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Sustainable online courses

Here you will find the best online courses for a natural, healthy and sustainable life. Let absolute professionals help you to achieve the positive change you want in your life even faster. I can highly recommend the following courses:

Clean out and declutter online course

Clean out & declutter

For your household tidiness.

In diesem Online Kurs lernst du in 5 Wochen, wie du Ordnung in deinen Haushalt bekommst und minimalistisch lebst. Dein Host ist Claudia Windfelder von Household fairy, who has been a true household expert in all areas for many years.

Online-Kurse, in denen du eine neue Sprache lernst

Learn new language

Und Sprachbarrieren einfach überwinden.

In diesen Online Kursen lernst du in wenigen Wochen auf spielerische Weise eine neue Fremdsprache, die dir gefällt. Ob Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch oder eine ganz andere Sprache deiner Wahl.

Den zeitlich flexiblen Sprachkurs absolvierst du über die App Babbel, die schon seit 2007 Menschen durch Sprache über Kulturen hinweg zusammenbringt.

Become vegan made easy course

Going vegan made easy

For your vegan diet.

In this online course, you'll learn how to get away from animal products in your everyday life and do something good for your health and also your environment.

Your host is Sofia Konstantinidou from She is a certified vegan nutritionist and has been following a whole-food plant-based diet since 2014. 

Vegan nutritionist training study

Vegan nutritionist

For your vegan education.

Distance learning education for your health, your passion on the job, and your commitment to the future of our world.

The continuing education takes place over Ecodemy by tutors with many years of experience.

Vegan diet for mother and child course

Vegan diet for mother and child

For your vegan pregnancy.

Breastfeeding, baby's first complementary food, child nutrition: How does it work vegan? Get sound knowledge here for the highest possible nutritional safety.

The continuing education takes place over Ecodemy by tutors with many years of experience.

Vegan Sports Nutrition Online Course

Vegan nutrition for athletes

For your vegan fitness.

Athletes who not only want to achieve personal victories but also pursue ethical and ecological goals are often faced with the question: Plant-based nutrition and physical best performance - is that even possible? Learn how it works here!

The continuing education takes place over Ecodemy by tutors with many years of experience.

Do you have any questions or know of other online courses on sustainability?

If you still have a few question marks buzzing around in your head or you know of a few other recommended online courses on the subject of sustainability, then you can always write me a message via the contact form. I look forward to our exchange.