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Long-lasting fashion - 12 tips to make your clothes last as long as possible and stay beautiful

Durable fashion - How to make your clothes last forever

Looking for long lasting fashion tips? Then you've come to the right place! At a time when fashion trends change seemingly every week and many garments lack quality, no one should be surprised that the world is suffering from increasing mountains of textile waste. However, by understanding how to make clothes last as long as possible and extend their lifespan, this problem can be countered in an environmentally friendly way.

In this article, I would like to give you the most valuable tips that you can use to really keep your clothes alive forever. In addition, you will learn in advance why this is so important for a conscious, sustainable lifestyle is important. Let's go!

Here you can already find a short overview of the advice:

  1. Value quality and timelessness
  2. Pay attention to the correct storage
  3. Reduce the number of wash cycles
  4. Pay attention to the care instructions
  5. Dry your clothes in the air
  6. Use a lint shaver
  7. Repair damaged clothes
  8. Set on a natural moth protection
  9. Keep spare parts in a specific place
  10. Keep stain sources at a distance
  11. Pass your clothes in case of disinterest
  12. Know yourself

Why should we wear clothes as long as possible?

Advantages: Why make clothes last longer?

A garment, is not just a garment. Every sweater, every dress, every pair of pants and every sneaker has its own story. Someone has harvested, dyed or sewn for it - and someone has walked, driven or flown for it. In addition, the material for it had to be taken from somewhere in the environment - and the production does not work without the use of time and energy.

In this section, therefore, I would now like to give you absolutely the following advantages of fashion as durable as possible explain before we go straight to the tips:

  • Prevent textile waste mountains
  • Reduced use of pollutants
  • Save cash
  • Conserve resources
  • Protect animals
  • Stop exploitation of textile workers
  • Appreciate clothing
  • Have less stress

Prevent textile waste mountains

According to an extensive study by the fashion label Labfreshโ‚, every German produces an average of about 4.7 kilograms of textile waste per year. Of this, a full 2.7 kilograms are disposed of in landfills and 1.2 kilograms are incinerated. Only a fraction can be recycled or reused untreated.

The extent of textile consumption, however, does not only include the mountains of no longer needed or broken clothing. Around 6 kilograms of worn clothing are disposed of per capita. exported every year, which in turn creates further mountains of waste abroad.

Reduced use of pollutants

The longer our clothes last, the fewer pollutants need to be used, which endanger us as well as animals and our planet. Such pollutants include, for example Plant protection products from the cultivation of natural fibers, the use of Insecticides during transport, synthetic dyes based on petroleum or surface finishing with chlorine, bromine, iodine or fluorine.

Save cash

According to the above study, every Germans spend an average of 910 euros a year on new clothes out. Those who make their own clothing last as long as possible can therefore reduce the expenditure for such new purchases in a noticeably positive way - and their Invest money more wisely instead. On closer inspection, this is a good example of how to save money with sustainability can.

Conserve resources

Above all, the environment also benefits from a longer service life for your clothing. After all you save the natural resources of the planetbecause for your closet No new raw materials are required or only significantly less frequently become. In addition, the environmental impact of toxins from textile factories for your lifestyle also goes down.

Protect animals

Whether fur, wool or silk -. the purchase of fashion with animal materials has consequences for animals and gives a demand to corresponding goods. However, if your existing clothes live longer, you automatically participate less in the Animal suffering in the textile industry.

Stop exploitation of textile workers

Those who prefer long-lasting fashion and promote the preservation of their own clothing for as long as possible are also automatically doing something about the Exploitation of textile workers. After all, for their own style of clothing do not need more pieces produced in poorly ventilated, noisy factories for subterranean wages be

Notice: If you don't want to participate in exploitation at all anymore, you should of course consciously choose fair, ecological fashion when buying clothes. How you recognize sustainable fashion you can find out in the linked article.

Appreciate clothing

If you make sure that your own clothes last as long as possible, you value them. The Appreciation is not only for the clothes, but also for the people who worked for them, the environment and future generations. You simply show gratitude for the things you have. This is an important approach of the Slow Fashion - and a clear characteristic of the conscious handling of one's own clothing.

Good to know: Currently, the average wearing time of clothing per capita in Germany is around three years.โ‚‚ So there is great potential for more appreciation.

Have less stress

Durable fashion also has the advantage that you automatically minimalist lives and not constantly accumulate new possessions that at least subconsciously cause stress. Instead you gain more overview, time and money. A positive effect that comes pretty much automatically as soon as you extend the life of your clothes and go shopping less often.

12 tips: What can everyone do for long-lasting fashion?

Durable fashion: How to make your clothes live longer

Now you know the main advantages! So that you now also have something of your clothes for as long as possible, we now go to the promised tips.

The longer you use a piece of clothing, the more the production and your purchase is worthwhile. To ensure long-lasting fashion is not only the task of the manufacturer, but also of the wearer. In addition to the material, for example, are also Handling, care, storage and also a dash of self-knowledge crucial for the service life of textiles.

Here I would now like to give you the most important ideas and advice that will help your Make your closet a little more sustainable be

1. value quality and timelessness

In fact, many fashion labels deliberately do not produce their goods for eternity - but there are of course bright spots. As a consumer, you should be aware of say goodbye to the principle of "mass instead of class and instead focus on durable, high-quality fashion - and appreciate the value of craftsmanship.

You can recognize carefully processed clothing very well, for example, by the even stitches in the fabric. Social and ecological product seals such as "GOTS" and "OEKO-Tex" help you to recognize quality.

A lot of clothes are thrown away because they are out of date. That's why you should also Prefer fashion that literally can not go out of fashion. Timeless quality goods ultimately live the longest and thus lay the foundation for the longest possible life of sweaters, T-shirts, dresses, shirts, pants and other garments.

2. pay attention to the correct storage

On the hanger, in a shoe box or folded? Every type of clothing and, above all, every material has different storage requirements. And as an environmentally conscious consumer, you should know what's important in order to get the most out of your fashion for as long as possible.

Sweaters, for example, you should rather store foldedbecause they are heavy on the right and quickly wear out hanging on the hanger. On the hanger belong instead garments clothing, blazers, suits and blouses - so they remain as smooth and wrinkle-free as possible.

You should store shoes protected in the box and also protect them with a Shoetrees equip. This also makes cleaning easier when you take them out of the closet again. You can also keep handbags in shape by stuffing them with some waste paper, for example.

3. reduce the number of washing cycles

Be aware that every round in the washing machine is a punishing ordeal for your clothes. Therefore: The lower the number of washes, the longer they will look good.

But how can this tip for the most durable fashion be implemented in practice?

For example, by preferring to use your Air clothesif it has not been subjected to any particular wear and tear. Jeans fashion you can safely put in the freezer to get rid of odors and bacteria. And your assortment of sweaters can be kept from odors by always having a long-sleeved shirt underneath.

When absolutely nothing else works, the Gentle wash cycle or even better, the Hand wash with cold water is recommended.

4. pay attention to the care instructions

However, even a low spin speed or water temperature means continued stress for your clothes. But of course, you can't completely avoid washing with a washing machine. Either way, you should in any case adhere to the Manufacturer specifications hold on the small sewn "slip of paper".

Indeed, some garments may not ironed, only with the wool wash cycle or simply not treated at all with technical equipment be cleaned. The latter is the case, for example, if you want to clean Birkenstocks. They are usually made of leather and cork. They are usually made of leather and cork. In order to preserve them for as long as possible, when cleaning them you should observe certain things. For example (depending on the stain) helps the combination suede brush, suede eraser, starch and vinegar.

5. dry your clothes in the air

Air dry your laundry

If you want your clothes to last as long as possible, you should not tumble dry them, but instead energy saving dry in the air. So that you spare the textile fabric immensely - and the environment is also pleased. This tip is certainly also one of the useful ones, sustainable lifehacks of our grandparents.

If it is dry outside in the fresh air and the humidity is not too high, this advice stands both at high and low outside temperatures nothing stands in the way. Just hang your laundry to dry on the clothes horse on the balcony or the clothes line in the garden.

6. use a lint shaver

Over time, some lint or fibers usually come loose from the yarns of textile fabrics. Especially in the case of goods made of cashmere, wool, cotton or synthetic fibers, this often results in the formation of annoying and visible nodules on the surface. Finally, they lead to the fact that many people dispose of their clothes earlier.

This so-called "pilling" can of course not be completely prevented - but fortunately can still be easily eliminated with a battery-powered lint shaver. You can set it to different cutting heights and thereby simply collect the nodules in the integrated collection container and dispose of.

In fact, for many garments, even lint rollers are sufficient to stubborn lint from your favorite clothes and make them look like new again.

7. repair damaged clothes

A broken garment is a lost garment? Of course not! Whether it's just a shirt button that's fallen off, a shirt that's faded, or a small hole that's appeared in the sleeve of your sweater - it's all the same. even without being able to sew Most garments can still be repaired and saved with a few simple steps. For example, you can renew a faded shirt by dyeing it with ordinary textile dyes.

And if the zipper is broken or the sole of your favorite shoes is slowly coming off? Then you simply go to the Alteration tailoring or to the shoemaker. That's real appreciation for your clothes - and basically keeps them alive forever.

8. set on a natural moth protection

A noticeable hole caused by moths has already shortened the useful life of so many sweaters and T-shirts. Also this problem you can prevent in a natural way.

Since the inconspicuous moths have an aversion to the smell of Cedar wood have a few pieces of wood from this very material in the closet will help. It is recommended to roughen them from time to time with some sandpaper, so that they also keep moths away permanently.

Equally effectively helps the pleasant Lavender scent in moth repellent. To do this, simply place two or three lavender sachets with your clothes.

9. keep spare parts in a specific place

Store spare parts for clothing in one place

Unfortunately, many textiles end up in the trash only because there are no spare parts at hand. We've already talked about repairing fashion - but with the help of a simple Box for spare parts in your closet you can make it even easier for yourself. There you can store all the supplied spare parts of new goods and regularly expand your spare parts assortment with one or the other button, zipper or thread.

10. keep stain sources at a distance

For long-lasting fashion, it's worth getting it from classic sources of stains, such as Red wine, coffee, perfume, deodorant, make-up, fats and oils, to keep away. So this tip is for the prevention of one of the main reasons why clothes are disposed of.

But even if the stubborn stain has already appeared, there is still hope thanks to some home remedies. Red wine stains, for example, can be quite well with strongly carbonated mineral water or dabbed with White wine vinegar and subsequent washing cycle.

And for older grease stains you should definitely try it with Bile soap or dishwashing liquid try before you hastily give up on your garment.

Do you have any other tips in the fight against stains on clothes? Then just write me a comment under this post.

11. pass your clothes in case of disinterest

Of course, it also happens from time to time that you just don't like a dress, a cap or a hoodie anymore. Nevertheless, you can of course prolong their life, for example, by buying them at flea markets or on the Internet. sell or give away. Also thereby you spare natural resources, because you saved someone else from buying a new garment.

12. know yourself

A final, but very crucial tip in the mission for long-lasting fashion is a good and honest self-assessment. If you rather a restless, clumsy type If you're a young man, you should be especially careful when you're standing at the stove, doing something in the garden or going for a walk in the woods. It's better to wear clothes that can take a stain in an extreme emergency without ending up in the garbage can.

In short: Dress simply according to the occasionso that you can enjoy all your clothes for as long as possible.

The longevity of your clothes can be promoted!

Durable fashion tip: Know yourself

Now you know both why it pays to wear clothes for as long as possible - and how to put this plan into practice. Give preference to timeless quality goods, make sure they are stored correctly, follow the care instructions, repair damaged garments and use natural moth repellent.

And in general: treat your fashion with care and appreciation. Then you will get something out of it for a long time and at the same time save your wallet, the environment and the well-being of textile workers.

Do you have questions, suggestions or tips for long-lasting fashion? Then I look forward to your comment!

Stay consumption sustainable,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS.: In the next post I'll introduce you now great, sustainable fashion brands before. Use it as a contact point in case you need to replace one or the other garment in the course of time.

โ‚ Labfresh: The fashion Waste Index, available at [19.12.2022].

โ‚‚ RP Digital GmbH: How clothing lasts particularly long (as of Aug. 29, 2022), available at [Dec. 19, 2022].

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.