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Sustainable Valentine's Day Gifts โ€“ 10 Eco-Friendly Gift Ideas For Your Loved One

Sustainable Valentine's Day Gifts โ€“ The Best Eco-Friendly Gift Ideas For Your Loved One

Looking for sustainable Valentine's Day gifts for women and men? Then you've come to the right place! The Day of Lovers on February 14 every year is ideal for surprising your partner with a particularly beautiful gift idea.

In our Disposable society werden am Valentinstag nur leider vermehrt Dinge verschenkt, die die Umwelt belasten und nicht langlebig sind. Dieser Entwicklung kannst du glรผcklicherweise mit einfachsten Mitteln entgegenwirken. Schenke einfach bestรคndige Liebe, statt kurzlebigen Kram!

In diesem Artikel mรถchte ich dir jetzt einzigartige, nachhaltige Geschenke zum Valentinstag vorstellen, mit denen du deinem Lieblingsmenschen garantiert eine Freude bereitest und gleichzeitig die Umwelt schonst. AuรŸerdem zeige ich dir vorher noch kurz, ob der Valentinstag รผberhaupt nachhaltig sein kann und worauf es bei der Geschenkauswahl ankommt. Auf geht's!

Is it even possible to have a sustainable Valentine's Day?

Is it possible to make Valentine's Day sustainable?

Who thinks of Valentine's Day gifts, probably has directly Bouquets of roses, Heart confetti Gift cards and heart shaped balloons before your eyes. Flowers end up in the organic waste garbage can shortly after the Valentine's Day surprise - and confetti, gift cards and balloons also generate a lot of paper and plastic waste.

Valentine's Day generates billions in sales for retailers - it is a day of consumption. In addition, many manufacturers:inside produce their Products tailored exactly to this special day - so that the goods are superfluous on all other days of the year. This, too, ultimately results in more waste again, which is due to our desire to buy.

So Valentine's Day, as it is known today, is rather not so environmentally friendly. However, its sustainability can be seen, among other things With the right minimalist gift ideas and meaningful activities, as well as targeted waste reduction. and Conservation of resources in everyday life, optimize pretty well. So a sustainable Valentine's Day is basically possible.

What should a sustainable Valentine's Day gift be like?

You are looking for a fair, environmentally friendly and really nice gift for Valentine's Day for men and women? The "for him" or "for her" actually does not matter - what matters is that your Gift idea comes from the heart and brings real joy.

Das richtige Geschenk fรผr einen mรถglichst nachhaltigen Valentinstag hat vor allem one or more of the following properties. Your gift is...

  • consistent: Make sure that the joy of your gift does not fade quickly. It should really give the recipient pleasure in the long term.
  • fairtrade: Make sure that your gift ideas come from a fair manufacturing process where everyone in the supply chain is paid fairly.
  • resource-saving: The Valentine's Day gift of your choice should not only be durable, but also produced in an energy-saving way and packaged in a way that avoids waste. In addition, it should meet the biggest environmental problems of our Time, such as climate change or deforestation of the rainforests, but ideally contribute to their solution.

Basically, when choosing the right gift, make sure it fits the person you are giving it to. Just remember that the, what should touch the heart, must also come from the heart.

10 Geschenkideen: Welche nachhaltigen Geschenke eignen sich zum Valentinstag fรผr Frauen und Mรคnner?

Solar preserving jar: sustainable gift idea for Valentine's Day
A solar jar is a wonderful gift for Valentine's Day | Credits: Solar jar/Avocadostore

Now you know that a sustainable Valentine's Day is totally possible - and what to look for in your gift selection. Here I would like to give you now the promised, sustainable gift ideas as a small source of inspiration an die Hand geben, die garantiert auch Valentin, dem Schutzpatron der Verliebten und dem Namensgeber dieses besonderen Tages, gefallen wรผrden.

1. give away canning jar as solar lamp

A wonderful, sustainable gift idea for Valentine's Day is a Fairtrade solar lamp from sun glassproduced in the townships of Johannesburg. The solar module in the lid Stores energy during the day and emits it again in the form of light during the night if required.

Decorate the contents as you liketo make your partner happy. Whether it's beach sand, flowers, concert tickets, wellness vouchers or a love letter - you know best how to positively surprise him or her.

Here you can get the solar canning jar:

2. give a gift of long-lasting, native flowers

In fact, cut flowers and especially the red, long-stemmed roses for Valentine's Day often come from rose farms in Kenya. The cultivation is unfortunately Very water intensive - and also the Long transport route is anything but sustainable.1 Noch energiebedรผrftiger sind รผbrigens die Rosen aus Gewรคchshรคusern in Deutschland oder den Niederlanden.

Accordingly, you should For Valentine's Day, give the gift of native plants in pots that the recipient will enjoy for a long time to come.. For example, tulips, bulbs or daffodils - just to name a few early bloomers.

3. give away natural cosmetics

Natural Vanilla shower gels, Ayurvedic shampoos, essential oils, lemongrass lotions, tea tree oil soaps. or Wellness care sets are always a great gift for Valentine's Day. Often you can get them without a wrapping, so that the Make bathrooms even more plastic free lets.

Here you can look for natural cosmetics:

4. give away animal sponsorship

A wonderful Valentine's gift can also be a Sponsorship for endangered species such as tigers, elephants, gorillas, or rhinos. Also for rescued animals or animals that cannot be placed on mercy farms and animal shelters, such as dogs, cats, cows, pigs or sheep, you can adopt.

This creates a special bond with a great animal, while at the same time the animal and Species conservation promoted will.

You can inquire about adopting an animal here:

Other gift idea: You can also plant or have planted a tree for your sweetheart, which you can then admire together as it grows. This is very simple, for example here at Treedom.

5. give away backpack from marine garbage

Backpack from marine waste as a sustainable Valentine's gift
A backpack made from ocean plastic makes a durable and eco-friendly Valentine's Day gift | Credits: GotBag/Avocadostore

Another beautiful and sustainable Valentine's Day gift is a durable waterproof backpackwhich is made mostly from plastic waste from the oceans. Whether for shopping, hiking or going to work, a minimalist, sturdy backpack will serve your favorite person faithfully forever.

Here you get the backpack:

6. give away jewelry

A classic Valentine's Day gift is, of course, jewelry. Whether Ohrringe, Manschettenkรถpfe, Halsketten, Armbรคnder oder eine Uhr - all of them are also available in sustainable form. For example, creoles made of recycled silver or cufflinks made of maple wood from sustainable forestry.

You can look for sustainable jewelry here:

7. give away book

Auch mit einem tollen Buch kannst du deinem Partner oder deiner Partnerin zum Valentinstag eine Lรคcheln ins Gesicht zaubern. Je nachdem wofรผr er oder sie sich interessiert, bieten sich natรผrlich Romance novels but also interesting Nonfiction or stylish Notebooks or diaries an.

Folgend ein paar literarische Ideen fรผr Valentinsgeschenke als Inspiration:

8. give away reusable drinking bottle

A water bottle is a really cool Lifestyle gift, which is the Zero Waste Lifestyle or the possible plastic free lifestyle and avoids microplastics in your own drinking water.

Why not gift your loved one a minimalist Stainless steel drinking bottle or a Glass bottle with swing stopper and unique motifs for Valentine's Day.

Here you get the two drinking bottles in different designs:

Tip: In another blog article, I'll explain to you how you can Making tap water more palatable with the simplest of means simply by following your heart.

9. give away fair chocolate

Whether organic, fair or Bean-To-BarWhether it's a praline or a bar - you'll always hit the right note with chocolate as a sustainable gift idea for Valentine's Day. Decide in any case for the Chocolate that your partner particularly likes.

Here you can find fair and environmentally friendly chocolate:

Tip: You can give your gift an even more personal touch by preparing the chocolate treats yourself. For example, here is a great tutorial to make vegan chocolates.

10. give away time for two

Time for two is the best gift
Spending time together as a couple is surely the best Valentine's Day gift for your partner

Sustainable Valentine's Day gifts don't have to be physical. You can also give moments for two that are remain in the best memory and strengthen your love for each other. But what can you do together on Valentine's Day?

How about a romantic day trip or cooking together followed by a candlelight dinner, for example?

Here are more ideas for activities on Valentine's Day that you can put into action:

Can you think of any other Valentine's Day ventures that will bring you two even closer together? Then feel free to write me your ideas in the comments.

Frequently asked questions about Valentine's Day

What exactly do you celebrate on Valentine's Day?

On February 14 every year since the 15th century, people in England have celebrated the "Day of lovers". Mittlerweile wird der Tag fast in allen Lรคndern dieser Welt zelebriert. In Russland, Malaysia, Saudi Arabien, Indonesien, Pakistan und dem Iran, ist er jedoch verboten.

The day is apparently named after St. Valentine from Rome. Er lebte im 3. Jahrhundert in der ewigen Stadt und traute dort โ€“ trotz Verbot โ€“ Liebespaare nach christlichem Ritus.

What rather speaks against Valentine's Day?

Valentine's Day was commercializedso that the retail trade is booming on this day. Natural resources werden durch diesen gesellschaftlichen Zwang im รœbermaรŸ verschwendet, sodass auch sehr viel Mรผll entsteht.

In addition to the environmental aspects, Valentine's Day is, on closer inspection eine รผberflรผssige Traditionbecause you can give your partner pleasure every day and should definitely not wait for this one day a year.

What sustainable gifts to give for Valentine's Day?

Schรถne, umweltfreundliche Valentinstag-Geschenke sind beispielsweise ein Solar canning jar, by Romance novel, Natural cosmetics, a Animal sponsorship and above all Time for two.

The Visit to a vegan restaurant with candlelight dinner, a Wine tasting or the Schmieden gemeinsamer Plรคne unter dem Sternenhimmel, sind besonders beliebte Aktivitรคten am Tag der Liebenden.

Pick Valentine's Day gifts from sustainable online stores

Here was still no suitable, sustainable Valentine's Day gift? Then I would advise you not only to look at Amazon* but also simply sustainable stores on the Internet.

Stรถbere beispielsweise durch den Store von…

Dort findest du garantiert das ideale Geschenk fรผr deinen Lieblingsmenschen. ๐Ÿ™‚

Can you think of any other sustainable stores or nice Valentine's Day gift ideas that should also be listed in this article? Then feel free to drop me a note in the comments.

Sustainable Valentine's Day made easy!

Sustainable gift ideas for the day of love

In this article, you've learned about many potential gift ideas that can have an eco-friendly impact as well as bring great joy.

Fรผr einen nachhaltigen Valentinstag gilt es grundsรคtzlich, umweltbelastende Traditionen zu vermeiden und die Putting love for your partner in the foreground. A heartfelt gift that suits the person receiving it is always the right choice.

"What is uttered from the heart alone, will win the hearts of others to your own."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (more at Love Quotes)

Fรผr eine noch intensivere, liebevollere und gefestigtere Beziehung zu deinem Lieblingsmenschen kann ich dir abschlieรŸend auch noch das Bestselling book "What I love about you" by Alexandra Reinwarth recommend. It serves as a mutual declaration of love to fill. Get it here*.

Do you have questions, tips or more ideas for really nice, sustainable Valentine's Day gifts? Then I look forward to your comment.

Stay sustainable and mindful,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: I also have you a collection of the best, plastic free gifts for valentine's day compiled. Feel free to take another look there as well. And if you want to know how to Plastic-free gift wrappingYou can also find this out in the linked blog post.


  1. WWF Deutschland (2014): Wasserrisiko Deutschland โ€“ Fallbeispiel 3 Schnittblumen aus Kenia, abrufbar unter [31.01.2024]. โ†ฉ๏ธŽ
Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.