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Books About Sustainability  โ€“ The Best Books to Read to Become more sustainable

Sustainability Books โ€“ 15 Must-Read Books to Boost Your Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Looking for the best books on sustainability? Then you've come to the right place! We can't avoid living more consciously, more resource-efficiently and simply more sustainably. Fortunately, positive changes in life often start with an inspiring book that gives us new perspectives on the world and teaches us exactly what we need to know.

In this article, I would therefore like to introduce you to the best non-fiction books and even novels that will raise your environmental awareness and help you lead a more sustainable life. Let's go!

Maja Gรถpel Rethinking our world

1. Unsere Welt neu denken

by Maja Gรถpel

We must learn to use the earth's resources sustainably. Political economist Maja Gรถpel shows with her book "Unsere Welt neu denken โ€“ Eine Einladung"how exactly Combining economic growth and sustainability let

An absolute MUST for all environmentally conscious people who want to Actively shaping sustainable change want.

Book Sustainable Living for Beginners by Christoph Schulz

2. Nachhaltig leben fรผr Einsteiger

by Christoph Schulz

Live sustainably is easy to say. It is often the practical implementation that fails. With the book "Nachhaltig leben fรผr Einsteiger" you will gain valuable knowledge about the Environmental problems of our time to the hand. You will also learn how to in your everyday life as part of their solution will.

My personal book recommendation for anyone who has not been involved with sustainability for so long and get to know many practical tips as quickly as possible want.

Factfulness - Book by Hans Rosling

3. Factfulness

by Hans Rosling

Surely you know the depressing Feeling that the state of the world is always getting worse. Author Hans Rosling proves in his Book "Factfulness" using decisive facts to show why the absolute opposite is actually the case.

A highly recommended book for all those who want to think and learn positively, to see the world as it really is.

Zero Waste - Less waste is the new green

4. Zero Waste

by Shia Su

In their Book "Zero Waste โ€“ Weniger Mรผll ist das neue Grรผn" Shia Su shows in an astonishing way how she declares war on the throwaway mentality - and in the end so effectively avoids wastethat it fits into a tiny preserving jar at the end of the year.

A sustainable book for anyone who wants to significantly reduce their waste in the future and natural resources spare want.

The climate book by Greta Thunberg

5. Das Klima Buch

by Greta Thunberg

In order to global warming and achieve the targets set out in the Paris Climate Agreement, we have to listen to science. In her "Klima Buch", climate activist Greta Thunberg presents the current status with the collaboration of the world's leading scientists.

The book is a MUST for all of us who love the Preserving the planet for future generations would like to

The Minimalism Project Book by Christof Herrmann

6. Das Minimalismus-Projekt

by Christof Herrmann

Author Christof Herrmann explains in his Book "Das Minimalismus Projekt" once again how you can make changes in your own life with really simple measures, Gain time, money and satisfaction.

A great book for anyone who wants to concentrate on the really important things in life and structure.

Book Vegan is nonsense by Niko Rittenau

7. Vegan ist Unsinn!

by Niko Rittenau, Ed Winters and Patrick Schรถnfeld

At Book "Vegan ist Unsinn!" nutritionist Niko Rittenau, in collaboration with animal rights activists Ed Winters and Patrick Schรถnfeld, confronts countless misconceptions and popular arguments against the vegan diet.

An absolute recommendation for all those who love animals or still prejudiced against the Veganism have

The history of bees Sustainability book

8. Die Geschichte der Bienen

by Maja Lunde

In her novel "Die Geschichte der Bienen" author Maja Lunde shows impressively and from three different perspectives what happens when bees disappear from the earth.

A book tip for all those who like in the form of a written narrative more about Sustainability want to find out more.

Utopias for realists - Book by Rutger Bregman

9. Utopien fรผr Realisten

by Rutger Bregman

The Dutch author Rutger Bregman provides you with his book "Utopien fรผr Realisten" new, inspiring perspectives for a better future - and shows how problems such as climate change or the World hunger - can be solved.

I can recommend this book to you above all because it Hope for a sustainable future makes.

The Great Way has no gate Book Sustainability

10. Der groรŸe Weg hat kein Tor

by Masanobu Fukuoka

The first German version of "Der GroรŸe Weg hat kein Tor" was published in 1983. Nevertheless, the book by Japanese builder Masanobu Fukuoka is more than up to date, as it contains, among other things Directly applicable methods of natural farming and appreciative handling of food mediated.

A sustainable book for all those whoLiving in harmony with nature and perhaps even want to grow their own food.

Sustainable cooking book climate

11. Kochen fรผrs Klima

by Christoph Schulz and Julian Hรถlzer

Many people find it difficult to switch to a more sustainable diet because they are not motivated or creative enough. In the Book "Kochen fรผrs Klima" you will therefore learn both the social and economic consequences our eating behavior, as well as practical ones, delicious recipes from the climate-friendly kitchen.

A book for all those who Contribute to climate protection with sustainable nutrition want.

Book recommendation: Five home remedies replace a drugstore

12. Fรผnf Hausmittel ersetzen eine Drogerie

by Smarticular

In the book "Fรผnf Hausmittel ersetzen eine Drogerie", you will learn about the many possible uses of Baking soda, soda ash, vinegar, citric acid and curd soap in the household. Over 300 applications and 33 recipes will help you to make dozens of drugstore products superfluous.

A sustainable book for all those who want to Mastering the household naturally and also money and Saving plastic waste want.

Eating animals - book by Jonathan Safran Foer

13. Tiere essen

by Jonathan Safran Foer

In the book "Tiere essen", author Jonathan Safran Foer the question of why we eat animals. To answer them and reveal the truth behind the closed doors of the Factory farming he does his own research.

A book for anyone who wants to learn more about the ethical background of veganism and are not sure why they still consume animal-based foods.

The secret life of trees - Book by Peter Wohlleben

14. Das geheime Leben der Bรคume

by Peter Wohlleben

Many people are living less sustainably because they are increasingly losing touch with nature. With his book "Das geheime Leben der Bรคume" sharpens the forester Peter Wohlleben on the other hand, the awareness of nature - and lets you, the reader, immerse yourself in the hidden world of the forest.

A book for all those who want to live more environmentally consciously and Discovering the needs and communication of trees want.

Frank Schรคtzing book - What if we just save the world?

15 What if we just save the world?

by Frank Schรคtzing

With "Was, wenn wir einfach die Welt retten?", you are reading a remarkably engaging non-fiction book that, in eight chapters, gives you an unmistakable insight into the current state of the world. State of the global climate, the Threats from the climate crisis and the logical Consequences of ignorance of our society.

My absolute book recommendation for all those who finally live more climate-friendly want.

Read and use the best books on sustainability

Now you have learned about some of the most recommended books for living as sustainably as possible. You also know where you can get them. You should of course also read all the books mentioned in used condition at MediMops* or at reBuy* find. Then they are even cheaper and more environmentally friendly.

Whether new, used or summarized at Blinkist*: Every line that you read and internalize can a step towards more mindfulness and appreciation for our environment be

"The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it."

Robert Swan, polar explorer (more at Environmental protection quotes)

I sincerely hope that this overview will be of great help to you in Environmental awareness and make your everyday life more sustainable.

Do you have any questions, suggestions or do you know of any other books on sustainability that are worth reading and should not be missing from this list? Then I look forward to your comment.

Stay sustainable and inquisitive,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: Reading book summaries is one way to consume knowledge from books more quickly. Which Speedreading tricks You can find out what else can help you next in the linked blog article.

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.

6 thoughts on “Nachhaltigkeit Bรผcher โ€“ 15 Bรผcher, die dir dabei helfen, umweltfreundlicher und nachhaltiger zu leben”

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      Best regards,

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