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6 books that changed my life

Books that changed my life

There are some books that have changed my life. And they have done so in a sustainable and decisive way - in terms of environmental protection, world view, business and also in my dealings with other people. They have definitely made me more far-sighted, environmentally friendly and successful, and also contributed significantly to CareElite becoming bigger and more effective over time.

In this article, I would now like to introduce you to six of these books that you should also definitely read.

Here already once a short Overview in advance:

  1. The 4-hour week
  2. The way of the SEAL
  3. Factfulness
  4. Rich Dad Poor Dad
  5. Rethinking our world
  6. How to win friends

These 6 books have changed my life positively

Here are 6 books that you must read because they are capable of changing your life positively. Let's go!

1. the 4-hour week (Timothy Ferriss)

This book changed my life because it gave me the decisive impetus to make as automatic as possible. Since I work almost exclusively on this blog and still have a life outside of work, I too only have about 60 hours of work time available each week. The book "The 4-hour week" has helped me with this, work significantly more productive. Because I save significantly more time through automated emails, invoices and other advice from the book, I now effectively work probably over 100 hours a week without falling into bed in the evening completely exhausted.

You can get the book "The 4-hour week" now here*

2. the way of the SEAL (Mark Divine)

This book changed my life because it made me aware at a crucial stage in my life of what I really wanted to do and achieve. I wanted to make the world a little better every day through my actions - and not only in my private life, but also in my professional life. With "The way of the SEAL"you too will get a book that will make you more self-confident and decisive - qualities that will train your personality not only on a professional level.

You can get the book "The Way of the SEAL" now here*

3. factfulness (Hans Rosling)

This book changed my life because it made me aware, based on facts, that our world is not as bad as the media world full of negative and sad news may tell us. Instead, we are constantly evolving as a society as a whole. For example, the World hunger a social problem that is somehow always on our minds and that we feel is constantly getting worse. In fact, however, the number of hungry people has fallen sharply in recent decades - which should encourage us and not drag us down.

The book "Factfulness" by Hans Rosling is for anyone who wants to know what the world is really like away from the daily, sensationalist reporting - and who prefers an open, relaxed mindset.

You can get the book "Factfulness" now here*

4. rich dad poor dad (Robert T. Kiyosaki)

This book changed my life because it has changed my approach to money so significantly that I can now put more capital into my environmental activities and work on CareElite full time in the first place. How you save money through sustainabilityI already explained this in a detailed article - but you can learn how to get even more out of your savings in the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert T. Kiyosaki. He profoundly conveyed to me why rich people are rich and poor people usually remain poor. The book is for anyone who wants to make their money work for them instead of perhaps working for money themselves in an unloved job.

You can get the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" now here*

5. rethinking our world - an invitation (Maja Göpel)

This book changed my life because it gives me the scientific reasons for a sustainable life and the protection of our planet once again absolutely demonstrated. We humans are the reason for the greatest environmental problems of our time - but we can and must also be their solution. The book teaches you in a really impressive way how to become a valuable part of the solution yourself. "Rethinking Our World: An Invitation" by Maja Göpel is a book for all who want to learn about a way of life in which the well-being of our earth can be united with human well-being. For our health, the future of our children and grandchildren - and all life on this unique planet.

You can get the book "Rethinking our world" now here*

6. how to win friends (Dale Carnegie)

This book changed my life because it has decisively helped me to become more convincing. Others Convince people is an essential part of the educational work for a more sustainable society that I want to promote with CareElite. I apply the knowledge from the book in discussions and blog posts, for example. But as a matter of course, what I learn also helps me in my private everyday life. "How to win friends (and influence people)" is a book for all who want to become more popular, more successful and more convincing, as well as to discuss more purposefully and without disputes.

You can get the book "How to win friends" now here*

Tip: All of these books, which are also available in English, I have also read in English. An important piece of advice from my side to get your Effectively improve language skills - and almost in passing. 🙂

Books you must have read!

Books that changed my life

Since these life-changing books have had a significant and, from my perspective, extremely positive impact on me, I didn't want to withhold them from you here. I hope that you can also get a long-term benefit for yourself from their lines. Be it for more success, sustainability, fluency or simply for better discussions.

These were books that changed MY life. I'm sure you also have some book recommendations that YOU would recommend to friends and acquaintances with a clear conscience. Feel free to let me know in the comments which books you think are an absolute must-read.

Stay inquisitive,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS.: Look at you with pleasure a little bit more in the Personal Development Blog around. There you will learn, for example, why reading books is so important is for us humans.

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I am Christoph, an environmental scientist, activist and author, and here at CareElite I am committed to tackling the environmental problems of our time and to promoting the most conscious and sustainable way of life possible in our society.

1 thought on “6 Bücher, die mein Leben verändert haben”

  1. Hi Christopher, thanks for the tips will start with "rethinking our world".
    Great site, keep up the good work.
    VG Denny

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