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6 reasons for ecological toothbrushes with natural bristles

Wooden toothbrush made of bamboo wood - Good reasons to change!

Why should you actually use an ecological organic toothbrush without plastic, what are the advantages compared to conventional plastic toothbrushes and where is the cheapest place to buy these bamboo toothbrushes? We will answer these and other questions about organic toothbrushes with natural bristles together in this article.

After reading this article on the subject of Organic toothbrushes with natural bristles you will probably never use the conventional plastic toothbrush again.

The top 6 reasons to buy an organic toothbrush

The clearest way I can show you the advantages of the biological toothbrush is in a classic top 6 chart.

#1 Sustainable Made Organic Bamboo Toothbrush

Wooden toothbrushes with natural bristles are produced sustainably. The toothbrushes are 100% made of biodegradable bamboo wood and receive natural bristles made of the bio-fabric nylon 4 in combination with bamboo charcoal (Charcoal), which has proven positive effects for healthy teeth. Bamboo wood is one of the most rapidly renewable resources on our planet and can be harvested in an environmentally friendly manner. The shoots of bamboo plants grow about one meter in 36 hours. The bamboo wood is therefore ideally suited for the sustainable production of the wooden toothbrush and also looks good. Incidentally, the packaging of the toothbrushes from CareElite is also biodegradable and plastic-free. Especially when you consider that dentists recommend changing toothbrushes every three months, we are going a very environmentally friendly way with the use of natural organic toothbrushes.

#2 Organic toothbrush with natural bristles for healthy teeth

The natural bristles of the wooden toothbrush without plastic consist of the biological nylon 4 and bamboo carbon particles as mentioned. The particles of the carbon fibers are proven effective against tooth discoloration and polish the tooth surface very carefully. Gums and enamel are optimally protected. It is recommended to lightly moisten the natural bristles and then stroke over each tooth, starting from the gums to the end of the tooth. In this way, the teeth can be easily freed from plaque with the natural toothbrush. The bamboo wood of the toothbrush itself is also perfect for use as a toothbrush. Bamboo wood is very dense, cut-resistant, naturally antibacterial and germ-reducing. Optimal conditions for the wooden toothbrush and more than an alternative to the conventional plastic toothbrush.

#3 Organic Toothbrush - Reusable & Plastic Free

250 million tons of plastic are produced every year. The plastic waste often doesn't end up in the trash can where it belongs. Moreover, the garbage drifts on the seas, and eventually sinks to the bottom. Plastic waste in the environment means a great danger for our environment. With the wooden toothbrush and natural bristles we counteract this trend and do not produce plastic waste. As I said, it is recommended to change the toothbrush every 3 months. This makes toothbrushes one of the biggest producers of plastic waste. However, the organic toothbrush can be reused after wear. For example, there are no limits to creativity to use the bamboo wood for decorative ideas in the garden or the apartment.

#4 Antimicrobial Bio Toothbrush

Sustainability, naturalness and reusability are wonderful advantages of the organic toothbrush over conventional plastic toothbrushes. But the bamboo wood also has perfect properties for use as a toothbrush. The wood is water repellent, does not splinter, and is antimicrobial, meaning that the toothbrush is effective against all forms of oral pathogens. Of course, using a wooden toothbrush is unusual at first for those who have always had a plastic toothbrush with white bristles. But you actually get used to the black natural bristles and wooden handle very quickly.

#5 Reduce plastic consumption in Germany

By switching to the alternative plastic-free toothbrush made of bamboo wood, you ensure that the demand for plastic in Germany is reduced. By decreasing the demand, we can achieve in the long run that the industry will automatically look more into alternative materials to manufacture their products. Currently, the industry has little interest in switching from plastic to alternative materials, as toothbrushes and other articles, as well as their packaging, can simply be produced much more cheaply with plastic. Switch to the wooden toothbrush with natural charcoal bristles and you will help to increase the pressure on the industry.

#6 Organic Toothbrush - The Beginning of Plastic Free Lifestyle

For me, the organic toothbrush was the starting signal for my plastic-free life and the work on my Plastic-free project CareElite. With full conviction and as a matter of course, I now use my organic toothbrush every day and in the meantime many other things have been added that round off my life without plastic. I am proud that so many other people have also recognized the danger of plastic and recognize. Your switch to the organic toothbrush is just the beginning, because it is a sign of how easy it is to replace conventional plastic items in your.

Use an organic toothbrush for healthy teeth

Wooden toothbrush with natural bamboo wood bristles plastic free

Before I took a closer look at organic toothbrushes, there was of course a plastic toothbrush in my toiletry bag, as there certainly is with 98% of Germans. But now I do not want to give up my wooden toothbrush, because when brushing my teeth there is no noticeable difference to the plastic brush. Since I prefer to invest in a environmentally friendly toothbrush and do not produce plastic waste when it is worn out. In addition, you can also get the toothbrush as a small wooden toothbrush for children.

Stay clean,

CareElite Christoph

PS: Are you still using unhealthy toothpaste from the supermarket? Learn now how to clean your Make toothpaste yourself can. No artificial additives, easy to make and super tasty!

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.

25 thoughts on “6 Grรผnde fรผr รถkologische Zahnbรผrsten mit Naturborsten”

  1. Claudia Neukรคter

    I admit that I was rather skeptical, but now that I have tried the homemade toothpaste, I am really excited: the teeth feel quite smooth and and shine properly. The slightly salty taste I find a little getting used to, but with the peppermint oil it goes quite well. I use an electric toothbrush and the attachments are unfortunately only available with white bristles: they turn yellow due to the turmeric. But I have already ordered the bamboo toothbrushes (which fortunately have black bristles) and will try them soon.

  2. Super interesting post! Have also read a lot now about the bamboo toothbrushes & must say I as a little eco freak must try the things on occasion necessarily!
    Thanks for your contribution

    1. Hi Verena! The toothbrushes are produced in China, as bamboo wood grows naturally here. Have you tried them yet? ๐Ÿ™‚ Best regards from Berlin, Christoph

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