You want to improve and train your general knowledge? Then you've come to the right place! General knowledge is an extremely valuable weapon in everyday life. It helps us in interviews for a new job, in small talk and in discussions with colleagues and friends. And by the way, it even allows us to make more confident decisions.
Perhaps you recently had an unpleasant everyday situation in which you were unable to answer a simple question. Or maybe you just want to increase your wealth of knowledge - it doesn't matter!
In this article, I'm going to give you some valuable tips to help you improve your general knowledge step by step. And don't worry: they go beyond the usual "watch the news". Let's go!
Worth knowing: There is a significant difference between General knowledge and General education. The general knowledge is a basic stock of knowledge and information which one should have or know. General education, on the other hand, means the faculties of the mind that are of importance in relating this knowledge to each other. In short, general education presupposes general knowledge.
1. read more books

I seriously regret that I used to neglect and simply not value reading books. Today, of course, I know, why reading is so important. For example, it improves our writing and communication skills, our creativity, our work-life balance - and last but not least, it also improves our general knowledge.
If you want to exercise your general knowledge, you should read, read and read! Whether Books, magazines or Blog posts!
Time is too short? Then you can also Book summaries at Blinkist* or contact Speed reading and acquire new knowledge extremely quickly and compactly. The main thing is that you read. Because it will definitely make you smarter right away!
Money is too tight? Then register at the nearest library, borrow books from friends or get them for yourself here at medimops* or here at rebuy* used and cheap.
Further articles and tips:
2. play knowledge-intensive board games
Yes, of course: under certain circumstances it can also be really embarrassing when Quiz evening with family or friends. But in the end, you're definitely a little smarter when you play board games that require a healthy amount of general knowledge.
Here are some games that will help you improve your general knowledge:
- Smart10 (is available here*)
- Bezzerwizzer (is available here*)
- Trivial Pursuit (is available here*)
- Who wants to be a millionaire (is available here*)
- Scrabble (is available here*)
- Quiztopia (is available here*)
3. use knowledge apps
The App Blinkist* I have already mentioned. But your smartphone can also help you gain a better general knowledge in a simpler way: through Quiz apps!
Even though I'm generally not a fan of mobile games because they just eat up time, I make an exception for them. Quite simply because I learn something new with every question.
If you want to expand your knowledge base, I can recommend the following quiz apps:
- Quizoid
- Quiz duel
- QuizUp
Tip: By the way, with the app "geo master plus" I also learned all countries and mountains of the world playfully easy and fast a few years ago!
4. start unusual learning actions
The other day I got a bit "upset" that I couldn't think of the capital of Mali in an everyday situation. Not that bad, of course. But it was a trigger for me, to learn or know all the capitals of the countries of the world.
We can remember things better if we written down beforehand have. So I bought them on such small index cards* I wrote and studied when I had some time.
Capital of Mali? BamakoYou're welcome! 😉
5. watch documentaries and knowledge programs
I don't spend that much time in front of the TV. But when I do, I like to use the time to improve my knowledge. Be it with the help of Documentations about the 2nd world war or Quiz shows like "Who wants to be a millionaire?". Or about the daily news, of course!
So you can also learn moreby letting yourself be entertained in front of the television.
6. take courses
Whether online or offline: Courses on specific areas of knowledge will immediately help you to improve your general knowledge. For example, use platforms such as, to Access to courses and presentations in your city - and by the way Networking to operate.
Or visit the courses and lectures offered at Universities and Adult education centers.
7. know categories of general knowledge and improve knowledge specifically.
You are probably familiar with the usual general knowledge topics from board games or quiz shows. Here I have listed the Core topics listed once:
- Geography
- Natural Sciences
- Languages
- Literature
- Media
- Technology
- Sports
- Art and music
- History
- Politics
- …
Now look for suitable contact points to train your knowledge in the respective areas. Watch more movies and series in English, for examplein order to Improve foreign language skills. And so on.
8. solve crossword puzzles regularly
The crossword puzzle in the newspaper is certainly one of the classic ways to improve your general knowledge. So grab the Daily or weekly newspaper or get yourself a such puzzle book* and solve the puzzles.
Make time for the crossword puzzles regularly and build up a daily or weekly routine. You will soon realize that the puzzles become easier and easier become. The learning curve is extremely steep.
9. ask questions and learn from everyday conversations.
Of course, you can learn a lot from everyday conversations with friends, colleagues or your family. soak up any amount of general knowledge.
If you are involved in a particular discussion not contribute much then simply ask questions. Instead of slowly changing the subject, you could learn from the others and improve your general knowledge.
Tip: Meet up regularly with people who you consider to have a high level of general knowledge. This way, you can learn almost on the fly. Also consciously Questions to get to know each other better. I'll show you everything you can ask in the linked article.
10. listen to podcasts

Podcasts have enriched my life! I always listen to it when I have nothing else to do. On the way to the bakery, while jogging or relaxing on the sofa in the evening. They also shorten my waiting time at the dentist. And most importantly: they make me smarter!
So my tip: If you want to improve your general knowledge, you should definitely listen to podcasts regularly! There are plenty of them for all conceivable areas of knowledge.
But don't forget to to take a breather from time to time and you Take time for yourselfin which you simply do nothing at all.
Improving general knowledge, made easy!
Do you want to improve your general knowledge? Then you now have some tips and tricks at hand. But always remember that a good portion of Self-discipline is part of it. Because general knowledge has to be acquired and learned.
But don't be too hard on yourself. The easiest way to really make learning easier for yourself is to create a daily routine that incorporates at least four or five of the tips mentioned here. Then you'll know a little bit more every day 🙂
"What we know is a drop, what we don't know is an ocean."
Isaac Newton, English polymath (more at Knowledge Quotes)
I hope that I can help you with this contribution to a better general knowledge. Do you have any questions or suggestions? Then feel free to write me a comment.
Stay inquisitive,

PS: Do you also want to improve your knowledge of sustainability? Then take a look at the Knowledge blog from CareElite around! For example, learn next, What exactly microplastics are and why it is in the environment at all.