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Fold plastic free garbage bags from newspaper

Fold plastic free garbage bags from newspaper

Garbage bags and other plastic bags are still a huge problem for our environment. That's why today I'm going to show you one way you can fold plastic free garbage bags can. I'm going to give you a simple folding tutorial that will allow you to turn an old newspaper into a garbage bag. You don't need glue either. An old newspaper is the only thing you need to fold trash bags out of newsprint. Let's go!

Why fold plastic-free garbage bags?

One trillion plastic bags. That's the estimated number of plastic bags used worldwide each year. 90% of them end up in landfills. The average European citizen uses about 500 plastic bags. If you count only the garbage bags, you get about 176. In Germany, 10,000 plastic bags are consumed every minute.โ‚ As you can see, it is urgently time for something to change. The Zero Waste Lifestyle is already more than just a trend. And this DIY tutorial for your garbage bags from newspaper are an important part of it.

Folding garbage bags from newspaper - how to do it

1) First unfold two layers of newspaper.

Folding garbage bags from newspaper

2) Fold the short side of the newsprint inward enough to make a square. Then fold the upper left edge to the opposite side.

Folding garbage bags from newspaper

3) You can cut off the excess newspaper with scissors. When you bend the square, you should now have a triangle.

Folding garbage bags from newspaper

4) Fold a point onto the opposite side of the newsprint.

Folding garbage bags from newspaper

5) Take two layers of the paper and fold it upwards. Put the tips in the resulting "pocket".

Newsprint - Plastic free garbage bags

6) Turn the newsprint over. Repeat the process on the other side.

Newsprint - Plastic free garbage bags

7) This is how it should look in the end.

Newsprint - Plastic free garbage bags

8) Finally, you can fold the ends of the bottom of the bag, so that the bag can stand well. Done!

Folding garbage bags from newspaper

Folding garbage bags from newspaper is easy!

As you could see, it's quite easy to fold garbage bags from newspaper. By the way, the DIY garbage bags can also be used for the Compost be used. Newspaper inks are now free of heavy metals and water-insolubleโ‚‚ (except for magazines). If you are already folding plastic-free garbage bags, you can also use them for other things. For example, to carry nuts, fruits, vegetables or other food in the supermarket. You can also use newsprint use for wrapping gifts.

Have you ever folded your trash bag from newspaper or do you have questions and suggestions for the DIY tutorial? Then write me a comment.

Best regards and have fun trying it out,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: Do you want to learn even more about how to plastic free living can? Then click on the linked article!



Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.

35 thoughts on “Plastikfreie Mรผlltรผten aus Zeitungspapier falten”

  1. For my organic waste, I simply use a medium-sized metal bowl with a strip of paper at the bottom. I then empty it into the organic waste garbage can as needed. No bags, no other garbage. I just make sure that I put the "drier" waste like avocado peelings, banana peelings, etc. at the bottom before I put the wetter waste on top.
    Wen der Anblick stรถrt, der kann einfach einen Teller umgedreht auf die Schรผssel stellen. Blรผmchen drauf – schon als Deko-Objekt nutzbar ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Hi Claire! Genau, es kann so einfach sein! ๐Ÿ™‚
      Thanks for your tips and have a great Christmas to you and your family!
      Many greetings

    2. You've probably never had maggots (especially in the summer) in the organic garbage can. That is so disgusting. I also wrap the paper bag when it's full in newspaper again, in the winter so the compost doesn't soak through and freeze and in the summer because of the flies. These paper bags I fold for years but by the size really only for the compost.
      lg sonny

      1. Hi Sonny! Ne hatte ich noch nicht. Dafรผr musst du den Biomรผll aber auch eine ganze Zeit so beisammen halten, oder? Wenn ich den Biomรผll 1-2 mal in der Woche runterbringe, habe ich keine Maden drin. ๐Ÿ™‚
        Best regards and happy new year,

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