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Doing Good Beyond Death: 10 Wonderful Ideas For A Meaningful Legacy

Doing Good Beyond Death – Wonderful Ideas For A Meaningful Legacy

Do you still want to do good after your death? Then you have a really wonderful attitude! What we do in our lifetime leaves a mark. And more and more people are resolving to leave the world a better place than they found it.

But even after our death, we can actively contribute to making the world a better place with a meaningful legacy - and give lasting expression to our personal values and convictions.

In this article, I present inspiring ideas on how you can do good beyond death - from concrete actions to funerals and legacies. Let's go!

Background: Why do good beyond death?

We live in a time in which we humans are exposed to countless ecological challenges and in the Sustainability and social responsibility are therefore of enormous importance.

Your estate is not just a distribution of material goods - it can have an extremely positive contribution for future generations and our environment.

Whether you are planning a sustainable pension, using your estate for environmental projects or setting an example with a natural burial: Your legacy is a Symbol of what you stood for in life - and let your positive character traits even after your death.

Through the Financial provision for your own death and the settlement of your estate, you can both protect your family and at the same time give something back to the world.

10 tips: What can a meaningful legacy look like that does lasting good?

Good deeds that outlive one's own death naturally require a certain Foresight. With clear planning, you can ultimately ensure that your estate has positive consequences. So let the following tips inspire you as to what this can look like in practice.

1. donate capital to charitable organizations

By donating your inheritance, or at least part of it, to Associations or groups that are dedicated to the common good, you can continue to support positive projects that are close to your heart even after your death.

Whether education, health, environmental protection or animal welfare - Your donation makes the difference.

You would definitely not be alone with this idea. According to a representative study on the subject Charitable bequests are namely 28 percent of Germans over 50 are prepared to do soto leave a portion of their assets to charitable organizations. 

2. create a forest

Creating a forest and doing good beyond death

What could be better than planting a forest that continues to grow and flourish during your lifetime and, of course, after your death? The trees bind CO2, serve as a habitat for numerous animal species and improve the quality of life (Keyword: Forest bathing) of the people in the area.

If you have your own land, you could convert it into a nature reserve or animal habitat, for example. A particular advantage for the Biodiversity you create, among other things, by clicking on insect-friendly shrubs and Bird-friendly trees sets.

3. include environmental organizations or social projects in your will

You can also support environmental or social projects directly in your Will consider. Many organizations offer clear instructions for straightforward implementation. This way you can ensure that your legacy is exactly arrives where it is needed.

4. establish or financially support a foundation

Even with its own Foundation you can do good in the long term, eliminate specific grievances and Support projects that are close to your heart. Your positive values will live on even after your death.

When founding the company, you should clearly define the purpose it is to serve and how the financial resources can be secured in the long term. Legally recognized articles of association and Professional advice with regard to legal and tax aspects are essential to ensure the success and sustainability of your foundation.

Alternatively, you also have the option, financially support existing foundationsto secure their work in the long term.

Either way, a foundation is a strong legacy, as it works across generations and promotes positive change.

5. choose sustainable grave design

You can also make a positive contribution after your death with an environmentally friendly grave design. For example, design your grave with native, insect- and bird-friendly plantswhich is dedicated to the Counteracting species extinction.

Let the Plant selection gladly from these "Ideas and suggestions for wild bee-friendly grave design" of the BUND Lower Saxony.

Other popular options for sustainable graves are Tree burialswhere the ashes are buried near a tree - or even Biodegradable urns.

6. take out endowment insurance

With endowment insurance, you can ensure that your Family financially secure is. At the same time, you can support important projects after your death.

Ultimately, this type of insurance not only covers costs, but can also provide targeted used for charitable purposes become. Ultimately, it is one of the central pillars of estate planning for doing good.

7. create a community garden

A community garden is a place where people come together to enjoying nature together. Native plants and an abundance of species promote the Biodiversity - and of course there's also some food that comes out of it 🙂

How cool would it be to have one of these Meeting place for people in your area to create? You could enjoy it during your lifetime - and even afterward, this idea put into practice will still have an effect as a living legacy Positive for the quality of life and the environment.

8. donate organs for medical purposes

With an organ donation you can Saving lives - one of the most direct and effective ways of doing good beyond death. And there is no fixed age limit.

With your donation, you can ultimately help seriously ill Help people and at the same time your Giving meaning to death.

However, it is important that you make your decision early on in a Organ donor card and discuss it with your relatives so that your wishes are clear. 

9. initiate social or ecological projects

How can you still do good after your own death?

If you are a Heart project or a Sustainable business idea you can start it during your lifetime and pass it on to the next generation.

Be it a Animal welfare project for street dogs, a Educational offer against plastic waste in the environment or a social initiative, the Saving food and distribute them to people in need - such projects can continue to have an impact for a long time to come.

Through careful planning and the Involvement of family or supporters you ensure the long-term success of your project. Think about how you can structure the continuation, for example through fixed responsibilities or financial reserves.

Your commitment during your lifetime shows others how important your project is - and motivates them, to continue your legacy.

10. donate tools, books or other valuables

Bequests often revolve around money, of course. But you can of course also do good with inherited material things. For example, by Tools, books or other useful items to charitable organizations.

Such resources are then often used for projects that Promoting education and providing aid. This ensures that your possessions are used sustainably and benefit the people who really need them.

Doing good - even after death

If you have a heart for posterity, you should consciously deal with the question during their lifetimehow to shape your own legacy as sensibly and effectively as possible.

Leaving a meaningful legacy is ultimately one of the most beautiful possibilitiesto make a positive difference even when you are no longer on earth.

Whether you plant a forest, support or create impactful organizations, or donate your organs, each of these ideas contributes, to make the world a better place.

"The only thing of importance, when we depart, will be the traces of love we have left behind."

Albert Schweitzer (more at Death Quotes)

Do you have any questions, suggestions or further tips for a sustainable and meaningful legacy? Then I look forward to your comment.

Stay sustainable,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: I have also written an article about it, What dying people often regret at the end of their lives. Let this inspire you to experience and achieve as many positive things as possible during your lifetime.

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I am Christoph, an environmental scientist, activist and author, and here at CareElite I am committed to tackling the environmental problems of our time and to promoting the most conscious and sustainable way of life possible in our society.