Spring is the best time of the year for me. After the cold winter months nature comes back to lifeThe migratory birds return from the south, many animals end their hibernation and a magical mist forms in the water landscapes almost every morning.
This has also prompted me more frequently this year to at 3 o'clock in the morning to be woken from my sleep by my alarm clock. Once I arrived at my destination this spring, however, I was always compensated for my efforts.
As I write these lines, the beautiful spring season is unfortunately already over and I am already looking forward to the coming years with anticipation. But first of all, I'd like to welcome you with my Highlight video to share my experiences from this spring.
Tip: By the way, I took the pictures with the camera "Panasonic Lumix DC-GH5SEG-K" (is available here*). The lens was the "Panasonic H-RS100400E9" (is available here*). And I was able to capture the unique sound with the "Sennheiser MKE 600" condenser directional microphone. (is available here*)
Wildlife spring - feelings in a state of emergency
Whether we humans have the much-cited Spring fever really exists is still very controversial. However, there is no doubt that they exist in the animal world.
Every spring, all animal species seem to go into a veritable state of emotional emergency. From Showing off and courtship rituals up to Dances and almost infinite Chantsthe males leave nothing out to find a partner.
For infinite chants, for example, is the Nightingale which I was able to film particularly well this year. The incredibly varied song of the male is a spring experience in itself.
Spring fever and Mating behavior in the animal world are as diverse as the species themselves. Female toads leave their winter quarters with the males in piggyback and make their way to their spawning grounds in the pond. At this time, the slow worm, among others, can also be found at these sites, literally fighting with its rivals for a potential partner.
Meanwhile, the common terns launch attacks on their conspecifics to claim the most coveted breeding island on the water for themselves. Everywhere Claiming breeding sites, attracting females and driving away competitors.
Fun and games for the next generation
But spring can also be a family affair. The Fox cubs leave the den for the first time in May and are still particularly keen to play at this time. I'm pleased that I've had one or two nice encounters with fox cubs or young foxes this year. In the meantime, they have all left their den and are exploring their new surroundings.
Another special experience for me was the Hatching of two Crane chicks. The moment when mother crane rises and her two chicks see the light of day together for the first time is simply indescribable. I have yet to experience anything comparably intimate and heartbreaking in nature.
It was also amazing, how quickly the two chicks got to grips with their surroundings and instinctively knew what to do and what not to do. Without, however, testing the limits of what was possible and occasionally falling out of the nest from sheer eagerness and fun.
It was a similar story with the Deer too. At least with the yearlings that I was able to film in the Lower Oder Valley National Park. They kept feigning a fight and chasing each other across fields and meadows. They will probably have to wait another year before they mate for the first time.
Wonderful nature experiences in spring
In any case, I also had a great time this spring and was able to learn a lot of new things about our nature and my animal actors.
I hope that I was able to give you a good impression with my spring video and can only recommend that you set your alarm clock a little earlier next spring.
Until then I am happy if you continue to hear from me in the Wildlife Blog be surprised by our native nature.
Many greetings,

PS: Have a look at my personal Nature film website where you can find out more about me. Otherwise, I wish you lots of fun in the CareElite Blog.