.

Do you have questions or your own experiences with the cannabidiol application areas that you would like to share? Then just write me a comment.

Stay healthy,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS.: In the Health Blog from CareElite, you'll find many more tips for a healthy lifestyle. Learn, for example, why you should more often Go for a walk should.

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I am Christoph, an environmental scientist, activist and author, and here at CareElite I am committed to tackling the environmental problems of our time and to promoting the most conscious and sustainable way of life possible in our society.