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Replace things for less waste

Replace Things for Zero Waste

Another important step in the sense of Zero Waste Lifestyle is the Replace from plastic items, with things that are as durable and sustainable as possible. You may have to pay 1 or 2 euros more at first, but it's usually worth it in the long run.

Replacing does not mean that you have to remove all items from Plasticย should be thrown away immediately. Of course, that would be anything but sustainable. Just replace things little by little, for example when they are broken or inefficient. But again, there are some exceptions, which I would like to show you in this article.

What you should replace directly

First, I'd like to give you a few items as examples that you should replace as soon as possible, as plastic in these items will have a direct impact on your health or is just basically unnecessary:

Plastic should not be put in the mouth and should be kept away from children.ย Plasticizers are particularly dangerous for babies and childrenThey have a hormone-altering effect and thus have a negative impact on child development.