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Sustainable fashion brands - 11 modern fashion labels with fair trade clothing

Sustainable fashion brands and labels

Looking for sustainable fashion brands that exemplify fair trade and environmentalism? Then you've come to the right place! The Fast Fashion Industry mit billig-produzierter Massenware und neuen Trends im Wochentakt zielt darauf ab, dass Menschen immer mehr Kleidung kaufen. Der enorme Ressourcenverbrauch und die Verschmutzung der Natur sind nur einige der Folgen dieser High-Speed-Billig-Mode. Glรผcklicherweise gibt es auch bodenstรคndige Labels, die faire, hochwertige und vor allem nachhaltige T-Shirts, Pullover und Kleider herstellen.

In this article I would like to introduce you to the fairest and greenest fashion labels and show you why they belong in this list. Let's go!

Here you can find a short overview in advance:

  1. Elkline
  2. Recolution
  3. Ecoalf
  4. wijld
  5. Cossac
  6. Dedicated
  7. Organic Basics
  8. Jan n'June
  9. vฤrm
  10. Armedangels

1. elkline

The Hamburg-based fashion label proves that even outdoor clothing can be sustainable - even if the range goes far beyond that. Above all, the promotion of fair working conditions at all production locations, the Support of social projects on siteand the promotion of sustainable working practices among its own employees are the hallmarks of Elkline. As a customer, you can even transparently see the path of a product through the entire supply chain.

2. recolution - urban, sustainable, uncompromising

"Long-lasting favorite pieces designed in Hamburg, produced in Europe and developed for a world that should still be worth living in tomorrow." - says the about section of the sustainable, fair Hamburg fashion label. Sustainable, because the team relies on eco-friendly materials like cotton and wood, rather than petroleum, for their in-house garments. Fair, because the GOTS and "PETA approved-vegan" certificationand compliance with social standards is a basic requirement. Clothing that is not sold goes to needy people and aid organizations.

3. ecoalf

The Spanish fashion brand is one of the pioneers when it comes to Fashion from recycled plastic waste goes. Ecoalf offers a wide range of garments made from salvaged fishing nets and plastic bottles, for example. So this label should be especially exciting for those who want to use the Zero Waste Lifestyle have discovered for themselves.

Tip: About Recycling fashion I also talked in an interview with URA Collective, another sustainable fashion label. Feel free to check it out!

4. wijld โ€“ Wir machen faire Mode aus Holz

Sustainable fashion brand Wijld
For example, Wijld makes shirts from wood | Source:

Every now and then you hear that sustainable fashion is boring. Wijld proves the opposite and produces really stylish, fair and environmentally friendly garments made of wood from sustainable forestry. And in a large assortment - from knitted sweaters to functional shirts.

5. Cossac โ€“ Zeitlos, modisch und ethisch

"We want to create timeless, yet trendy garments; beautiful, yet ethical." - says the London-based fashion label on its website. These values can also be seen very well in the in-house creations. The company manufactures its garments in Portugal and relies on green materials - from jumpsuits to packaging. Another special feature of the label: produced only in small quantitiesto avoid store waste and the wastage of natural resources to avoid.

6. Dedicated โ€“ Kleidung, die sozial ist

The fashion label from Cologne lives values like Transparency and honesty before. Cooperation with suppliers is designed for the long term. The entire supply chain should act sustainably. Therefore, all of the label's partners also pursue sustainable values and compliance with serious social standards. In the online store you will find an extensive range of clothing made primarily from GOTS-certified organic cotton and exclusively recycled polyester.

7. Organic Basics โ€“ Umweltfreundlich. Fair hergestellt.

Organic Basics works exclusively with partners who take responsibility for the environment and climate protection. At the sustainable fashion label from Denmark are both the material and the style durable. Organic cotton in combination with minimalist, timeless designs, as well as recycled fashion made of cashmere, wool or nylon make Organic Basics a particularly refreshing company in the otherwise unfortunately fast-moving fashion world.

8. Jan nโ€™June โ€“ Fair and sustainable fashion

The Hamburg fashion brand produces cool, fresh and timeless designs from sustainable materials. In the diverse online store, it is easy to see that the founders pursue a holistic sustainable philosophy - from the production of the material to the sale.

9. vฤrm โ€“ faire und umweltfreundliche Marke, die niemanden ausschlieรŸtย 

The German fashion brand works exclusively with natural materials and uses a maximum of recycled animal fibers. It works exclusively with GOTS-certified suppliers from Europe. The brand is driven primarily by frustration with the fashion industry.

10 Armedangels - Here to make change

"We are not here to make fashion - we are here to make change" - an unmistakable mission. Accordingly, in the online store of the Cologne-based fashion label you will also find only strictly controlled, fairly produced and sustainable garments with great selection for men and women. The label proves with its minimalist, modern designs that ecological, sustainable fashion is anything but boring.

More sustainable fashion brands? There are more and more brands with green philosophy! Thinking Mu, Living Crafts, Cossac, Lovjoi, Degree Clothing, Treches, Armor Lux, Revived, Two Thirds, patagonia, Jan'n June, MELAWEAR, Bidges & Sons or Givn Berlin - just to name a few more, not to go beyond the scope of this post.

Prefer sustainable fashion brands when buying new

Sustainable fashion label Wijld
Clothing can also be produced in an environmentally friendly and fair way | Source:

Wenn der Neukauf eines T-Shirts, einer Jacke, eines Hoodies oder einer Jeans unumgรคnglich ist, dann schaue dich zuerst unbedingt bei den Marken um, die zukunftsorientiert und fair handeln. Mit dieser Liste hast du jetzt schon einmal einige Anlaufstellen. Ausreden zรคhlen also nicht. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I hope that I could help you with this article! Do you have any questions, tips or suggestions? Can you think of any other brands and labels that are pioneers in terms of environmental protection, sustainability and fair trade clothing? Then feel free to write me a comment!

Stay sustainable,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: Die Mode fairer Marken zu kaufen, ist das eine โ€“ bewusster und wertschรคtzender mit Kleidung umzugehen, das andere. Im Artikel รผber Slow Fashion you will learn how to avoid buying a new one, if possible, in order to still live more resource friendly.

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.