Looking for inspirational and motivational books for entrepreneurs? Then you've come to the right place! If you want to become a successful entrepreneur and change the world in a positive way, you have to continuously train and develop yourself. Entrepreneur books help you to focus on your goals, to become one hundred percent clear about what you want to do and to concentrate on your strengths.
Today I therefore give you my List of 10 best business books for entrepreneurs that have also helped me to make significant progress. Let's go!
Tip: For some time now, I have been among the authors myself. If you feel like making your everyday life more eco-friendly, feel free to check out my Book Sustainable Living for Beginners inside.
The best books for entrepreneurs

Whether you're just starting your online business or you're an old hand at it. This list of the best business books for entrepreneurs will help you. We humans need to constantly evolve and learn with each passing day. Books help to improve our knowledge and skills in a very specific way. And now, enjoy the books that have helped me and my CareElite project significantly.
"Factfulness" by Hans Rosling
Do you know this feeling that the end of the world is near? That everyone else is destroying the world and you yourself feel like you're all alone in working for good? In his book Factfulness Hans Rosling shows that you should not be deceived by your first impression. The book gave me a better understanding of how our world and also our society has steadily evolved over the decades. For example, the problem of the World Hunger The world's population is steadily declining, but the media tend to give us the feeling that things are getting worse. Factfulness is a book that gives you a sharper view of what's happening on our planet through facts and figures, and helps you make better decisions.
You can get the book Factfulness here*
"The Lean StartUp" by Eric Ries
The Lean StartUp by Eric Ries is for me one of the top 10 business books for entrepreneurs, because it takes especially young founders by the hand and helps to be able to start up money- and time-saving. The book plays you possible scenarios of starting a business and shows you how you can pretty much determine the chances of success of your business idea. Eric Ries explains the ideal evaluation process that you can use to put your own business on the rails. This business book helped me especially in my start-up phase, which is why I can and will recommend it to you 100%.
You can get the startup book The Lean StartUp here*
"Psychology of Persuasion" by Robert B. Cialdini.
The book Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini is for me the absolute psychology bible and has taught me important things for both the online and offline world. The book is for perfect for entrepreneurs as it explains to you why people say YES and so in conversations, negotiations and other situations as an entrepreneur, you will be much more successful. The 6 basic principles of persuasion (e.g. authenticity and reciprocity) will help you to convince people faster in the future. Be it at the Elevator Pitch or on the product pages of your sustainable online stores.
Here you get the psychology bible*
Notice: Don't be put off by the "rather boring" cover, the book is simply powerful and will take you further in all areas of life.
"The 4-Hour Week" by Timothy Ferris.
Tim Ferris is on all the bestseller lists for business books with his book "The 4-Hour Week." In this entrepreneurial book, he explains how he was able to bring his personal workload down from 80 hours a week to the 4-hour week. Management by Absence (MBA) is the name of his system and he tells you how to automate your business to the best of your ability. In the 352 pages of the entrepreneur book you will learn so much that you will want to start your business right away. One of the best books for entrepreneurs and a clear recommendation from me!
You can get the 4-hour week here*
"Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert T. Kiyosaki.
The book Rich Dad Poor Dad is one of the best money guides for successful entrepreneurs and teaches you how to manage money properly. The book describes why rich people always stay rich. It gives you a deep insight into the psychology of successful entrepreneurs. For me it has been one of the most important business books and I recommend you to read it right at the beginning of your venture. read. Even though money is not my top priority in my venture, I have learned one thing about it: If you can't handle money, you won't be successful.
The entrepreneur book about success & wealth is available here*
"The Way of the SEAL" by Mark Divine.
The Way of the SEAL removes any doubts you may have during your time as an entrepreneur. Former Navy Seal Mark Divine explains all the concentration and meditation techniques he used to successfully overcome his toughest challenges. For me, this book also belongs in the top 10 business books for entrepreneurs because it makes you more emotionally robust and helps you to make the right decisions in important situations. It makes you more resilient and stress resistant and sharpens your focus on the goals you have set for your business. It has also contributed significantly to the fact that my project is now called CareElite.
You can get the book for mental strength here*
"The art of acting wisely" by Rolf Dobelli
The art of acting wisely belongs without a doubt on the list of the best business books for entrepreneurs. Learning from mistakes is a motto that should apply to every entrepreneur. Otherwise, you cannot improve yourself and your venture. The entrepreneur book will help you learn about some mistakes entrepreneurs make upfront before you make them yourself. Learn where other entrepreneurs have encountered major problems and bypass these potential mistakes ahead of time. In this book for entrepreneurs, you'll hear about situations and problems that you certainly never would have had on your radar.
The entrepreneur book for error prevention is available here*
"Simply Live Better" from the Wortdwatch Institute.
The book "Simply Live Better" was published back in 2010 and you may wonder why I included this book in my list of Top10 Business Books for Entrepreneurs. Quite simply, it describes to you exactly what problems are acute in our society and explains the connections. You will learn what role the state and the media play in this and why... Environmental issues are a huge opportunity for entrepreneurs. It doesn't seem like a classic business book at first, but it will help you ideally align your business for the future and start a conscientious social business. That's why I think it's pretty much a perfect book for entrepreneurs.
The socially critical book about sustainability is available here*
"Hard Thing About Hard Things" by Ben Horowitz.
If anyone knows about difficult management situations, it's Ben Horowitz, venture capital guru and author of The Hard Thing About Hard Things. The book belongs in my selection of the best business books for entrepreneurs because it tells you the right reactions in difficult situations as an entrepreneur. This way you can turn your online business into a successful and seasoned online business in the early stages. The book is in English, I highly recommend it. Alternatively there are here also a german edition*, which teaches you the same content.
Here's the book about difficult management situations*
Become popular and influential
The book "How to Win Friends" by Dale Carnegie is a fantastic entrepreneur book that will make you better in all the important areas you need as an entrepreneur. You'll learn how to build a good network, increase your reputation, and also get all the soft skills to become an all-around good entrepreneur and person. You will learn how to deal with every employee the right way. A super exciting business book for entrepreneurs that will also massively increase your self-confidence on stage and thus help you to be more successful. For me an absolute must in my list of the best business books for entrepreneurs.
Here you get the book that will make you an all-rounder*
Business books for entrepreneurs with vision!

I highly recommend these business books - even though they are not all classic "entrepreneur books". But each of these books has helped me personally, changed my thinking and improved my vision in so many areas of life. These books have made me more confident and given me absolute confidence in my abilities.
If you are missing one or the other book here, feel free to write it in the comments below with a short explanation and I will include it in the list of the best books for entrepreneurs. I look forward to your comment and hope you enjoy reading!
Stay tuned,

PS: The books will help you to fully focus on yourself and your strengths. If you're still missing some inspiration, be sure to check out the list of Positive Thinking Quotes inside 🙂
Thanks for the list of books!!!
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