Looking for the best books on sustainable travel? A great attitude. Being on the road and discovering new things is simply balm for the soul. But unfortunately, our travel behavior has also contributed significantly to the Environmental problems of our time contributed. But it is not only our planet that is in danger - justice in our global society is also being massively jeopardized.
Fortunately, there are some books to become a part of solving social and environmental problems yourself, to help the Mass tourism to counteract. Here I would like to introduce you to exactly these books about climate-friendly and sustainable travel. Let's go!
The best books about sustainable travel and vacationing
In 1950, there were still around 25 million travel arrivals worldwide. By 2017, this figure had already climbed to 1.33 billion.₁ And the trend is rising. It's logical that this love of travel brings with it not only relaxation and feelings of happiness, but also plenty of problems. I travel a lot myself and now know how to avoid as many problems as possible. sustainable travel can.
As promised, you're about to get your hands on some books that will help you.
Notice: I wrote the first book myself 😉 In it, I summarized all the knowledge from our community and my personal travel experiences. I'm looking forward to your feedback!
1. sustainable travel for beginners

The book "Sustainable travel for beginners"I wrote this book in cooperation with MVG Verlag. In it I explain to you all the problems related to our travels. From climate change - up to scenic consequences. Then I will accompany you from the planning of the trip, through the experiences at the destination, to the departure and the time afterwards. Here you will learn personally how to make your vacation more environmentally friendly.
Sources of supply: MVG Publishing House* | Amazon* | Thalia* | Books.com*
2. FAIR travel

This book from Oekom Verlag has been around since 2016. The author, Frank Herrmann, focuses on how to travel more sustainably as a tourist. I myself have learned a lot about the problems of the tourism industry from this book. In addition, the book helped me to realize what influence I have as a vacationer on the local people. Peppered with lots of facts and statistics, this book comes across as quite sober, but is super informative.
Sources of supply: Amazon* | Thalia* | Books.com*
3. sustainable travel

This book from Diplomica Verlag is all about the positive change in the tourism industry in terms of sustainability. Author Alexander Bleifuß addresses both the opportunities for travel companies - but also sheds light on the opportunities you have as a tourist. As a reader, you'll benefit from lots of statistics that shed light on where the problems of tourism lie and how we can all solve them together.
Sources of supply: Amazon* | Thalia* | Books.com*
4. sustainable travel - the best ideas for Europe

This book from Dumont Reiseverlag addresses all the typical topics of conscious travel - and focuses on the Cycling and the Being on foot in Europe. The two authors Dirk Engelhardt and Michaela Harfst provide plenty of inspiration - whether for raft trips across the Wannsee or the sailing trip to Mallorca. For me, the book has been an ideal introduction to even more conscious travel experiences.
Sources of supply: Amazon* | Thalia* | Books.com*
5. sustainable tourism

If you're more into scientific books about sustainable travel, then "Nachhaltiger Tourismus" from Utb Verlag is guaranteed to be something for you. The two professors Hartmut Rein and Wolfgang Strasdas write about sustainable tourism in balance with nature and society. As a reader, you will benefit from practical implementation tips. It doesn't matter whether you are a tourist on the road or a travel entrepreneur eager to learn.
Sources of supply: Amazon* | Thalia* | Books.com*
Travel sustainably with these books

We want to discover our planet and new cultures - and are destroying both. At least in the way we are currently traveling. We fly halfway around the world for a 7-day beach vacation - and book with an all-inclusive provider so that the local population has nothing to gain from it. Yet conscious travel offers so many opportunities to discover destinations in an environmentally conscious and local way.
I hope that these books on sustainable travel have given you the motivation and inspiration you need to make your future travel more environmentally and socially responsible. Always remember: adventures begin where plans end.
Have a good trip,

PS.: You want more inspiration? Then take a look at the Travel blog. There you will find for example Best Quotes For Travel.
₁ Statista GmbH: Worldwide tourism volume by number of travel arrivals from 1950 to 2019 (as of January 2020). https://t1p.de/m8sn. [10.03.2020].