This is an overview of unique people and organizations on our planet that are conducting cleanup campaigns worldwide against the plastic garbage in the environment. These people exchange their ideas in our international CleanUp Group on Facebook. from. Become a valuable part of the community in the fight against one of the biggest social and environmental problems of our time - wherever you are!

Feel free to share this map using the link below so that everyone else can become part of the solution.
Support Trash CleanUps Worldwide
Unfortunately as much as 32 million tonnes of plastic waste are getting into the environment every year as a result of human behaviour. About 8 million tons of this waste ends up directly in the sea. Isn't it great to bring together the people on our planet who are passionately motivated to stop the pollution on our planet? Our great community is all about getting rid of the garbage in our environment. Whether in Germany, South Africa, Indonesia or Mexico.
We all know that a Trash CleanUp's are not solving the basic problem of our throw-away-society. Nevertheless, the cleanup actions and the sharing of pictures and dates are helping effectively in the educational work and to clean the forest, the beaches and the mountains on our planet for the next time. Here you'll find everything about the organizers of CleanUp Events. Names, Contact Details, CleanUp Places and more. This is how you can be an active part of the solution of the pollution at any time. Have fun and don't forget to share your pictures in our Facebook community.
PS.: To decrease the amount of plastic waste we all have to get out of the environment in the future, you are welcome to read the article about the plastic free lifestyle , which you are invited to share.
PPS: If you also want to start your own CleanUps with others, you can learn more in the article about the organization of your own Beach CleanUp.