You want to create a Capsule Wardrobe and create more minimalism in your closet? Then you are exactly right here! You are standing in front of a closet that is bursting at the seams and yet you can't find anything to wear. This sounds paradoxical - but probably you are also familiar with such or similar situations.
Personally, the motto "less is more" in the closet has helped me quite a bit. If you opt for fewer but high-quality and more combinable items of clothing, you ultimately have more of an overview and automatically also less often the annoying feeling of having nothing to wear.
In this article I would like to present you the best tips for a minimalist closet and 10 steps to the Capsule Wardrobe. Let's go!
Here you can find a short overview in advance:
Definition: What is a Capsule Wardrobe?
The idea of the Capsule Wardrobe is a minimalist wardrobe, which aims to create a variety of outfits with just a few garments and create a more sustainable and efficient wardrobe.
I wonder if you don't just clean out my closet for this. No. Because a Capsule Wardrobe is more than just a reduced closet. It relies on a well thought-out concept that can be adapted to different styles and tastes. The closet is simply made up of the following items few, well-considered pieces together, which can be combined in a variety of ways.
Many associate the idea of a Capsule Wardrobe with clothes in black, white, beige and blue. But with a little skill you can customize a Capsule Wardrobe and put together a personal, minimalist wardrobe in your very own style.
Advantages: Why should I create a minimalist closet?
The advantages of the Minimalism in the closet are numerous. Accordingly, the Motivation for you to create a capsule wardrobe can be quite different in nature.
Mostly, it's about more simplicity and pragmatism. If you limit your wardrobe to a few versatile pieces, you better keep the Overview. Choosing the right garment for any occasion will be a breeze and you'll save a lot of Time.
Furthermore, in the long run, a Capsule Wardrobe is Cost-effective. When you're putting together your wardrobe, you can use a lot of what's already there. You will have to invest in a few quality new pieces, but they will last a long time. You don't have to keep buying new, and that saves money in the long run.
In addition, focusing on a limited number of garments allows you to create a clear personal style to develop. Versatile garments can be combined with each other to create different outfits and optimize the wardrobe.
If you enjoy fashion, you can be creative with a limited number of clothing items and unique outfits put together. Even fashionistas make their lives easier because they don't have to worry as much about what to combine and how.
Last but not least, the decision for the Capsule Wardrobe is for many people also a ecological background. The more minimalist the closet, the less natural resources are consumed and the less textile waste and CO2 emissions impact the environment.
The most important reasons at a glance
Here I have you once the advantages mentioned and some more of the Capsule Wardrobe clearly together:
- Rediscovery of the wardrobe
- Environmental and climate protection contribution
- Create overview and clarity
- Perfectly adapted to the seasons
- Higher appreciation for unique pieces (see also Slow Fashion)
- Development of a personal fashion style
- Avoidance of incorrect purchases
- Great time saving
- Reduced laundry quantities
- Financial advantages due to lower expenses
- Many harmonious outfits
- …
Can you think of any other benefits of the Capsule Wardrobe? Then I look forward to your ideas in the comments column below this article.
10 tips: Step by step to a minimalist wardrobe
Creating a Capsule Wardrobe is a individual process for which there are no fixed rules. Nevertheless, I would like to give you a few clues for inspiration, to which you can add your own ideas.
Match the following 10 step plan simply to your individual preferences and needs to create your own personal, sustainable and functional wardrobe that you feel comfortable with - and with which you can enjoy as many of the benefits mentioned as possible.
Tip: What you basically recognize sustainable fashion you can find out in the linked blog article. If you like, feel free to take a look there as well.
Step 1: Inventory
First you should check your Completely clean out the closet and bring in all the things stored on the floor or in the basement.
Check your current wardrobe carefully afterwards and part with unworn, inappropriate or outdated garmentsn. Also bad purchases and everything that actually does not correspond to your style or can not be combined at all, can be sorted out.
Organize your own small clothing flea market with friends or friends of friends. give away and sell sort out things via classifieds. Guaranteed, someone else will still be happy with a piece that you no longer like so much. The rest of the clothes you can donate and no longer wearable pieces you can give for recycling.
Step 2: Consider seasons
The adaptation to the seasons and the respective climatic conditions in your region are the key to a good start in your "Mission Capsule Wardrobe". Temperature, humidity and many other factors will determine whether you should add more thick winter sweaters to your minimalist closet or whether more light summer dresses will move in.
It's best to start your project with about 25 garments per season – gerechnet ohne Socken und Unterwäsche. Für das Frühjahr zum Beispiel stellst du dir eine Kombination aus Blusen bzw. Hemden, leichten Pullis und Stoffhosen und einer hochwertigen Übergangsjacke für kühle Tage zusammen. Für den Winter benötigst du hingegen eher eine richtig warme Outdoorjacke, Mütze, Schal, Pullover und Cardigans.
Step 3: Analyze your own lifestyle and needs
What does your life look like? Do you work in an office where you have to wear formal clothes? Or do you work in an industry where casual clothes are in demand? Are you outdoors a lot, in all kinds of weather? Do you prefer to wear elegant pencil skirts or romantic blouses? Identify your personal taste and style as well as the requirements of your everyday lifeto determine which garments you really need.
Step 4: Determine colors and shapes
Most people prefer their Capsule Wardrobe to have a harmonious color palette to complement the Maximize combinability of the garments.
Harmonious does not mean that you necessarily have to timeless color classics black, white, gray and blue must put. Harmony can also consist of a color combination of natural tones or earthy colors. Even bright colors can be harmonious, if everything is well coordinated.
In addition, you can use your Customize selection also to your body type and choose the garments directly in flattering cuts, lengths and proportions.
Step 5: Select base pieces
If you're still unsure of what you want your Capsule Wardrobe to look like, let it grow and start shopping with timeless and high quality basics like t-shirts, blouses, pants, skirts and dresses in neutral colors.
These should already fill in the biggest gaps that were created by the mucking out and you should later effortlessly combine to your individual favorite pieces in your favorite colors can.
Tip: You can get new fashion especially cheap if you get it in good condition used. Which Advantages of second hand purchase I will explain to you in the linked article what other benefits garments can bring.
Step 6: Set accents
Once the first basic pieces have moved into your closet, you can complement with expressive parts, die deinen persönlichen Stil widerspiegeln. Einen solchen Akzent erreichst du beispielsweise mit dem Colour block style sweater, with elegant faux leather pants, white lace blouse or oversized blazer.
Step 7: Add accessories
Your capsule wardrobe becomes individual and personal mainly through the right accessories. Complete your wardrobe with a few but extremely versatile extras. These can be for example Shoes, scarves or even jewelry be
The good thing about the accessories is also that they are make one and the same outfit look completely different at once. Wear your new favorite pants or skirt with sneakers and a t-shirt and you'll have the perfect outfit for a relaxed Sunday in spring. If you combine the pants with a noble shirt or the skirt with an elegant top, high heels and some jewelry, you are also dressed appropriately on a formal celebration.
Step 8: Consider combinability
Make sure each piece of clothing, as well as each accessory, can be paired with others in your Capsule Wardrobe to Create as many different outfits as possible to be able
Planning is the be-all and end-all here. It's best to make a list of the pieces you want in your Capsule Wardrobe for a particular season to keep track of them.
Step 9: Quality before quantity
Invest in good quality durable clothing. This is a important principle For a long-term minimalist closet. Just be aware that cheap fashion is not only ethically and ecologically questionable, but that you also buy it several times. must, as it does not last long.
Of course, high quality is also a question of your personal budget. You should therefore always think carefully about what you want to invest in und welche Ziele du mit deinem Budget erreichen kannst. Wenn du beispielsweise nur lokale Marken unterstützen willst oder nur fair produced clothing you will have to budget differently than if your goal is simply a reduced closet.
Tip: How you can change your Fashion longer shelf life and basically more appreciative of it, I'll explain to you in another blog post.
Step 10: Customize and update
Now you should be in a good position for the time being. But a decisive, final step for ensuring that your Capsule Wardrobe remains minimalist in the long termI would not like to withhold from you.
You should clean your closet Regularly check and update. Remove unused pieces and add new ones as needed to fit your needs. In order not to fall into old habits and not to let the closet burst again, you should if possible, do not add a new garment until you have removed another one for it.
Ensure minimalism in the closet with a Capsule Wardrobe
Less clothing means less stress and more sustainability. Plus, you'll notice how nice it is when your minimalist closet only includes things that not only all match each other, but also, and most importantly, match you.
Also, you will quickly feel how much fun already the process to the Capsule Wardrobe can makeWhen you look at your preferences and gradually emphasize your personality with your clothes.
"Simplicity is the key note of all true elegance."
Coco Chanel (more at Minimalism Quotes)
I really hope that I could help you with this article. Do you have any questions, suggestions or further tips for the Capsule Wardrobe and minimalism in the closet? Then I look forward to your comment.
Stay conscious and sustainable,
PS: Another advantage of the Capsule Wardrobe is that you automatically consume less fashion with animal components. However, it is better to simply prefer animal-free clothing directly. The background and the necessary motivation for this I would like to tell you now in the article about the Animals in the textile industry give