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Environmental Degradation – 10 Things We Humans Love About Nature But Destroy Anyway

Environmental Degradation – Things we humans love about nature but destroy ourselves

What is meant by environmental destruction and what exactly are we humans destroying? If you're looking for answers to these questions and want to learn about things we may soon no longer be able to enjoy in nature, you've come to the right place!

As we all know, our actions have consequences. And many actions in our everyday lives unfortunately result - sometimes consciously but often unconsciously for many people - in massive environmental damage or even the destruction of entire ecosystems. A consequence that ultimately affects us, since we actually need and love so many things from nature, but which we endanger through our own lifestyle.

In this article, I would like to introduce you to some of these things. I'll also explain what exactly is meant by environmental degradation and what examples make the consequences of our actions more tangible. Let's go!

Here you can find a short overview in advance:

  1. Definition
  2. Examples
  3. What we love about nature but destroy
  4. Closing words

Definition: What is actually understood by environmental degradation?

Environmental destruction by humans

Environmental degradation refers to the short- and long-term Destruction or excessive damage to the natural environment of humans and animals by human activities. It may well be an unexpected consequence of human activity. But in most cases, it is completely deliberately accepted out of selfish motives.

Causes of successive or massive environmental degradation are, for example, in many cases industrial agriculture, massive land consumption and soil overuse, illegal timber trade, illegal fishing, illegal waste disposal or even the overexploitation of the planet's mineral resources.

The negative effects of human interventions in nature can be both serious direct as well as indirect consequences for our health and economy, but above all fundamentally for the living conditions on earth.

In order to secure our future and preserve the planet for future generations, anthropogenic environmental changes are therefore to be considered as a global crisiswhich requires a sustained and coordinated response.

Examples: How do we humans destroy the environment?

Plastic waste and overfishing - environmental destruction by humans

How exactly are we destroying our nature? How do you have to imagine it? Often that is Extent of environmental degradation by one's own or in general human behavior on earth is indeed hardly tangible.

In order to bring some light into the darkness, I would like to give you now some Environmental problems of our time all of which are man-made. Since they are a clear consequence of human activities, they are also can only be solved by us humans ourselves:

  • Climate change: The global warming is the result of massive emissions of greenhouse gases, which have long led to increasingly extreme weather events, melting polar ice caps and rising sea levels.
  • Air pollution: The Pollution of the air and atmosphere by exhaust gases and other emissions from industry, transport and energy production, among other things, results in acid rain and serious illnesses.
  • Rainforest deforestation: Plantations for the cultivation of palm oil and animal feed and the production of grazing land, but also the large-scale exploitation of mineral resources and illegal logging, contribute massively to the Deforestation at.
  • Plastic waste: Due to a combination of the unconscious, overconsumption of non-biodegradable disposable plastic products and inadequate waste management systems, the problem of the Plastic waste in the environment have been created. Bags, bottles and six-pack carriers sometimes stay in nature for centuries and cost millions of marine mammals and seabirds their lives every year.
  • Drinking water contamination: Main causes of the environmental problem of the Water shortage are, in addition to climate change, mainly waste and pollutants from agriculture and industry discharged into water bodies. They are responsible for the contamination of fresh and drinking water.
  • Overfishing: The Overfishing of the seas is a consequence of uncontrolled and excessive fishing for human consumption. Countless fish species are threatened and the sensitive "marine ecosystem" is significantly disturbed.
  • Habitat destruction: Habitat loss - among other things as a result of climate change, deforestation, and urbanization - is reflected in the Decline in the diversity of animal and plant species down.

10 things we humans like to do in the environment but destroy ourselves

Environmental degradation from overfishing also threatens whale populations

The examples of anthropogenic environmental degradation just mentioned - and many others, such as noise pollution, light pollution, or environmental disasters in general, such as oil spills involving tankers or production platforms - are in the direct connection with the thingsthat we humans love in nature, but still irretrievably destroy.

The Connection of our actions with the existing, ecological problems are a bit more tangible now, aren't they? Not yet tangible enough? Then I would like to introduce you to the things in which man-made environmental destruction is reflected in our everyday lives.

Here are ten universally appreciated, everyday pleasuresthat we will lose through environmental destruction as long as we do not learn to be more future-oriented and live more sustainably.

Notice: In each case, I will give you direct or further recommendations for action that you can implement so that we humans can continue to enjoy the respective beauties of nature.

1. admire majestic whales

Whales are among the most majestic inhabitants of the seas. Many people want to see them for example at Whale Watching Tours up close and personal. Whether planned on a tour or by chance in a coastal region - anyone who has ever had the pleasure of watching the leaps of a southern right whale or a humpback whale will remember this great experience forever.

Unfortunately, the overfishing that is supposed to satisfy our great hunger for fish and seafood is not without consequences for the whales. Simply because their food supply is decreasing. Above all, however, whales are hunted worldwide (despite a whaling ban) in order to, for example Oils, fat and cartilage mass in pharmaceutical products and as a dietary supplement, or to prepare traditional dishes with Whale meat to prepare.

Away from financial interests Whales are also from the large networks of fishing boats and trawlers, in which they often become entangled. Not least, they eat the human Plastic waste, which is used in the Garbage swirls in the sea drifts around. That for example a dead sperm whale with 100 kilogram plastic in stomach washed up on the beach is therefore not a rare event.

To prevent this environmental destruction and a world without whales, we must, among other things, as far as possible plastic free living and avoid products with body parts of whales. It is also advisable, Eliminate fish from your own menu and live vegan, in order to Stop overfishing of the oceans. How this works, I will explain to you in detail in the linked blog posts.

2. enjoy soothing chirping of birds

Is there anything more relaxingthan listening to the birds chirping in your own garden in a hammock? Unfortunately, it has become quieter in the private gardens - and if we do not change anything, it could become absolutely silent.

The reasons for this lie primarily in the advancing, global Decline in insect populations, on which birds depend as a main source of food. The excessive use of Pesticides, habitat destruction and climate change are thus reasons for both insect mortality and bird mortality.

If you want to continue to enjoy the chirping of the birds in your own greenery, you should use your own Garden as close to nature as possible and sustainable design. Wildflowers, protective hedges and Water sources draw for example a Bird friendly garden and counteract environmental degradation and its consequences.

Tip: What else you can add to the Promotion of biodiversity I'll be happy to explain what you can do in the linked blog post.

3. lying in the sun on beautiful beaches

Lying in the sun on beautiful beaches

A relaxing day on a sunny sandy beach is the epitome of recreation for many people. Unfortunately, the Plastic wasteThe idyll, which can now be found in abundance on almost every beach. Unique, picturesque beaches, as they are often promised by the vacation catalogs, are usually not seen by anyone.

We live in a Disposable society with cheap disposable plastic products. We measure these products not much appreciation because we could always buy them again for little money. In addition, many people leave their (non-biodegradable) garbage lying around in nature - by the way, that's called a Littering.

You want to continue to enjoy clean beaches in your free time and on your well-deserved vacation? Then of course you should counteract this kind of pollution. Prefer reusable alternatives (e.g., stainless steel water bottle instead of the deposit-free plastic bottle), don't throw plastic waste and also no Cigarette butts into the environment and also like to use all my Zero Waste Tips from the linked article.

Tip: Besides, you can also take a Organize Beach CleanUp or now and then collect garbage on vacation, to set a positive example.

4. breathe in pleasant, fresh air

Whether in your own garden, at a Walk, on a bike ride or a hike in the mountains -. hardly anything is more beneficial, healthier and more beautiful, than breathing fresh, clean and not least vital air.

But Carbon monoxides, particulate matter, sulfur dioxides and other pollutants that are produced, for example, in factories during the manufacture of goods, by the exhaust emissions of vehicles in road traffic, or by the combustion of coal or heating oil, pollute the air that we let flow into our lungs through our mouths and noses - and thus, sooner or later, our health.

You want to become active and Stop air pollution? Then you can for example reduce your car trips as much as possible by more often by bicycle and public transport on the road. Also through the Celebrating New Year's Eve without rockets and with the help of the Switching to green electricity (change here*), you have a decisive impact.

Tip: Alternatively, by the way, I could have chosen the "drinking clean water" example here. As you can see from the Counteracting water scarcity in everyday life I would therefore like to explain this in more detail in the linked blog article.

5. start funny snowball fight

Snowball fights will become increasingly rare as a result of human environmental destruction

Whether as a child or in adulthood, a snowball fight in the winter is a priceless pleasure. But snowball fights - and also winter sports like snowboarding and skiing - will be possible less and less often. Because the Climate change leads to increasingly mild winters and reduced snowfall.

In order to continue to enjoy the white winters and prevent this form of environmental destruction, a more climate-friendly lifestyle indispensable. Small changes with a big effect are, for example, the Switching to the vegan lifestyle or the vegetarian diet, Vacation travel by train instead of by plane or the five-minute Switch to a green power supplier.

6. diving to unique coral reefs

If you have ever been snorkeling or diving in unique coral reefs, you will never forget this breathtaking experience. You dive into a completely new, colorful world, in which one would like to spend much more time.

But we don't have that much time left to enjoy this uniqueness. For about one third of the global coral systems are already in a state in which no more regeneration to be expected is.₁

The causes of the Coral mortality (or coral bleaching) are primarily the increase in temperature and the acidification of the oceans due to the emission of man-made greenhouse gases. In addition to climate change, however, the Mass tourism, plastic waste in the sea, pollution from sewage and oil, fishing with trawl nets, but also UV filters in sunscreens, a major driver of this environmental destruction.

How to use the Stop coral dieback and can continue to snorkel and dive colorful? As a matter of principle, live as climate-friendly as possible, prefer on vacation sustainable Souvenirs Without corals and use natural sun oils without chemical additives.

7. harvest and eat juicy fruit

Whether Apples, peaches, melons, cherries, strawberries, avocados, asparagus, broccoli, celery, pumpkins, or cucumbers., whether protein-rich soybeans or crunchy Nuts - we love and enjoy fresh, diverse foods that nature provides us. But for how much longer?

For all the above fruit and vegetable plants - and countless others - are on the Pollination performance the busy bee relieswhich, unfortunately, is threatened by us humans ourselves. Industrial agriculture, cultivation in monocultures, the destruction of habitats, but also air pollution and not least climate change, contribute decisively to this.

A world without strawberries? Nobody wants that! To prevent this burden on nature, you should use your Reduce ecological footprint in a targeted manner. Also ensure as much as possible bee friendly garden, with the Plants and dwellings that love the animals.

8. watch beautiful butterflies in the garden

Environmental destruction - butterflies in the garden are becoming increasingly rare

Butterflies are beautiful insects whose sight brings us great joy. But of course they too are affected by the environmental pollution caused by human activity and the resulting Insect mortality affected - and increasingly rare to admire.

The reason for this is mainly that we humans deprive them of their natural habitat and the necessary food sources. The intensive use of pesticides - in the garden, but especially in agriculture - contributes massively to this.

How can you now contribute yourself to continue to see the beautiful animals flutter and the Stop insect mortality? First inform yourself in the linked blog post. Then take care for Nesting and food in the garden (keyword "wildflower meadow"), use only natural fertilizer (e.g. coffee grounds) and eat organic, regional, seasonal and especially plant-based food.

9. admire mighty glaciers

Glaciers are majestic natural wonders. You can admire them for hours, but unfortunately probably not forever. Because through the Global warming they are thawing at an alarming rate, leaving mountains without ice. With one record-breaking summer of heat following the next, this is hardly surprising.

As a result of increasing melt rates, there could actually be no more glaciers in Germany as early as the 2040s.₂ In addition, glacier melt generally allows the (drinking) water that is actually bound to flow into the sea. The drying up or strong Lowering of water levels of rivers and lakes, acute shortage of drinking water and resulting drought catastrophes are among the possible serious consequences.

How to save the glaciers? Above all, once again, through a lifestyle that counteracts climate change. Live vegan, use public transportation, switch to green power. I repeat myself 😉

10. night starry sky watching

Looking at stars is something we love about nature but destroy ourselves

A starry sky is always a fascinating sight. Above all, it gives us pleasure, Searching for constellations like the Little Dipper or the Big Dipper. But the increasing Light pollution (especially in cities and more densely populated areas) makes it increasingly difficult to see the stars in the sky at all.

This is environmental pollution caused by more and more and far too many artificial light sources. For example, from road traffic, street lamps and illuminated advertising displays. The Night sky finally becomes so much by unnatural light brightened that this results in the absence of complete darkness in the affected regions.

With massive consequences for nature. Light pollution, for example, is considered Main driver of insect mortality. It also generally irritates draft animals and, not least, upsets our own day-night rhythm.

How you can stop the environmental pollution caused by artificial light? For example, by Light really only switched on when needed or install motion detectors for it. Also the preference of light sources with low blue content and the alignment of Outdoor lamps to the ground, rather than to heaven, help immensely.

Environmental destruction by humans: Ultimately, it affects us ourselves

Environmental destruction is (sooner or later) human destruction. As long as we damage, rob and pollute our nature, we continue to literally saw the branch on which we are sitting.

Today you learned what exactly is meant by environmental degradation and what examples and environmental challenges make the issue more tangible. In addition, you learned how we can Things we love so much about nature - be it admiring mighty glaciers or diving to colorful coral reefs - can protect us from ourselves.

Use the ideas and advice around your Environmental awareness and to promote your future-oriented attitude. Ultimately, it's about recognizing the problems as a consequence of your own actions. But more importantly, it's about becoming a proactive part of their solution.

"Ultimately humanity is one, and this small planet is our only home. If we're to protect this home of ours, each of us needs to experience a vivid sense of universal altruism and compassion."

Dalai Lama (more at Environmental protection quotes)

I hope that the knowledge and insights from this post will help you. Finally, I would like to give you a few further blog articles to the heart. Use it to counteract the environmental destruction caused by human activities on a massive scale:

Do you have questions, suggestions or can you think of other things that are destroyed by human intervention in nature? Then I look forward to your comment.

Stay environmentally friendly,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: Climate change is probably the most serious and biggest environmental problem of our days. By reducing your Consciously reduce CO2 emissionsyou can counteract it. I'll gladly explain to you how easy it is in the linked blog post.

₁ Deutschlandfunk; Interview with Christian Wild: Scientist on coral mortality "Are we in quite a deep coral reef crisis" (as of: 21.07.2021), available at [21.08.2023].

₂ C. Mayer, W. Hagg, M. Weber, A. Lambrecht: Future without Ice - Second Bavarian Glacier Report: Climate Change in the Alps. Ed.: Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection, April 2021.

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I am Christoph, an environmental scientist, activist and author, and here at CareElite I am committed to tackling the environmental problems of our time and to promoting the most conscious and sustainable way of life possible in our society.