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Coral Bleaching โ€“ Definition, Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Coral bleaching and die-back - What is that?

Want to know more about coral mortality and coral bleaching? Then you've come to the right place! When from the biggest Environmental problems of our time the alarming state of the world's coral reefs must also be discussed. Not least because corals are by far the most species-rich and productive marine formations, serve as breakwaters off the coast and also provide millions of people with a vital income through fishing and tourism.

In this article, I would like to provide you with everything you need to know about global coral mortality. From the definition, statistics, causes and consequences to what we can do about it. Let's go!

In advance you can find a short overview of the article here:

  1. Definition
  2. Statistics
  3. Causes
  4. Follow
  5. What to do?
  6. Closing words

Coral mortality and coral bleaching - What is it?

What is coral mortality?

Since the terms "coral dieback" and "coral bleaching" are somewhat different, I would like to give you the exact definitions here. This much in advance: Coral bleaching is a symptom of the process of coral death, so to speak.

Coral mortality

Coral mortality generally refers to the global large-scale dieback of coral reefs which has been observed and researched worldwide since the mid-1980s.1

Coral bleaching

Coral bleaching (also known as "coral bleaching") refers to the phenomenon of the Bleaching of stony coral caneswhich is mainly due to increased water temperature. The coral repels colonizing algae (zooxanthellae) and loses its colourfulness. In the end, all that remains is the white calcareous skeleton of the dead coral.2

Statistics around the corals and bleaching

To monitor the condition of the corals and the Extent of the ecological problem a little more tangible, I have compiled some facts here:

  • Corals cover less than 1 percent of the sea floor, but are home to 25 percent of all marine life.3
  • Around a third of the world's coral systems are in a state where regeneration is no longer to be expected.
  • 40 percent of corals in the oceans are highly endangered.
  • Only around 30 percent of the corals are still in relatively good condition.4

What are the causes of coral mortality and coral bleaching?

Coral dieback - What are the causes?

We now have a relatively clear picture of the ecological problem. But why are the corals actually dying? What are the exact human or natural causes? In the following, I would like to introduce you to the main reasons for coral death and bleached coral reefs.

Increased water temperatures due to climate change

Most corals find the optimum conditions at a water temperature of 25ยฐCelsius.5 The one caused by the climate change However, the rise in water temperatures - and the prolonged storage of heat in the water - is causing problems for the reefs. The rise in temperature is actually the Main reason of coral mortality.


UV filters and chemical ingredients from sunscreens and other Cosmetic products (such as soaps or washing lotions) are poison for the colorful underwater world.

Acidification of the oceans

The ocean absorbs about one third of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. The resulting Carbonic acid damages the calcareous shells of the corals.6 Incidentally, a slightly alkaline pH value of around 8 is ideal for coral growth.

El Niรฑo phenomena

This is understood to mean unusual Water currents and a natural cycle of warming and cooling of the ocean. The warmer water temperatures in certain periods have eventually resulted in coral bleaching.

UV rays

Also the intense UV radiation can Partial cause of the death of coral reefs.


In a sick environment, the corals also become ill - and can die from bacterial and fungal infections, for example.

Mass tourism

Corals as souvenirs, cruises, countless hotel complexes near the coast, snorkeling and diving excursions with dozens of participants, direct contact with the corals, deliberate fish feeding to attract the animals... these and many other things. Many more features of the Mass tourism harm the corals.

Plastic waste

Whether ghost nets, plastic bottles or disposable straws: the non-biodegradable, human waste and the Plastic waste in the environment remain eternal and are partly responsible for coral mortality.

Wastewater, fertilizer and oil pollution

We humans are changing the quality of the water in the oceans and thus also the living conditions of corals. There are even lifeless "Dead Zones" (dead zones) in which the oxygen content in the water is simply too low. In addition, sewage and fertilizers promote the proliferation of crown-of-thorns starfish, which feed on stony corals.7

Fishing methods

Not only trawling can endanger corals. In Asia and Africa, for example, fishing is done with the neurotoxin cyanide or even with explosives. In the so-called Poison fishing and dynamite fishing the fish are stunned and caught or collected dead. These "catching methods naturally also destroy entire coral reefs.

Can you think of any other causes? Then feel free to write me a comment with a short explanation.

What are the consequences of coral mortality?

Coral bleaching - consequences for humans and nature

As mentioned at the beginning, corals fulfill important functions. Accordingly, their disappearance also affects nature and not least us humans. I would like to briefly explain the main consequences of coral mortality here.

Ecological consequences

Coral reefs are also known as the "rainforests of the sea" for good reason. They are extremely sensitive, species-rich ecosystemswhich provide shelter and food for countless marine animals. In addition, their limestone structures protect coastal areas from erosion by stormy waves, and at the same time they are still a barrier to rising sea levels.

So coral mortality is accelerating in the most massive way the global species extinction and holds life-threatening dangers for people living in coastal regions.

Social and economic consequences

Millions of people live from fishing - and feed mainly on marine animals themselves. It is therefore only logical that the extinction of corals and species is causing social problems such as Poverty and World hunger reinforced. In addition, countless people dependent on the purchasing power of foreign tourists are. But if the corals die, life in the coastal regions also dies in many places, threatening the existence of many people.

What to do about coral mortality?

Live sustainably and stop coral dieback

Anyone who has ever been diving or snorkeling in one of the many colorful underwater worlds will feel a very special motivation to do something for their preservation. Bleached corals are usually - and fortunately - not yet dead, but it definitely needs changed conditionsto bring the old splendor of color back to life.

By initiating change in our everyday lives and live more sustainablywe can ultimately also help the coral reefs. Simply use the following tips.

Sustainable and climate-friendly living

Reduce your ecological footprint as much as possible. For example, minimize your car journeys and flights - and drive instead. Bicycle, bus and train more often. Also the conscious plastic avoidance, the Saving energy in everyday life or the Switch to green electricity*will help you immensely.

It is also important, inspire others and encourage more people to rethink.

Tip: You can also find countless other measures and pieces of advice in the detailed articles on the best possible climate friendly life and the Saving CO in everyday life.

Vegan diet

If you want to save the coral reefs, you should eat a plant-based diet and let the animals live in peace. Because especially the Overfishing of the seas is affecting the world's unique reefs.

However, it is particularly worthwhile reconsidering your own consumption of animal-based foods, as Meat, eggs and dairy products natural resources waste to a particular extent and drive climate change.

I can definitely recommend this one Online course "Going vegan made easy "*which also helped me a lot.

You can also use these further article for more information:

Promote environmental and animal welfare organizations

Support, actively or financially, environmental and animal welfare organizations, such as the Coral Reef Alliance or the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI). In this way, you promote the people in their work, who work every day to preserve the coral reefs.

Naturally protect from UV rays

When on vacation, avoid sunscreens and sunblocks with chemical ingredients and prefer pure natural cosmetics (this coral-friendly sun cream* I can recommend you) or homemade natural sunscreen.

Take a sustainable vacation

See diving and snorkeling for what it is: something very special that you don't do every day. Only do dives rarely and behave respectfully towards the sea creatures and the underwater world. You are only a guest there.

Keep your distance, do not touch anything and break offis the motto. And if at all necessary, then I prefer sustainable souvenirs, instead of broken coral or other material from the sea.

Tip: More about sustainable travel - and how you experience foreign cultures up close and respectfully - can be found in the linked articles!

Stop coral dieback and save unique underwater worlds

Stop coral dieback and protect nature

Until the year 2050 all coral reefs, such as the Great Barrier Reef off Australia's north-east coast (Unesco World Heritage Site), could be history.8

Each of us can and must do something about itthat this situation never occurs, because the consequences of coral extinction for life on Earth are fatal. Fortunately, coral systems are able to regenerate - if we humans let them.

"If the oceans die, we die."

Paul Watson, founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (more at Sea quotes)

I hope that with this article I could bring you closer to the topics of coral mortality and coral bleaching. Do you have any questions or suggestions? Then I look forward to your comment!

Stay sustainable,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: You also want do something against the deforestation of the rainforests? How you can also protect these unique, species-rich regions in everyday life, you will learn in the corresponding article. Have fun!


  1. Spektrum der Wissenschaft Verlagsgesellschaft mbH: Coral mortality, available at [11.01.2022]. โ†ฉ๏ธŽ
  2. Hans-Peter Willig: Coral bleaching, available at [11.01.2022].
  3. Terra X: Threat to coral reefs | Dirk Steffens in the Seychelles | Terra X, YouTube, 17.02.2019, Web, 11.01.2021 at 07:32, in: โ†ฉ๏ธŽ
  4. Deutschlandfunk; Interview with Christian Wild: Scientists on coral extinction "We are in a very deep coral reef crisis" (as at: 21.07.2021), available at [11.01.2022]. โ†ฉ๏ธŽ
  5. Scinexx: Quite demanding - The living conditions of corals (as at: 26.10.2001), available at [11.01.2022]. โ†ฉ๏ธŽ
  6. Patric Herweh: Coral deaths caused by climate change - CO2 emissions are acidifying the oceans, available at [11.01.2022]. โ†ฉ๏ธŽ
  7. Gunda Wรถrlein: Coral bleaching causes & consequences: Did you know that? (as of 01.04.2020), available at [11.01.2022]. โ†ฉ๏ธŽ
  8. Laura Parker; Craig Welch: Our coral reefs could be gone in 30 years (as of 27.10.2017), available at [11.01.2022]. โ†ฉ๏ธŽ
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* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.

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