Fancy a new DIY project and want to build yourself a greenhouse? Then you've come to the right place! Whether cabbage and leafy vegetables, kohlrabi, peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers or basil - all these domestic foods can be grown wonderfully in it.
But that's not all! Because the light-flooded construction creates a microclimate with high humidity and the ideal temperatures to be able to grow exactly the plants well protected, which otherwise do not find ideal growing conditions in our latitudes.
In this article I would like to show you how to realize the dream of your own and especially self-built greenhouse. You will learn what is important in the planning and how you create it step by step. In advance, I will also introduce you to all the motivating advantages. Let's go!
Here you can already find a short overview:
Advantages: Why build a greenhouse yourself?

Building a greenhouse, glasshouse or greenhouse for the garden is a very challenging but definitely doable do-it-yourself project that is guaranteed to get you to the finish line fill with pride will.
But there is, of course, more that speaks for the construction of a self-built greenhouse. What exactly, I would like to briefly introduce you here, before we then move on to the tips and instructional steps. Use the following advantages, first of all, to Motivation into the immeasurable.
A DIY greenhouse...
- makes Funbecause you can devote yourself fully to a new project.
- promotes your personal developmentbecause you're having new experiences.
- fits great in your sustainable gardenIf you give old material a second chance or generally prefer durable material.
- gives you the opportunity, healthy fruits and vegetables to grow almost all year round, since the cultivation in the greenhouse extends the growing season of your plants. From spring to fall you can garden here undisturbed for all it's worth.
- generates the optimal plant climate and thus the perfect basis for the uninhibited growth of your plants.
- protects your plants from adverse weather conditions such as frost, hail, storms and heavy rain. That is why, for example, it is also a great winter home for potted and tub plants.
- preserves your plants from pests, insects and pathogens.
- offers you even more versatile cultivation possibilities in the garden. After all, after the construction you can even grow really exotic plants.
- …
Can you think of any other benefits of a greenhouse? Then I look forward to your ideas in the comments column!
5 points for planning: what preparations do I need to make for the DIY greenhouse?

Before you build a greenhouse yourself, you should definitely take enough time for thorough planning take. But where do you start? Just ask and answer the following questions one by one to nip potential problems in the bud.
1. location: Where should the greenhouse be located?
Choose a suitable place for your future greenhouse. Make sure that you place it in a sunny and wind protected placePlace the plant at a safe distance from the trees. Also, make sure that the site has easy access to a water connection and the rainwater that has risen - because this is important for subsequent plant watering.
2. construction: How should the greenhouse look like?
Decide between a freestanding greenhousethat you can build in any place in your garden, and a leaned greenhouse, which is located directly on a house wall or other wall.
Which construction method is more suitable for you, depends on the space available, the costs and your optical preferences. In this regard, you should know that freestanding greenhouses in principle require more space and are usually somewhat more expensive than the leaning variant.
3. foundation: what is a secure base for the greenhouse?
The ideal base is the point or strip foundation. Which is the better choice in your case? Here you will find the main differences and respective advantages at a glance, so you can make your decision a little easier:
- A point foundation consists of individual concrete columns, which are placed so that they can optimally support the weight of the greenhouse. Point foundations are excellent for small greenhouses. They are also recommended if the site has a solid ground.
- A strip foundation is a continuous concrete slab along the length and width of the greenhouse. They are the first choice for larger greenhouses or even if the subsoil is rather uneven.
4. material: What should the greenhouse be made of?
Decide on a suitable material from which the walls and roof of the greenhouse will be made. You can choose between greenhouse film, glass and plastic panels. In this case we recommend Plastic sheets made of polycarbonate or acrylic glassbecause they are very stable, look very similar to real glass, last forever and do not break so quickly.
Notice: The instructions in this article therefore also show an example of how to build a DIY greenhouse with plastic panels. But of course you can also use real glass panels or greenhouse film.
5. size: How big should my greenhouse be?
Take your timeto think about the size of your greenhouse. Be sure to check whether you enough garden space at all is available to implement a greenhouse of your desired size.
And what is actually the ideal size? Among amateur gardeners:inside has become an average Usable area from 8 - 12 square meters established. Of course, it always depends on what exactly you want to grow and make in the DIY greenhouse - but it should not be much smaller. Because this way you ensure that you still have enough reserve space available and also still have room for some kind of workbench.
The Ridge should be at least 2.2 meters, if not 2.4 meters high, so that you can stand in the greenhouse at any time and do not have to bend.
Also, be sure to check if in your region if necessary, a building permit is required before you start your project.
You unfortunately do not have space for a greenhouse? You can also cover raised beds on the balcony and turn them into a mini-greenhouse. But perhaps the space-saving Urban Gardening something for you! You can learn more about it in the linked article.
Instructions with 3 steps: How to build a greenhouse yourself?

Once you've made all the preparations for your future DIY greenhouse, it's time to get to work! But don't worry: with a bit of craftsmanship and the help of the following steps, it is possible to build a greenhouse yourself without any problems.
What do I actually need everything for a DIY greenhouse?
To build a greenhouse, you basically don't need that many things. The following materials and tools but are essential:
- Several slats and braces made of weatherproof wood (for the basic framework)
- Polycarbonate or acrylic double-wall sheets (for the walls)
- Plastic translucent corrugated sheets (for the roof)
- Drilling machine
- Circular, wood or fermentation saw
- Wood screws
- Screws with washers
- Spirit level
- Waterproof wood glue
- U-profiles
- Two sturdy door hinges
- Stable bolt latch
Notice: I have deliberately not given a specific number and also no length and width dimensions for the wooden slats, struts, double-webbed sheets and corrugated sheets. This is because these specifications are always dependent on the final greenhouse size you decide on.
Many of these things you may already have at home. Others you can borrow from friends and neighbors so that you can use them in your own home. need to buy as little new as possible.
Now I'll tell you how to Step by step proceed to build a greenhouse from plastic sheets or acrylic yourself.
1. erect base frame
In the first step you have to Basic structure of the greenhouse make. The easiest way is to start with the side parts.
To do this, correctly arrange all the necessary wooden slats and struts on the floor. Glue all the parts together and then screw them together. After that, mount all the cross braces to make the DIY greenhouse more stable.
In order to know at any time what the basic structure should look like, it is best to use this sketch as a guide:

As you can surely see, you should also Include a door. Schließlich bringt dir das schönste Gewächshaus rein gar nichts, wenn du es nicht betreten kannst. 😉
To make them, you need to add two additional wooden boards with a crossbar on one of the gable sides. Also important here is the Slot for the later bolt latchOtherwise, the door cannot be closed later.
2. attach walls
Once your basic framework is in place, you have successfully mastered the most challenging step. Now you have to build the Installing double-webbed sheets. If you like, you will find here a very detailed assembly instructions for double-webbed sheets.
Do not screw on the plastic plates for this purpose, but clamp them into the wooden frame. The great advantage of this mounting method: you do not have to laboriously drill holes in the panels.
In order to optimally attach the double-webbed sheets to the wooden framework additional wooden slats on the wooden frame of the side walls required. Mount them best in a U-shape, so that the panels can be clamped with the strips. This is also where the U-profiles come in - these are used to cover the open cut edges of the plastic panels.

3. cover roof
Now you're almost there! The only thing missing now is the roof of your DIY greenhouse. As I mentioned earlier in the article, the roof is the translucent corrugated plastic sheets required for roofing.

In order to attach the corrugated sheets to the roof framework, you must first drill the appropriate holes. Drill into the plates with a cone bit. Then take the screws with washers to fix the panels to the wooden frame. And lo and behold, the DIY greenhouse is ready!
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Step by step to the unique DIY greenhouse

So you see, it's not that difficult to build a greenhouse yourself. All you need is a little craftsmanship and the necessary materials and tools - and soon you'll be able to grow your plants in a greenhouse. from adverse weather conditions protect and let them sprout in a great climate.
"Who fell into the passion of gardening has never been cured."
Karl Foerster (more at Garden Quotes)
In any case, I hope that my little guide will help you decisively, build your DIY greenhouse. Now I wish you a lot of fun while rebuilding! And if you want to share your personal experiences, tips or other suggestions with me or other readers, just leave a comment - I look forward to it!
Stay creative,

PS: Do you already know how you can also use your Garden house design as sustainable as possible? Read the linked article to find out. Furthermore you learn under Let garden house overgrown also, appropriately, know some really environmentally and species-friendly climbing plants. Have fun!