You want to save more water? Very good! Because in Germany each person consumes an average of 122 liters Drinking water per day. This puts us behind England, France and Austria in a European comparison. Nevertheless, 40 people could quench their thirst from this amount. In fact, we ourselves use only 4 percent of the valuable drinking water for eating and drinking. The remaining 117 liters are used in the household for cleaning, washing and personal hygiene. Even small changes can help to conserve resources and at the same time Save money.
Find out what you can do to reduce your water consumption with the following 10 tips. Let's go!
The best tips for saving water

Let's not waste any time at all - These are the 10 things you can do to save a lot of water right away in your everyday life:
1. dishwasher in Eco program
If you enjoy the luxury of a dishwasher, you should pay attention to which program it runs in. In the environmentally friendly Eco mode, the dishes soak longer and the dishwasher uses less and colder water. This takes a little longer than the standard program, but saves energy and water. No problem - if you start the full dishwasher before you leave the house in the morning. In the long term, you'll be doing something to Stop climate change to be able
2. make washing machine full
The same applies to the washing machine: it runs more economically in the Eco program without prewash. It is important that the washing machine is properly full. Many people learn from their mother that at least a clenched fist should fit into the filled machine. That used to be the case, but the more modern washing machines you can load to the top without hesitation. If you live in a shared apartment, you can wash together with your roommates. This way you can save water and don't use so much energy.
3. save water through collection
Taking a hot shower first thing in the morning or quickly washing the dishes under warm water after lunch - this is everyday life for most of us. Unfortunately, in many households, thanks to a boiler, it takes longer for the water to reach the desired temperature. If you're not exactly relying on the cold showers standing, but the cold water does not have to simply get lost. One option is to collect the cold water with a watering can and save it for the next time you water your plants. They prefer stagnant water anyway, which has adjusted to the room temperature. Or you can catch it in a bowl for the next tip. Saving water is so easy, you just need to take a step out of your habits.
4. save water with fruits & vegetables
Even as a child, we learned that we should clean fresh fruits and vegetables with water before eating them. Instead of washing everything individually under running water, you can use a bowl of cold water after the weekly shopping. Wash everything in one go, starting with delicate lettuce. It's best to start with delicate lettuce, which can sit in the water for a few minutes to get crispy again after its time on the store shelf. This way you can significantly reduce your water consumption and save a lot of water.
5. install water-saving fittings

Water-saving faucets are available for both the kitchen and bathroom to help you reduce your water consumption. Especially when a faucet drips after several years of use, it should be replaced. There are two good reasons for this: First, about 2000 liters a year flow from a leaky faucet. Second, a faucet with an economy cartridge minimizes water consumption by up to 40 percent.
6. short bath pleasure
There are bathtub faucets with water-saving functions - but most people already know that bathing generally uses more water than showering. But the duration of the shower is also crucial: If you shorten your shower by just five minutes, that saves up to 60 liters of water.
If you need the long shower in the morning to wake up, stand by the open window instead and take five deep breaths in and out. The fresh air gets your circulation going just as quickly. After that, you're ready for a short shower experience. I think here is a particularly great potential for saving water and reducing water consumption. By the way: If you are looking for plastic-free bathroom articles, please have a look at the Category body care of the sustainability store over.
7. save water when brushing teeth
Also an old shoe that many know from childhood and forget over the years: While washing your hands and brushing your teeth, you should turn off the faucet to save water. Otherwise, the valuable water flows unused into the sink during the two to four minutes. The same applies to shampooing and washing in the shower. Speaking of brushing your teeth: Here you can learn how to brush your teeth plastic-free. Make toothpaste yourself simply by following your heart.
8. use toilet flush correctly
Nowadays, almost all cisterns have dual-flush or start-stop flush technology. If your toilet flush has two buttons, one of the two applies. With dual-flush technology, you choose between a lot of water and a little water, depending on your needs. In the start-stop system, you can stop the flush when you don't need any more water. Both variants help to avoid unnecessary water consumption.
9. use more rainwater
To reduce drinking water consumption, you can also use rainwater from your garden. Sounds unusual? But it's easy!
You can collect the water in a rain barrel and then use it. The flowers in the house and garden will be delighted. Likewise, some pets such as dogs and cats often prefer natural rainwater to water from the tap.
So collect your rainwater to also save water in the garden.
10. live consciously and save water

Overall, as with many areas of life, conscious action is beneficial. This includes questioning one's own daily routine. Does the glass have to go in the dishwasher after a meal? Does the T-shirt have to go in the wash after being worn once? There are other ways. Glasses can be used several times, just as a T-shirt is usually fresh for more than one day. With jeans, it's even true that less washing keeps them more supple and colorful. Also, see the in-depth article on how to wash your Make washing powder yourself simply by following your heart.
Saving water is really simple!
So there are many small opportunities to save water in the household. But water is also used outside the home for feeding animals, irrigating fields, dyeing clothes and making soft drinks. That's why it pays to use water consciously not only in the household, but in all areas of life. If you really want to save water, these tips should help you quite a bit.
Do you have any questions, tips or your own experience with reducing water consumption?
Then I'm especially looking forward to your comment under this post.
Stay clean,

We try to save the water at home. With the kids, the washing machine is always full, which helps save. I am now thinking that we should replace our water heater because it takes a lot of time to get hot water. Thanks for the other tips!
Hello Christoph,
Nice article!
However, I cannot understand why bathing is better than showering. Would you like to go into this in more detail?
Many thanks for the great blog and very dear greetings
Hi Lena! Thanks for your feedback - you're right, of course, I had that twisted. Showering usually uses much less water than a full bathtub.
Best regards,
The idea with the water-saving faucets is yes noticed. Thanks for the link! Shall in the inherited cottage to carry out the redevelopment in the bathroom. The faucet drips, as well as in the toilet runs water.
Hi Finn! Thanks for your feedback and maximum success with the refurbishment!
Many greetings
Funny (well, or not really), since I had a visit from a dear friend from Bolivia at the beginning of May, I've been thinking a lot about saving water and have created some new rules for my husband 😉 My friend Cale was almost horrified by the water consumption here and gave me lots of tips. In Bolivia, they don't have any real water treatment or sewage treatment plants and therefore really little water. Showering every day is simply not possible. There is a washing bowl for washing hands and one in the kitchen for washing fruit and vegetables.
Recently we were then on a WE in the Palatinate on the road and in every second garden was a private pool swimming pool thing... I was really almost shocked!
Love again here! Anne
Hi Anne! I can imagine that very well. When I was in India, I could also shower in some places only in the morning from 8-9 o'clock and in the evening from 20-21 o'clock with running water. That's when you really realize how well off we are and how lucky we are to have that. Saving water is also a matter of respect.
Greetings to the south,
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