You want to learn a new language successfully and as quickly and efficiently as possible? Then you've come to the right place! If you speak one or more foreign languages, it is easier to immerse yourself in foreign cultures, meet new people or understand international films in their original language. And your own career opportunities increase almost automatically.
The list of benefits of language learning really is endless. The bottom line is that you will definitely promote your personal development if you Language apps like Babbel* or attend language courses in your city. You think you don't have the time? No problem!
In this article, I would like to give you some valuable tips to help you improve your language skills easily and almost in passing! Let's go!
1. know your reasons!
Only those who know their goal will find the way! So that you are permanently motivatedso you should know why you absolutely English*, Spanish*, French*, Italian* or also a completely different foreign language* want to learn.
Perhaps you would like a detailed discussion with a friend in his or her native language - or simply have a conversation with a friend. Read the book in the original language and understand. You may also just want to impress someone or simply advance your career.
In any case: A learning a new language has countless advantages! Whatever makes you want to optimize your foreign language skills: You should optimize your always have your personal motive in mind!
2. read books in foreign language

Of course it needs a certain basic vocabularyto read a book in another national language. But if you already had English, Spanish or French at school, that might be enough.
Even if it is annoying in the short term to have to look up a word from time to time, it trains your language skills in the medium to long term - and also your General knowledge improved of course!
Tip: If you have a E-readers like the Kindle* you can display the translations at the click of a button without having to keep turning the pages.
3. watch movies and series in other languages
I consume not only books, but also films and podcasts in English whenever possible. With most English-language films and series, the actual performance of the actors comes first. in their original language in my opinion, even better.
When you make it a routineBy regularly watching films in another language, you will find it much easier to understand and speak the new language over time.
Is that still difficult for you at the moment? Then simply switch on the Subtitles on. This works with the usual streaming services - and also with YouTube videos.
4. spend time abroad
You want to learn a new language? Then spend more time abroad. Preferably several months! Because this way you "force" yourself to engage with the local language - and experience the local culture up close.
Here are a few ideaswhich you can use to improve your language skills abroad:
- Language travel
- Aupair
- Work & Travel
- Internship abroad
- Volunteer
- World trip or longer vacation trip
- "Home office" as a digital nomad abroad
5. talk to people in the language they speak
You don't have to speak a language perfectly to be able to converse with others in their native language. Rather seek the challenge and use the vocabulary you have at your disposal.
With every sentence you or your counterpart speaks, you can only learn. To increase the learning effect, you should always ask questions if you are unclear. And in case of need, there are always hands and feet to communicate!
Notice: Do you know how incredibly likeable it makes you to others when you make an effort to speak their language, even if you don't speak it yet? Try it out and you'll see for yourself 🙂
6. set aside daily study time with learning programs
Nothing is more boring than sitting in front of the computer for hours cramming vocabulary. But even already 15-30 minutes a day with a learning program is enough to significantly improve your language skills.
I am currently simply taking 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening for a new language with the Babbel App*. This makes learning fun and still leaves time for the usual things in private and professional life.
7. find a learning partner
Ideally, you are not alone in your immediate environment in wanting to learn a second language. Maybe you'll find someonewho would like to learn something new together with you.
Then you can push each other and you converse with each other in the respective foreign language. In any case, learning together makes your plan more binding and makes it more difficult to back out quietly and secretly 😉.
You may also have friends who can share your Already speak the desired language fluently? That would of course be perfect for the steepest possible learning curve!
8. lead instructive self-talks
That sounds silly, but it is no joke! If you don't have a study partner, one of the best tips for improving your foreign language skills is to talk to yourself in the language you're learning.
Simply apply what you have learned and babble something to yourself. Learning by doing is the motto! Because with every sentence you learn or speak, your language skills deepen.
9. incorporate what you have learned or are about to learn into everyday life
Do you want to learn the new language as quickly as possible? Then it's best to surround yourself with the language every day whenever possible. This will help you to learn and internalize individual words or whole sentences much more intense and effective.
Read books more often and watch movies in the foreign language, stick small PostIts with the appropriate translations on the furniture and objects in your home and simply write a letter to a special person in the new language.
Tip: I learn more often with the Babbel app*when I'm on the train or traveling by public transport. I have nothing else to do during this time anyway. 😉
10. learn like a child

Children don't care at all if they pronounce a word incorrectly or three mistakes in one sentence. You don't put yourself under pressure to do everything perfectly.
And that's how you should approach it if you want to learn a new language as quickly and effectively as possible. Anything that brings you closer to this goal helps. This also includes unpleasant and supposedly embarrassing moments.
Learning a new language, made easy!
It sounds so banal: But if you want to teach yourself a new language, it's best to speak, write or listen to it every day. The regular Learning with Babbel (Click here for the online courses*) has helped me personally the most.
And one last tip, in case it didn't come across in the text: Have fun while learning the new language. Then it's sure to work!
"If you want to have an effect on other people, you first have to talk to them in their language."
Kurt Tucholsky (more at Language quotes)
I hope that I can help you improve your language skills and develop personally with this article. Do you have any questions, suggestions or further tips for learning a new language? Then I look forward to your comment.
Stay inquisitive,

PS: The Blog for personal development plays an important role on the way to a more sustainable society. Learn there, for example, why you should read regularly. Have fun!