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Hit a deer - What to do in case of an accident?

I hit a deer - What to do next?

You have hit game or want to prevent accidents with deer, wild boar, foxes and other wild animals? Then you've come to the right place! Wildlife accidents occur mainly near forests and in rural areas. Areas where cars collide more often with wild animals can be recognized by the corresponding traffic sign or by regionally different symbols. But we can still be as careful and sustainable driving: a wildlife accident is not completely avoidable.

With this article I would like to give you a guide about wildlife accidents. From the definition, to the correct behavior at the scene of the accident, legal regulations, insurance benefits and advice on how to avoid wildlife accidents. Let's go!

Here in advance a short Overview about the article:

  1. Definition
  2. Correct behavior
  3. Obligation to report
  4. Insurance
  5. Avoid wildlife accidents
  6. Closing words

What exactly is a wildlife accident?

A wildlife accident is the collision of a motor vehicle with so-called Furred game. This group includes, for example, wild boars, hares, foxes, wolves, badgers, chamois, roe deer and deer. Damage caused by evading wild animals is also considered a wildlife accident.

Deer, wild boar or fox hit - How to behave correctly

If you've just hit game, you might be in a bit of a shock right now. Don't worry, here I show you step by step₁ what to do.

  1. Stop (if possible at the edge of the roadway)
  2. Turn on your hazard lights (to warn other drivers)
  3. Put on your safety vest
  4. Set up a warning triangle (and secure the accident site)
  5. Notify the police (and call the hunter/forester in charge if known).
  6. Wait at the scene (and keep your distance from the animal)

You should follow these rules to minimize the danger for other road users and to spare the animal suffering in the worst case. However, be sure to keep your distance from the injured wild animal, as there is a risk of infection or unpredictable behavior. The forester will then attend to the animal. If you do not inform the forester yourself, the police will do it for you.

Do I have a duty to report a wildlife accident?

In Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony there is (as of 12.03.2021) no obligation to report accidents involving game. This is the case in all other federal states.

Anyone who fails to report a deer accident in the other states commits an administrative offense that can result in a fine. However, in the case of small wild animals, such as hares, there is no obligation to report them. Nevertheless, you should in any case follow the behavioral recommendations from the previous paragraph to protect other drivers, to get reimbursed for possible damage and to help the animal.

Is it a hit and run if I just keep driving?

Basically, it is not a hit and run, as Animals are still considered a thing before the law and therefore not be seen as the injured party. Even if your car has no traces of an accident, you should at least let the forester know so that he can check on the animal if necessary.

Should I expect consequences if I continue to drive?

Yes, because it is considered cruelty to animals can apply if you simply leave an injured and still living animal lying around. If it is a violation of the Animal Protection Act or the respective State Hunting Law, a sanction of up to 5,000 euros may be imposed.

Can I report wildlife accidents after the fact?

Yes, this is also possible. However, it is better for the possibly injured animal if you report the wildlife accident directly, should the situation allow it. Either way you should report the accidentotherwise you will definitely have to bear the possible repair costs for your car yourself.

Does the insurance pay in case of accidents with game?

The insurance will not cover the costs if you do not properly report the wildlife accident. If you have complied with your obligation to report within 5 days of the collision, the insurance company will usually cover the costs. Comprehensive insurance the cost of repairing your car. However, the accident must be proven with a wildlife accident certificate, which you can get from the police or the responsible forester.

If you have damaged road signs, other vehicles or other objects in the accident, your Liability insurance one. Either way, it certainly makes sense to take witness statements and photos in order to be able to prove the accident at any time. However, you must expect that you will be placed in a different no-claims class.

How do I avoid wildlife accidents?

Avoid game accident tips

Of course, special caution is required in the early morning, as well as in the twilight evening hours and during night drives. In addition, in the rutting season from July to August there is a great risk of accidents due to deer crossing.

But basically you should vigilant throughout the year be! Here are some more tips to avoid wildlife accidents with deer, wild boar, foxes and all other animals of the forest:

  • Reduce your speed
  • Turn off the high beam
  • Be alert and ready to brake at all times but especially in forest areas
  • Horn, if you feel you have seen something
  • Warn other drivers by flashing your lights in case of emergency

Deer, fox or wild boar hit? Then you now know what to do

Now you know that you should always report an accident with wild animals to the police and the responsible forester and secure the accident site. In this way, you reduce the danger for other road users, ensure that your insurance company is willing to pay, and make sure that the animal is helped or, if necessary, spared suffering.

I hope that I was able to help you with this article about the correct behavior in the event of a wildlife accident. Do you have any questions or suggestions? Then feel free to write me a comment.

Stay pet friendly and drive carefully,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: Did you know that you can Do not feed ducks should? In the linked article, I explain why this is the case. And if you want to know how to behave correctly in the future when you have a injured bird found the second link is the right address for you!

₁ Mobility Magazine, VFR Verlag für Rechtsjournalismus GmbH: Deer hit: What do motorists need to be aware of? (Accessed Feb. 14, 2021), available at [12.03.2021].

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I am Christoph, an environmental scientist, activist and author, and here at CareElite I am committed to tackling the environmental problems of our time and to promoting the most conscious and sustainable way of life possible in our society.