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19 Food to multiply and regrow

Propagate and regrow food - Regrow

If you are looking for the Zero Waste Lifestyle live, you should also Regrow food. Food multiplication is a great way to reuse kitchen waste wisely. Plus, you can save a whole lot of money in the process. Maybe you've even been on the verge of starting, but hesitated. However, regrowing food is usually much less complicated than you might first imagine. In this article, you'll learn how to easily propagate fruits, vegetables and other foods.

  1. Vegetables
  2. Spices, Herbs & Mushrooms
  3. Fruit & Fruits
  4. Closing words

Propagate food: Vegetables

Particularly popular for food regrowth is vegetables. Whether lettuce, potatoes or carrots - propagating vegetables is very easy. Now I'm going to show you how you can easily regrow different types of vegetables.

1. lettuce multiply

Growing food again

Here's how you do it:
Keep the lettuce leaves that you would otherwise throw in the trash and put them in a bowl with a little water. The bowl must be in a warm and sunny place. You should moisten the leaves a little every now and then. After some time, roots should grow on the leaves. The lettuce can then be transplanted into a pot. If your refrigerator is too full, you can simply put your lettuce in a bowl with water. The lettuce will keep there for quite a while. With romaine lettuce, you can use the roots to replant. Make sure that only the bottom end of the root is in the water. Lettuce is a great example of how propagating food is uncomplicated.

2. regrow onions

Since it's very straightforward, onions are great for starting when you want to regrow food.
Here's how you do it:
Cut off the end of the root with about 1 cm of the root flesh. Put the root in a pot and cover it with a large layer of soil. The soil should be kept moist regularly. As soon as spring arrives, you can plant the bulb in the garden. TIP: If you have a garden I also recommend the article Bee pasture garden for a bee-friendly home.

3. potatoes

Potatoes - multiply food

Potatoes go well with almost any dish and multiply very well. By growing potatoes you can save a lot of kitchen waste.
Here's how you do it:
Cut the potato into small pieces. Make sure that each piece has at least 1-2 potato eyes. The pieces should be about five centimeters in size. Let the potato pieces dry at room temperature for a few days to prevent the pieces from rotting. Potatoes need a soil with as many nutrients as possible. If you have a compost pile, you can add a little compost to the soil. When planting, be sure to point the potato eyes toward the sky. Plant the potato pieces with a depth of about 20 centimeters. Pour only 10 centimeters of soil on top of the pieces at first. Wait with the other 10 centimeters of soil until the potatoes have taken root. And now good luck with the food regrowth.

4. regrow sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes - food multiply

Sweet potatoes can be propagated as food in the same way as the ordinary potatoes. Just look at the instructions from the previous paragraph. Once the sprouts of the sweet potato begin to reach a height of about 60 centimeters, the sweet potatoes should be transplanted. It takes about four months for the sweet potatoes to reach maturity.

5. carrot green propagate

Carrots - food regrowth

Carrots cannot regrow per se, however, you can enjoy regrowing carrot greens.
Here's how you do it:
Um das Karottengrün vermehren zu können, schneide den Karottenkopf ab und gebe ihn in eine Schüssel mit Wasser. Nach ungefähr drei Tagen sollte das Karottengrün keimen. Nun ist es Zeit, die Pflanzen in einen Taopf umzupflanzen. In dem Topf wird das Grün bald Wurzeln schlagen. Karottengrün ist sehr gesund und kann beispielsweise für Salate und Smoothies benutzt werden. Passend dazu empfehle ich dir den Artikel Plants & herbs to grow yourself.

6. ginger multiply

Ginger - regrow food

Ginger is not only easy to propagate, the plant also looks very beautiful. If you are still looking for a little decoration for your balcony or garden, a ginger plant is definitely recommended.
Here's how you do it:
To plant, simply use part of the ginger bulb. Ginger likes warm soil, but you should not plant the tuber in a too sunny place. You should also keep the soil nice and moist for the ginger. When it comes to propagating food, ginger is the well-known poster child.

7. leeks multiply

Leeks - food regrowth

Everyone knows how healthy leeks are. Especially in spring, it makes a great addition to a vegetable stir-fry.
Here's how you do it:
Take the remains above the white roots and place them in a bowl with water, just as you did with the lettuce. Place the bowl on a sunny windowsill. Within about four days, you should see new shoots. If necessary, cut off the plants and simply leave the roots in the water. The water should be changed once a week to keep it fresh. Did you know that you can propagate a food like leeks? I have to admit that I didn't know until now.

8. regrow pea shoots

Pea sprouts - food regrowth

Do you have some peas left? Then you can grow pea shoots again. Pea shoots are healthy, contain many important vitamins and are totally easy to propagate.
Here's how you do it:
Put the peas in a canning jar. Pour three times the amount of water over them and leave the peas in it for an hour. Then carefully pour off the water and stretch a piece of cloth over the jar with the help of a rubber band. The peas should be washed and the water changed daily. After 5 days you can harvest the sprouts. By the way, multiplying food also works with other sprouts.

Propagate food: Spices, Herbs & Mushrooms

Spices and herbs are also very easy to propagate as food. Since you can simply grow them on the windowsill, they are always at hand. Below I show you how to propagate spices and herbs.

9. multiply garlic

Garlic - food replant

Garlic may cause an unpleasant odor, but it contains a lot of calcium. This makes the spice especially suitable for Vegan of great advantage. You can grow garlic both in a pot and in your garden as food.
Here's how you do it:
For replanting garlic you need just one clove. Just as with the onion, the soil should be kept warm and moist at the same time. You can easily plant the clove in your garden or in a pot. As soon as the garlic starts to sprout, you can prune it a little. This will stimulate the formation of the bulb. Growing food is quick and easy with garlic!


10. lemon grass

Lemongrass - food propagate

Propagate lemongrass works in the end very similar to the cultivation of leeks and green onions. However, lemongrass requires a little more care.
Here's how you do it:
The first pulling of the new shoots will take about a week. As soon as the first shoots are visible, transplant them into a pot. You should cut the lemongrass only when it has reached a length of about 30 centimeters. Now you can cut the lemongrass whenever you need it. It will then grow back again and again within a short period of time. Growing food can be so easy!

11. regrow herbs

Herbs - food regrowth

Herbs are perfect to regrow them as food. They grow back very quickly and keep very well on the kitchen windowsill.
Here's how you do it:
To propagate herbs as food, you need leftover stems. To do this, cut the stems with a sharp knife (not scissors!) just at the point where the leaves protrude. Remove the leaves along the stem. Place the stem in a glass of water and wait a few days. When the root is about five centimeters long, you can transplant the herbs.

12. multiply mushrooms

Champions - regrowing food

Propagate mushrooms is somewhat more complicated than other foods. A pinch of luck is also part of the recipe.
Here's how you do it:
Fungal spores like warm moisture and soil with a lot of nutrients. Fertilizing with coffee grounds may give a small advantage. Since mushrooms compete with other mushroom varieties in the garden, planting them in a pot could also be beneficial. The cellar, which is not too damp, is a very good housing option in this case. Just put the "feet" of the champion into the soil. With a little luck, you should see the first results after a short time.
Tip: Use coffee grounds for a variety of things in your home instead of throwing them away. Let you in the article Coffee grounds applications in the home inspire.

Propagate food: Fruit & Fruits

If you want to regrow food, you will find that propagating fruit is more difficult and long-term than propagating vegetables. However, it is definitely worth it! I'm going to show you how to propagate fruits and vegetables.

13. pineapple regrowth

Pineapple - food multiply

Growing a pineapple requires enough patience and some skill. Until a pineapple is completely regrown, up to four years can pass. However, the pineapple plant is also a beautiful decoration for your own apartment or balcony.
Here's how you do it:
To propagate the pineapple, you should carefully twist off the "head" of the pineapple. If you have done everything correctly, you now hold the leaves of the pineapple and part of the fruit in your hand. Carefully pluck off the lower leaves of the pineapple and let them dry on the windowsill for two or three days. If you coat the pineapple with charcoal powder beforehand, you prevent the risk of it starting to mold. Then put the pineapple in a cup of water and wait until the roots are about five centimeters long. Now you can transplant the plant into a pot that is not too small. For growing, it is best to use a special growing soil, palm soil or a sand mixture. The pineapple is a wonderful example of food regrowth.

14. regrow avocado

Avocado tree - food propagate

A great experiment, even for children, is to grow your own avocado tree. At the same time, it is time-consuming to regrow this food. However, with the avocado tree will need some patience - because until it bears fruit will pass about 5 - 13 years.
Here's how you do it:
Take an avocado pit and wash it well. Insert four toothpicks into the pit and hang it over a glass of water. Make sure that the wide end is about one centimeter in the water. Place the jar in a warm place with filtered sunlight. Within the next few weeks you will be able to see the roots and a stem forming. Once the core has a shoot of about 15 centimeters, shorten it to a length of about 7 centimeters. This will stimulate growth. Once the stem is leafy and the roots look thick enough, you can remove the toothpicks. Now place the seed on a humus-rich soil in a flower pot. Avocados like moist soil. However, watering should not be too heavy either. If the leaves of your avocado tree look yellowish, the watering is too heavy. The avocado tree should also get as much sunlight as possible. Once the tree is about 25 centimeters tall, you can cut it back in half to allow new shoots to form.

15. propagate peaches & nectaries

Peach fruit tree - food propagate

Do you want to regrow peaches and nectaries as food? It is possible, you just need a little patience.
Here's how you do it:
First you have to remove the seeds from the fruit. Already here it becomes a little tricky. This is because many peach varieties are bred so that the plant growing from the pit remains puny and small. Only a few varieties provide strong offspring. These are:

  • Proskauer
  • Kernechter from the foothills
  • Naundorf corechter

You should remove the pulp completely and then place the core on a damp cloth. The kernels should remain there overnight. Then carefully open the seeds with a nutcracker. Put the seeds back on a damp cloth and place the cloth with the seeds in a sealable can. Store the seeds for two to three weeks at a temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius. Then store in the refrigerator for about 3 months. As soon as germs form, you can plant the seed. The depth should be about one fingertip. The soil should be moist. After another month, the seed should have turned into a seedling.

16. regrow cherries

Cherries - multiply food

Regrow cherries is worth it twice. Because cherries are not only delicious fruit, but also bear beautiful flowers on the tree. A cherry tree makes every garden a bee friendly garden. It is best if you plant the seeds in the autumn time. At cold temperatures, the cherry pits germinate very quickly.
Here's how you do it: 
Wash the seeds well and remove all remnants of the pulp. Gently rub the seeds on a rough surface. This helps the seed to germinate. Place the pit, just as you did with the peaches, on a damp paper and in a can. Put the can in a cool place. As soon as the seeds start to germinate, you can plant them directly in the garden. Proceed as you did with the peaches. The cherry tree gives the first cherries after about five years. So a little patience is needed here.

17. multiply apples

Apple tree - food regrowth

If you want to regrow food, you can't get around apples. The apple tree is considered a classic among fruit trees and is very popular in German-speaking countries. The advantage of the tree is that it is very resistant to cold and can survive without problems in the lowest temperatures.
Here's how you do it:
The process is similar to that of peaches and cherries. Place the seeds between two damp cloths in a can and put it in the refrigerator. Once the seeds have germinated after a few weeks, you can plant the seedlings in a pot with a depth of a fingertip. The seedlings should be placed in a warm and especially bright place. In late spring you can transplant the apple trees into the garden.

18. pears

Pear tree - food regrowth and multiplication

Almost as popular as apples are pears. Pears are very easy to propagate. They belong to the family Rosaceae, which also includes apples. Pear trees grow up to 20 meters tall. So make sure you find a suitable place with enough space for planting.
Here's how you do it:
Put the seeds on a cotton cloth and place the cloth on a glass with water. After a few weeks the seed will germinate and you can plant it in a pot. As soon as the tree looks robust enough, you can plant it in the garden. Pear trees need water and plenty of sunlight. The pear tree is a great example of how you can indirectly regrow food.

19. lemons and other citrus fruits

Citrus - multiply food

Regrowing citrus is easier than you might think.
Here's how you do it:
You can easily plant the seeds in a pot, where they will grow quickly. For this, you should take a fresh core as possible, which you plant with a depth of about one centimeter. The plants need a lot of sunlight to grow. A sunny windowsill is perfect for this. With Citric acid you can replace many household and care products. Please read the article Citric acid applications by.

Growing food again - no problem!

I hope that these tips could help you and motivate you to start growing food at home. Propagating food is totally uncomplicated in most cases. Especially vegetables and herbs grow back very quickly. When you regrow food, you can also save a lot of money. And some plants even serve as a beautiful decoration in your home or garden.
What kind of experiences have you had with the topic of propagating food? Do you have any questions or suggestions? Then leave me a comment below this post.

Stay sustainable,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: In the article Making food last longer you get tips on how to make your food last longer at home. Enjoy reading!

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I am Christoph, an environmental scientist, activist and author, and here at CareElite I am committed to tackling the environmental problems of our time and to promoting the most conscious and sustainable way of life possible in our society.

2 thoughts on “19 Lebensmittel zum vermehren und nachwachsen lassen”

  1. Thanks for the article - I've already tried some of it, namely potatoes, onions and ginger. Worked like a charm. I get my food in top
    BIO-Qualität. Sie sind extrem schmackhaft und erst noh gratis. „Pflanzen & Kräuter zum selber anpflanzen“ hab ich übrigens ebenfalls gelesen. Werde ich als nächstes versuchen 😉

  2. Hello Tabea,
    what exactly is the procedure for the bulb? How does the cotton cloth lie on the water glass?
    Greetings Bonnie

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