Like many other things, you can also change your natural deodorant make yourself. You do without the harmful deodorant from the plastic can and can instead your aluminum-free deodorant from Coconut oil, Baking soda and other natural ingredients easy to make yourself. In today's article, I would like to show you why you should avoid deodorant from the spray can and how you can easily make your own natural deodorant as a deodorant spray, roll-on deodorant and deodorant cream. In addition, I'll give you a secret tip on your way, how you can make your own deodorant with the leaves of a tree.
Before we get started, there's a short Table of contents of the article for you:
- Why you should make your own natural deodorant
- Make deodorant cream yourself
- Make deodorant spray yourself
- Make roll-on deodorant yourself
- Natural maple deodorant make yourself
- Make your own natural deodorant from oak leaves
- Make your own deodorant? Conclusion
Why you should make your own natural deodorant
Of course, you could also buy your usual deodorant from the non-reusable plastic can and use it in the future, but there are many good reasons why you should rather make your own natural deodorant. This speaks for the homemade natural deodorant:
- Save cash
- Avoid plastic waste
- Prevent diseases (Do not get sick anymore)
- No pollution (aluminum, etc.)
- Deodorant in any form from natural ingredients can be made yourself
Dangers of conventional deodorant from the spray can
Saving money, not making waste, preventing illness? That sounds like you should at least once think about making your own deodorant. But if that's not enough reasons to make your own natural deodorant, I'd like to explain some of the effects on your skin. Health to 100% convince you to stay away from spray deodorant:
- Propellant gas in deodorant: "What, there's propellant gas in there?" - Yes, there's propellant gas in there. Butanes and propanes to be exact. They're the reason there's a flash fire when you hold a lit lighter to the squeezed spray can of deodorant. If the deodorant then lies in the sun for too long, the can can even explode.
- Aluminum in deodorant: Many deodorants contain aluminum (salts), which are suspected of promoting breast cancer and also Allzheimer's disease. Reason enough to make your own natural deodorant without aluminum.
- Lymphatic blockage: A blocked lymphatic system₁ also weakens your defenses and bone and connective tissue also suffer. Anyone who uses deodorant from a spray can every day has certainly already suffered health consequences from the chemical composition.
- Osteoarthritis: The deodorants contained in deodorant are deposited in your joints, decalcifying them and causing inflammation and ultimately osteoarthritis. Since this is a gradual and initially invisible process, no one is interested at first. In addition to osteoarthritis, bone loss and joint cracking can also be a consequence of deodorant from the spray can.
- Thyroid disease and cancer: When you spray your armpit with the non-natural deodorant, the deodorants travel through the lymphatic channels to the thyroid gland and cause great harm to your health, even cancer.
These are by no means all the health consequences of the artificial deodorant from the spray can. Sun allergy, skin cancer, neurodermatitis, asthma or multiple sclerosis are some other possible consequences. The fewest know these dangers and the manufacturers have naturally also no interest in hanging the dangers from the use of the deodorant from the spray plastic box to the large bell. There the other forms of the Deodorant are already clearly more harmless. However, I advise you to simply make your own deodorant.
Deocreme selber machen - So geht's!
Eine richtig gute Alternative zum Deo aus der Sprühflasche ist eine natürliche Deocreme. Sicher ist es für manche ungewohnt, eine Deocreme zu verwenden. Doch im Grunde funktioniert die natürliche Deocreme wie eine Hautcreme und sieht auch genauso aus. Eine kleine Menge auf den Finger legen und einfach in den Achselhöhlen einmassieren. Fertig. Jetzt gebe ich dir eine kurze aber exakte Anleitung₂, wie du dein Deocreme bzw. dein cremiges Deo selber machen kannst.
Zutaten für die selbstgemachte Deocreme
- 3 TL flüssiges Kokosöl (hier bekommst du es im Glas*):
- 2 TL Natron (wenn du es noch nicht hast, bekommst du es hier*)
- 2 TL Kartoffelstärke/Kartoffelmehl (gibt es in der Drogerie oder hier online*)
- 3-5 Tropfen Ätherisches Öl (bekommst du hier*)
- Schüssel und Löffel zum umrühren (gute plastikfreie Edelstahlschüsseln gibt's hier*)
- Glas zur Aufbewahrung des Deos (entweder wiederverwenden oder hier bestellen*)
ACHTUNG: Beim Einkauf von Natron bitte immer darauf achten, dass es sich um Natriumhydrogencarbonat und nicht Natriumcarbonat (Waschsoda) handelt. Denke außerdem daran, dass dein Glas einen Deckel hat. Denn sobald es etwas wärmer ist, wird das Kokosöl wieder flüssig! :-)
Kokosöl wirkt antibakteriell, entzündungshemmend und hält die Bakterien davon ab, den Schweiß unangenehm riechen zu lassen. Wie ich im Artikel über die Anwendungen von Natron schon genauer beschrieben habe, wirkt Natron fettlösend, ebenfalls antibakteriell und geruchsneutralisierend. Natron und Kokosöl sind also ideal, um daraus dein Deo selber zu machen. Mit der Kartoffelstärke werden wir das Deo ein wenig fester und damit cremiger machen. Aufgrund der cremigen Konsistenz kannst du dein selbst gemachtes Deodorant dann auch optimal anwenden. Wie bei vielen anderen Rezepten und Anleitungen aus dem Do It Yourself Blog, kannst du auch das natürliche Deo mit ätherischen Ölen deiner Wahl ergänzen. Dadurch bekommt deine Deocreme einen richtig guten Duft.
Deocreme selber machen - Anleitung
Um deine natürliche Deocreme selber machen zu können, befolge einfach diese kurze Anleitung:
- Natron & Kartoffelstärke miteinander vermischen
- Gib' den ersten Teelöffel des flüssigen (das Glas einfach in warmes Wasser stellen) Kokosöls dazu
- Rühre die drei Zutaten für deine Deocreme um, bis sie zur Paste werden
- Gib' für die ideale Konsistenz Stück für Stück das restliche Kokosöl dazu und rühre um
- Optional kannst du nun dein Deo mit ein paar Tropfen ätherischem Öl abrunden
- Fülle deine natürliche Deocreme zum Abschluss in ein passendes Glas
So kannst du deine plastikfreie und natürliche Deocreme innerhalb weniger Minuten selber machen. Probiere es aus, vielleicht ist das selbstgemachte Deo auch in einer anderen Konsistenz (z.B. Deospray oder Deobar) etwas für dich. Schreibe mir gerne einen Kommentar mit deinen Erfahrungen oder Anregungen unter diesen Beitrag.
Deospray selber machen - So geht's!

Neben der selbst gemachten Deocreme kannst du dir natürlich auch ein Deospray selber machen. Im Gegensatz zur Deocreme brauchst du für das natürliche Deo als Spray auch keine Kartoffelstärke. Wenn du dir dein Deo selber machen möchtest, benötigst du die folgenden Zutaten.₃
Zutaten für das selbstgemachte Deospray
- 100 ml abgekochtes Wasser (annähernd kostenlos aus dem Hahn!)
- 1 TL Natron (wenn du es noch nicht hast, bekommst du es hier*)
- 3-5 Tropfen Ätherisches Öl (bekommst du hier*)
- Eine Sprühflasche (die gibt's hier*, ansonsten eine alte Sprühflasche wiederverwenden)
Wie bereits oben erwähnt, wirkt Natron geruchsneutralisierend und antibakteriell. Die Allzweckwaffe ist daher die ideale Zutat für ein selbst gemachtes Deo. Achte bitte darauf, dass das Natron auch wirklich feingemahlen ist, damit nach dem Auftragen keine Restbestände mehr bestehen bzw. die Sprühdose nicht verstopft. Das Ätherische Öl sorgt für einen angenehmen Duft und vermindert Schweißränder auf deinen Shirts. Da wir keine Deocreme, sondern ein natürliches Deospray selber machen wollen, muss die Konsistenz des Deodorants etwas flüssiger sein. Deshalb ist das Trägermaterial in diesem Fall Wasser. Du kannst aber auch geringe Mengen von diesem Sojawachs* zu deinem selbst gemachten Deo hinzugeben.
Deospray selber machen - Anleitung
Damit du auch dein Natron Deospray selber machen kannst, stelle ich dir folgend wieder eine Kurzanleitung zur Verfügung.
- First boil the water and fill 100ml into the spray bottle
- When the water has cooled down below 50°C, you can add the teaspoon of fine bicarbonate of soda.
- Optionally, you can now add a few drops of essential oil again
- Shake vigorously (also before each application)
To make the soda deodorant itself is relatively simple, right? ;-) I think so too. It is simply important that the soda is relatively fine, so that the spray bottle is not clogged. That is already everything. I think that with the homemade deospray it should already be much easier for many to get used to the natural deodorant. Because the consistency is the same as the usual deodorant, it's just more natural and makes no plastic waste.
Make roll-on deodorant yourself - Here's how!
The roll-on deodorant is especially popular with women. You can also make this deodorant wonderfully yourself. I would like to explain briefly here again, which ingredients₄ you need for your own roll-on deodorant without aluminum:
Ingredients for the homemade roll-on deodorant
- 100 ml water (almost free from the tap!)
- 2 tsp. baking soda (if you don't have it already, you get it here*)
- 3-5 drops of essential oil (you get here*)
- 2 tsp. potato starch/potato flour (you can buy it in the drugstore or online here*)
- An empty roll-on deodorant (if you don't have one, you can order it here*)
Essential oil is added for a pleasant scent. Whether and which oil you use for the deodorant is up to you. Since the liquid for the roll-on deodorant should again be a bit more solid/creamy, we thicken it with 2 tsp. potato starch. As the main substance, we use sodium bicarbonate again, in addition to the water, which has an antibacterial and odor-neutralizing effect.
Make roll-on deodorant yourself - instructions
Again, you can make your own deodorant with just a few ingredients. Please proceed as follows for the roll-on deodorant:
- Heat 100 ml of water and stir in 1-2 tsp of potato starch (until the deodorant has a syrup-like consistency
- Add a little potato starch if necessary
- When the deodorant has cooled down a bit, you can stir in the baking soda
- Optionally you can now add 3-5 drops of essential oil
- Stir well and mix
- Fill the homemade deodorant into the empty roll-on deodorant (best with a funnel)
If your roll-on deodorant runs out, you can simply repeat the process. Or you can make a few more of the homemade deodorants. It's best to store it in a cool place.
Make deodorant yourself from maple leaves

It's always cool to see and learn what you can make from leaves and other natural things that we find in abundance in the forest, on house walls or in the garden. For example, you can also make your own deodorant from maple leaves. For those whose skin may not do well with baking soda, this 100% natural version of deodorant may be just the thing then. For the natural maple deodorant you need the following ingredients₅ or things:
Ingredients for the homemade deodorant from maple leaves
- 5-10 leaves of Norway maple (the most common maple species in Germany).
- 100 ml water
- Cutting board (a really good bamboo cutting board you get here*)
- Knife (I'm sure you have one there, otherwise I recommend this knife block*)
- Pot with lid (I just got this pot*)
- Tea filter (this tea strainer set is ideal*)
- Bowl (this set of stainless steel bowls will last forever*)
The leaves of Norway maple are the basis for the deodorant from maple leaves. Please prepare the leaves as follows, so you can make your own roll-on deodorant or deodorant spray from maple, depending on your preference.
- Cut the maple leaves into strips and bring the water to boil as long as
- Add the chopped leaves and take the pot directly from the stove (lid on!)
- Let the leaves steep in the water for 10 minutes and use the tea filter to strain the water and have only the maple leaves remaining
- Squeeze the maple leaves into the bowl and let the liquid cool down
This procedure is really uncomplicated and creates you now the possibility to make a roll-on deodorant or a deodorant spray from maple itself. TIP: Before I come to the instructions, I would like to give you the tip along the way that you can make both variants of the maple deodorant again with such essential oils* of your choice to give your deodorant an individual scent.
Roll-on deodorant make your own from maple - instructions
In addition to the obtained maple extract, you now need 2 flat tsp. Potato flour*, 1 TSP Baking soda* and a pot to make your own deodorant roller with maple. Put the two flat teaspoons of the potato flour in the pot and add to it just under 100 ml of the maple extract obtained. Heat the future deodorant until the liquid takes on a syrupy form. Now let the liquid cool and then stir in the baking soda. When ready, pour the deodorant into an empty deodorant roller. If you don't have one, you get it here*.
Make your own deodorant spray from maple - instructions
For the deodorant spray with maple, you also need a teaspoon of baking soda. Because sodium bicarbonate has an odor-neutralizing effect. To make the natural spray deodorant yourself, you should now stir the teaspoon of baking soda into the 100 ml of maple liquid. It should not be lumpy, so that the spray bottle is not constantly clogged. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle. If you can't reuse one, get it here*.
Make deodorant yourself from oak leaves

I got this Do It Yourself idea₆ from Martin, who regularly makes his own deodorant from oak leaves. Again, a great thing to avoid plastic waste and live more plastic free. To make the deodorant from oak leaves yourself, you need the following ingredients:
Ingredients and instructions for homemade deodorant from oak leaves
- 10-15 oak leaves
- 150 ml water
- 1 tsp. baking soda (if you don't have it already, you get it here*)
- 1/2 tsp sea salt (you get here*)
- A blender
The recipe of Martin is compared to the other instructions for "make your own deodorant" supplemented by 1/2 tsp sea salt. Grind the washed oak leaves together with the 150 ml of water in a blender and give the liquid a day to stand. After 24 hours you can strain the liquid and add baking soda + sea salt. Shake the liquid vigorously and fill it with a funnel into the preferably reused spray bottle for the homemade deodorant.
If you want to make more deodorants from natural materials yourself, I recommend the book Natural deodorants from forest and meadow*.
Make natural deodorant yourself? Check!
Maybe you have already read my last posts from the blog category Do It Yourself read. For example, I've written about how you can Make toothpaste yourself can. As you can see, you can actually make all things yourself. Naturally and plastic-free. Therefore, I am even more pleased that you have read this article to be able to make your own deodorant in the future. Because even for the homemade deodorant, there are an insane number of natural alternatives. Both in the ingredients, as well as in the form of deodorant. Deodorant cream, deodorant spray or deodorant roller.
Try it out to make your own deodorant. Feel free to write me a comment with your experiences, suggestions or new ideas there. Oh and: Which deodorant is your favorite?
Best regards,

PS.: For those who find the effort for the homemade deodorant too much, I recommend this plastic free solid deodorant. It smells good and lasts longer than you think.
PPS: Do you already know how easy you can also change your Make detergent yourself can? I tried it out and also learned how to use our Make dishwashing liquid yourself can. Read through the articles.
how long are the soda deodorants durable ?
Thank you
Hey Moni! The deodorants basically last forever, had always used it up pretty quickly.
Many greetings
Have now made the deodorant cream several times myself. After 2-3 attempts, I now also have the right consistency out. For my personal olfactory experience I add orange oil. I am so excited about my homemade deodorant that I never want to use another!
Hey Carola! Great, I'm glad, thanks for your feedback and the inspiration with the orange oil!
Best regards
How long is the natural deodorant then durable? Since from natural materials probably not indefinitely long. I'm sorry if that was somewhere and I've read over that.
Greetings Jasmin
Hey Jasmin! Just consume it within a few weeks, then you are on the safe side. Otherwise, always trust your own senses!
Best regards
Hi Christoph, I also made the deodorant cream a few weeks ago and have now used since. I was positively surprised how well it works, so prevents the smell of sweat. However, I have now after about 3-4 weeks also get an itchy rash and wonder where it comes from... Will now maybe but try the light version to spray. LG Eva
Hello Eva, thank you for your feedback. Oh, unfortunately I can not judge, possibly you are allergic to one of the ingredients.
Have you figured it out yet?
Many greetings
I had the same problem. It was due to the essential oil. Should perhaps have read before on the package that such a thing is harmful to the skin!
Hello, anyone here has experience with dark clothing? Also, does the deodorant certainly not stain anything white? Thanks in advance
Hi Sandy! It didn't stain my clothes 🙂
Many greetings
Sorry, but your fear-mongering at the beginning of the article pisses me off. Especially the unproven facts with the words "could" in the room to put does not correspond to what I classify as serious.
But this is only my opinion. By the way, I use moistened pure sodium bicarbonate under the armpits and it works.
Hi Jack. Thanks for your comment. What do you mean exactly? Aluminum? That is all proven!
Great, that works too! 🙂
Greeting Christoph
The deodorant with baking soda is great!
With bright T-shirts (yellow, orange, pink..) bluish spots appear under the armpits with the T-shirts when sweating heavily. These spots disappear when washing - but why and what could be done about it?
SG Franz
Hello Franz! Thanks for your feedback! Very good question for which I have no answer.
Can anyone else here judge this?
Stay clean,
2 months ago I made the roll-on deodorant itself. As far as I know, the recipe at the time included cornstarch?
Is potato starch better?
Love greetings
Hey Kolla,
as far as I know, potato starch is also food starch. Starch can be made from potatoes, wheat or corn, for example.
So everything should work 🙂
Have a nice Tuesday.
Stay clean,
I just read into this...I have two questions:
1. can I also use corn starch?
2. can I not mix the essential oil into the coconut oil first? Some essential oils must be diluted first, because undiluted skin contact can be unhealthy.
Thank you very much!
Hi Julia!
Cool! Yes, everything works the way you described it 🙂
Have fun with the homemade deodorant!
Stay clean,
I am also very excited about the deodorant cream! It works much better than my previous deodorants, is uncomplicated to make and costs almost nothing. With starch (made from corn) it goes m.E. genausoogut as with potato starch.
I don't have a mortar, but I was able to grind the Kaiser soda, which is quite coarse, to a fine powder very well with an electric coffee grinder. A food processor should also go.
Thanks for this great recipe!!!
Hi Suzan! Great, I'm glad everything is working out 🙂
Kind regards,
A deodorant which does exactly what I want. Absolutely no smell. Neutral and nothing smells unpleasant. I have tried many deodorants. Every price range, many brands. Nothing has satisfied me in the long run. Again and again I have felt uncomfortable and have sprayed again... healthy can not be... Also with this deodorant I thought to myself... sure. Neutralizes the smell. I don't think it does. So I applied it after showering and nothing else. No perfume, no cream. I was intrigued. I smelled absolutely nothing in the evening.neutral... the following days the same... So I did the endurance test. -It is very difficult to convince me of new. I geheregelmäßig jogging and there one sweats now once... but even after. No smell. I am absolutely convinced of it and used no other deodorant more. Bonus: you can smell the perfume much better. My old deodorants always mixed with it. I didn't think that was so great. Bottom line: mega natural, skin friendly and 1a working product.
Thanks for your comment Marion! I hope you are happy with your deodorant now 🙂
Kind regards,
Hello Christoph. Use for 3 months Deocreme am also very enthusiastic only since a few days I and my husband have rash and itching. What to do?
Hello Viktoria,
does the problem still exist? I can not explain it with. Do you still have the same homemade deodorant or in the meantime always made new?
Of course, the deodorant should not stand forever, but eventually be used up.
Remains clean,
Very informative post! Thanks for sharing!
Hi there and thanks for your feedback 🙂
Many greetings
Hello :)!
Finally I came yesterday evening to venture to the soda roller, Use already longer only the soda powder - make fingers wet, in the soda and simply brush under the arms. Since the coconut oil is also my daily companion for oil pulling, cooking and for my wounds, I really wanted to combine that. Tried this with the potato starch last night because I've been collecting extra empty roll-on deodorant for a long time. However, I had to take a lot of potato starch and it is still very liquid, have also reingepanscht bit of coconut oil. Have's tried directly and with me it has gaaaaanz minimal itching triggered. I am mega the intuitive person and I think that is not so good for me, does not matter. Will now make the deodorant cream, small jars I have tohauf.
So I just wanted to say thank you and wish you continued success with your blog,
Love greetings
Achja, ich war sehr positiv überrascht, es hat direkt den Geruch eingezogen 🙂
Perfect! :))
Hi Sofia! Danke dir für dein nettes und ausführliches Feedback. Vielleicht muss sich die Haut manchmal etwas daran gewöhnen. Bei mir war von der ersten Anwendung an alles in Ordnung 🙂
Thank you!!! Glad to hear from you again.
Many greetings, Christoph
Hello Christoph!
With interest I have read here one or the other interesting contribution.
But I was directly shocked when I read this text in the presentation of your project: "I started the CareElite environmental protection project against plastic waste because I believe that we are increasingly losing our connection to nature through technological progress, a fast-paced society and mass consumption."
And if you then click in your whole DIY stories on the links with your "recommendations" or even the store, everything AMAZON... So I had to laugh maliciously. How can you write sustainability on the flag and then pact with such a corporation?
Just switch on your brain and let yourself be less harnessed to the consumer cart...
LG Philipp
Moin Philipp, thank you for your critical comment, which I can of course understand.
I would like to explain to you briefly and completely honestly why many recommendations are currently going to Amazon. I have to finance my passion for environmental protection and thus the entire project. But I want to invest my maximum possible time in it (and not have to work as an employee in another area) and therefore I have to generate income like any other entrepreneur. My project is still very young and Amazon gave me a good start. Both for the sale of my own products, as well as the recommendation of third-party products. Other stores do not get behind so well with partner programs and that makes it difficult to generate income, which is necessary in the start-up phase, however.
Slowly, the project is taking hold and I can even donate revenue. Gradually, I also connect with local businesses, so that in the future the recommendations will not only go to Amazon. For this, I also support the no stores in setting up the affiliate programs.
I'm glad that you take the topic seriously and am therefore particularly pleased about this criticism. I hope you can also understand my entrepreneurial train of thought and remain a loyal reader.
Many greetings,
Hey Christoph!
I deal since very recently only with natural cosmetics and find just everything sooo exciting. What all "evil" is in conventional cosmetics - uahhh - and how harmful that is / can be.
Last week I found when googling a great deodorant cream and bought it in the health food store also (We love the Planet Deocreme) - so far I'm thrilled. I müffel so GAR no longer and can hardly believe it. Madness.
Now I just googled how you can do it yourself. I came across your page - very interesting, mega. I must first read through completely, but I can already say: madness, how informative everything is here. Respect to you, so detailed and great here - thank you for it! <3
Soooo, now I would like to make a deodorant cream itself, so I can compare with the purchased - and yes, if it is good, then I save even a lot of money damjt. The cream has cost 11.95 €. Yes, a lot of money, but I thought: Better so than that I do nasty to my body.
Now my question: could I also take cornstarch instead of potato starch / flour? Or is that for a deodorant cream something completely different and not (so well) suitable?
Ich würd gern dann die Tage Einkäufe machen 🙂
Love and I'm looking forward to your answer!
Anja from the Ruhrpott
Ja Anja, das ist ja schon einmal cool, dass du nicht mehr „müffelst“ 😀
Cornstarch should have a similar effect, but no guarantee as I haven't tried it yet.
Kommentiere gern wieder, wenn du deine Erfahrungen gemacht hast! 🙂
Many greetings, Christoph
How can I make the baking soda fine? I want the cream deodorant is not so sandy.
Hi Rea, you can try refining it with a mortar and pestle or get fine baking soda directly.
I hope that I have been able to help you.
Best regards
Small, well-intentioned correction to the sodium bicarbonate:
Sodium hydrogen carbonate IS baking soda!
Sodium carbonate = washing soda (please do not use)
Moin Benny, da hab ich mich selbst irritieren lassen! 😀
Thanks for the hint, is directly corrected!
Many greetings
Hello Christoph,
I love the deodorant cream and since I tried it I want to use nicts other more! But I have a question, how long does the deo last? I'm thinking of giving it away, so small source of inspiration and wonder if I should write a date on the shelf life?
Thank you very much and love,
Hi Jessica, wow, vielen Dank! Das ist ein cooles Geschenk 🙂
Also für eine lange Haltbarkeit solltest du die Deocreme bei Zimmertemperatur lagern, gut verschließen und einen sauberen Löffel zur Entnahme verwenden. Kokosöl ist grundsätzlich ewig haltbar. Du kannst ihr ja sicherheitshalber empfehlen, es ist einem Monat aufzubrauchen und legst noch die Anleitung für neues bei (den Link oder so 😉
Have fun and LG
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