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Home office organization - 10 tips for working more effectively from home

How to work effectively from home

You want to work effectively in your home office? Then you've come to the right place! You probably also work in a home office now or in the future and are now looking for tips on how to work more productively within your own four walls. As many advantages as working at home brings, it can sometimes be difficult to get into the flow of work and stay focused without distractions.

So in this article I'm going to show you how to get started with some Discipline, preparation and organization master the daily work routine in the home office. You will learn to also work from home work productively and without stress. Let's go!

How to work effectively in a home office? 10 tips!

I have been working effectively and productively from home for 4 years now. In my former shared flat, I even sat at my desk just one meter away from my bed for a while. It was very tempting to leave work and myself alone 😉.

Here I would like to give you 10 crucial tips that have helped me to work more effectively and productively in the home office. Have fun with the implementation!

1. establish a morning routine

A certain morning routine can help you start the day on a positive note and really get into the workday. Start with this, get up at the same time every dayeven if you have trouble getting up in the morning. So you have the opportunity to start the day relaxed and follow your morning routine.

For example, you can use the time you've gained that you don't now need to commute to have a leisurely cup of coffee, tidy up, or go for a round of go for a walk. Or how about a little Morning workout? A routine helps you break out of old habits and establish new ones. A crucial - if not THE crucial - tip for working more effectively in the home office.

2. don't dress too comfortable!

Get out of your pajamas! To be able to work productively from home, you should get yourself dress as if you were going to work normally. Of course, this doesn't have to be a suit or blazer, you don't have face-to-face meetings after all.

However, you should do without pajamas, sweatpants and hoodie. In the long run, it's simply much less efficient to work in them. The main reason for this is that you usually wear these clothes while watching TV on the sofa and associate them with relaxation. In addition, spontaneous zoom meetings in a proper home office outfit are no problem for you.

3. set up a permanent workplace

Man working in home office with three computers

Although it may be tempting to drop comfortably on the couch and do your work from there: Separate work and relaxation areas, otherwise work and leisure time will quickly get mixed up.

In the best case, you define a fixed workstation in a separate room. It also does not necessarily have to be a whole room. It can also be a table in your living room or bedroom that you turn into a workspace and that signals to you that work is being done there. A fixed workspace not only helps you get into work mode, but also helps you work more focused and draw a physical line between living and working.

Tip: To what extent do actually fit Home office and sustainability together? Read the linked article to find out why it's much more environmentally friendly to work in your own four walls instead of in the office.

4. care for rest

Speaking of setting up your workstation... To be able to work effectively in your home office, you should make sure that it is as quiet as possible at your home office. The necessary quiet and good room acoustics not only help you to work more focused, but also to meet the requirements of telephone and video conferences.

Meanwhile there are a wide range of acoustic solutionsthat will help you to do your work undisturbed. For example, you can keep unwanted sounds out of your premises with the help of acoustic curtains or acoustic pictures and thus provide a pleasant working atmosphere. In addition, many acoustic elements are a real eye-catcher, which are not only sound-absorbing, but also decorative.

Tip: I sometimes listen to classical acoustic music to help me concentrate better. Maybe this tip can also help you to be more productive here and there.

5. acquire ergonomic office furniture

If you spend several hours each day in your home office - and most likely in a seated position - you should purchase ergonomic office furniture. An adjustable office chair is the most important piece of furniture to help you Prevent tension and back pain. But an ergonomic, height-adjustable table can also work wonders. It's best to discuss such a purchase with your employer. In the best case, they will pay for the equipment of your home office.

Tip: I have made my Industrial desk built by yourself. In the linked post, I show you exactly how I did it.

6. use high quality equipment

Normally, the employer also pays for equipment that you need for your work in the home office. This includes Computer, keyboard, mouse, screensprinters, and so on. Be sure to choose equipment that is of good enough quality to do your job without interference.

Another important point: Set up a stable internet connection that doesn't give up the ghost every few minutes. The employer usually pays for this as well. If you work at home as a self-employed person, the same applies, of course. So if you want to work effectively in your home office and don't want to be constantly annoyed and demotivated in your desk chair, then you should also take this tip to heart.

7. keep order

Order is the be-all and end-allwhen it comes to working productively in your home office. Make sure you don't have too many personal items sitting or lying around that could potentially distract you from your work. Bills, notes, and other clutter should be put away whenever possible.

Of course, personal items can make themselves comfortable in your home office - however with measure and aim. Loads of photos, souvenirs and odds and ends are also out of place in the private office and only distract from the essentials. This is an extremely important tip for successful home office organization.

8. take regular breaks

This is probably one of the most important points: Take time for breaks! Nothing is more tempting than doing some quick laundry or washing the dishes during your home office lunch break. Better leave it alone and postpone the household chores until after working hours. After all, you take your breaks at the office too, right?

If you find it difficult to take breaks in general, simply set yourself a Alarm and use this as an opportunity to stand up or sit back and relax.

9. provide fresh air

Woman working on laptop on balcony

This tip for working more effectively applies to the office and home office, of course. Fresh air is important. Implement it regularly and ventilate several times a day for a few minutes each time. This way, a healthy exchange of air takes place in your work premises and you can concentrate better. This makes work much easier and increases your productivity.

10. provide enough snacks and water

In the office, you usually have small snacks with you that provide you with energy throughout the day and satisfy small hunger pangs. Prepare regular snacks for yourself at home snacks (like to leave you in the Recipes blog inspire). Also, make sure you stay hydrated throughout the day. Keep a carafe of tap water near your desk so you always have something to drink.

Tip: You still want surf or work more sustainably on the Internet? Then be sure to check out the linked post too!

Use the tips for well-organized, successful work in the home office

With the right tricks and a bit of self-discipline, you can also efficiently pursue your work within your own four walls. You've probably noticed that you have to trick your own psyche a bit in order to work effectively in your home office. If you follow the tips and tricks in this article, you will almost certainly become more productive.

I hope that I could help you with this! Do you have questions, suggestions or your own experiences with the topic of efficiency and productivity in the home office? Then just write me a comment.

Stay productive,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS.: Have you ever thought about becoming self-employed and to found sustainably? In the linked post, I also give you crucial tips for building a truly long-lasting, fair and successful business. Have fun!

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I am Christoph, an environmental scientist, activist and author, and here at CareElite I am committed to tackling the environmental problems of our time and to promoting the most conscious and sustainable way of life possible in our society.

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