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Make dishwashing liquid yourself - natural & plastic-free

Natural DIY Dishwashing detergent

Since you can only get dishwashing detergent in plastic bottles with lots of artificial additives, you should use your Make dishwashing liquid yourself. In addition to the plastic packaging, the dishwashing detergent itself may also contain microplastics. The Palm oilwhich is contained in many dishwashing detergents, we also want to avoid! Today you will therefore get a short tutorial on how you can make your own dishwashing detergent in the future easily and naturally and produce no plastic waste. Besides the production from Baking soda & vegetable soap I have two more alternatives for you to make your own dishwashing liquid.

Make dishwashing liquid yourself - The natural ingredients

While conventional dishwashing detergents contain palm oil or artificial substances for whitening and filling, our plastic-free dishwashing detergent consists of purely sustainable ingredients. To make your own plastic-free dishwashing liquid, you really don't need much. Get these items to make your own dishwashing liquid:

500 - 700 ml container + cooking pot

Of course, you need a container so that your homemade washing-up liquid doesn't run away ๐Ÿ˜‰ To do this, you should either reuse the bottle from your old washing-up liquid or find a suitable glass bottle. In principle, a large jar will also work, but it's best if the opening is not so large. This is the basis for making your own washing-up liquid.

25 g grated vegetable soap

Make dishwashing liquid yourself - grated Aleppo soap
Grate 25g vegetable soap

Plant soap is natural without any artificial additives. Ideal to make your own dishwashing liquid. Get the best this aleppo soapIt consists of 60% olive oil and 40% laurel oil. You will need to grate these later for your homemade dishwashing liquid. Get yourself such a plastic free graterif you do not already have them in your kitchen. The plant soap comes completely without palm oil and is not only good to make your own dishwashing liquid, but is also the ideal plastic-free replacement for the handwashing soap from the plastic dispenser. The soap is also made without animal testing, is suitable for all skin types, and is biodegradable. Rubbing the soap takes about 3 minutes.
You can order the Aleppo soap online without plastic here

2 tsp baking soda

Dishwashing liquid make yourself with sodium bicarbonate
You will also need 2 tsp. baking soda

If you want to make your own dishwashing liquid, you should definitely get some baking soda. Since baking soda has a grease-dissolving effect, it's the perfect, plastic-free alternative to chemical ingredients in conventional dishwashing detergents. In addition to using it in your homemade dishwashing detergent, you can also use baking soda as an all-purpose weapon for many other things around the house. You can use baking soda to make your own bath balls, for example, or to remove odors from textiles or even stains from carpets. Just get yourself some more baking soda right away, in the supermarket you usually only get a few grams at overpriced prices.
Here you get soda plastic-free and much cheaper than in the supermarket

5 drops essential oil

Essential oils are natural and give your dishwashing liquid a pleasant scent. However, I must also say that essential oils are not quite as important to make your own dishwashing liquid. The oil simply rounds out your homemade dishwashing liquid and gives you the opportunity to make your dishwashing liquid even more individual.

500 ml water

As the last and very important ingredient to be able to make your own dishwashing liquid, you need about 500 ml of water. I'll show you right now in the step-by-step instructions for your homemade dishwashing detergent, when you can add the ingredients to the water.
That's all you need to make your own natural dishwashing liquid without any artificial additives.

Dishwashing detergent make yourself - tutorial
Your homemade dishwashing liquid could look like this! You can use baking soda for many other things.

How to make your own plastic-free dishwashing liquid

Now you have all the ingredients you need to make your own dish soap. Grated vegetable soap/leppo soap, baking soda, water, maybe some essential oils, a saucepan and a container for your homemade dishwashing liquid. So now you can make your own dishwashing liquid:

Boil 500 ml of water

When the Aleppo soap is grated and all the other ingredients are ready in the mentioned quantities, you can bring the 500 ml of water to boil in the saucepan. The water is the basis for making the dishwashing liquid yourself.

Add 25 g grated vegetable soap

From now on, you can add all the ingredients for your homemade dishwashing liquid to the boiling water. First, add the 25 g of Aleppo soap to the pot.

Add 5 drops of essential oil

If you like, you can now also add the 5 drops of your essential oil. The oil gives your homemade dishwashing liquid a cool scent, which you can vary as desired. However, the essential oil is not a must to make your own dishwashing liquid.

Add 2 tsp. baking soda

Now it's time to add 2 tsp of baking soda to the boiling water. Baking soda dissolves grease and cleans and is a great plastic-free, natural alternative to chemical dishwashing detergent. Two teaspoons of baking soda is all you need.

Stir rinsing agent well

Now you can stir your homemade dishwashing liquid well and boil it for another 1 minute on low heat. The combination of baking soda and vegetable soap is ideal for your own dishwashing liquid.

Fill the detergent and shake vigorously

Fill your homemade dishwashing liquid now into your container, from which you will then always use it in the future. If possible, of course & plastic-free. Alternatively, you can reuse the old container. Once the lid is on, you should shake your detergent vigorously. If you did everything right, your homemade dishwashing liquid will now foam.

Dishwashing detergent make yourself - It washes differently!

The dishwashing detergent that you have now made yourself is somewhat different in use than the chemical dishwashing detergent from the plastic packaging, but just as uncomplicated. You have to use a little more of the homemade washing-up liquid, as we have not used any aggressive, chemical ingredients for the production. Leave the plastic-free detergent on for a few minutes longer than with conventional detergent. For stubborn layers of grease, you can then add a little more detergent.

Dishwashing liquid make yourself with ivy

Another alternative to make your own dishwashing liquid is ivy! Ivy contains so-called saponins, which make the plant ideal for a homemade dishwashing liquid. Ivy grows everywhere and especially on tree trunks and house walls. You can get the leaves all year round, as they are permanently green. You can't get more natural than that.

How to make your own dishwashing liquid with ivy:

  • Fill crushed ivy leaves (about 20 leaves) in a saucepan with 500 ml of boiling water.
  • After 5 minutes on high temperature, you can turn off the stove.
  • Once the liquid is cooler, you can pour it into a 500 - 700 ml jar. As with homemade detergent from chestnuts, this composition now needs a little time.
  • After about 5 hours, you can simply shake the detergent once vigorously. I was also surprised, but now it should foam!
  • TIP: From ivy, by the way, you can also make your Make detergent yourself!

If the jar is not the ideal solution, you should now pour your homemade dishwashing liquid from ivy into a container that is better for you. You can now use it to wash your dishes naturally by hand. If you want to use it for the dishwasher, you should add washing soda. Put the detergent in the refrigerator so that it lasts as long as possible.

Dishwashing liquid make yourself with lemons

Also from lemons you can wonderfully make your own dishwashing liquid and use it especially in the dishwasher. From lemons I have not yet made my own dishwashing liquid, but for this I found a perfect video of a nice lady. She has used the following ingredients for her homemade dishwashing liquid from lemons:

  • 3 organic lemons
  • 100 ml organic apple cider vinegar
  • 200 gram table salt
  • 400 ml water

Plus 2 canning jars for storage. That is already everything. Simply quarter the lemons and put them in the blender. After they are pureed, add the 200 g of salt and mix again. Then put the mixture in a saucepan with the water and the apple cider vinegar. Now you can bring the pot to a boil and wait about 5 - 10 minutes. Afterwards, sieve the whole thing again so that you only have the natural dishwashing liquid. Pour the detergent into your containers and your homemade lemon dishwashing liquid is ready. It does not foam, but makes the glasses really nice clean. Natural and plastic-free. If you want to know more, be sure to check out the nice video tutorial below:

Make dishwashing liquid yourself - Really easy, isn't it?

Were you able to make your own dishwashing liquid? Did it foam? Just write me in the comments. Why do we always have to buy everything when we can make many things ourselves naturally & plastic-free? The Zero Waste Lifestyle makes everything more natural and simple. I hope you're happy with your own homemade dishwashing liquid.

Do you have any suggestions for improvement or better ingredients to make dishwashing liquid yourself? Then just write me in the comments.

Stay clean,

Make dishwashing liquid yourself

PS: Learn in the Do It Yourself Blog for example also how you Make toothpaste yourself can!

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.

53 thoughts on “Spรผlmittel selber machen – natรผrlich & plastikfrei”

  1. Have me there some time ago also tried it but it's probably gone thoroughly in the pants, but since I find that generally very interesting to make his things if possible, I'll try it again with your tips.
    Thank you and keep up the good work

    1. Moin Jan,
      Where exactly did it fail? ๐Ÿ™‚ Try ivy, it's super easy!
      Many greetings,

  2. First of all, thank you for your work and effort. I am also looking for an alternative to washing-up liquid as I and my skin don't tolerate it so well and I find washing up with gloves a bit strange ๐Ÿ˜€
    Can you give me a hint on that?

    1. Hi Sascha, everything is in the article ๐Ÿ˜‰
      I recommend you the dishwashing detergent made from ivy leaves. Works perfectly.
      Stay clean,

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